@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ import inspect
import gast
from paddle . fluid import core
from paddle . fluid . framework import Program
# NOTE(liym27): Please use `getattr(ast_node, ORIGI_INFO)` instead of . operation to get the original information of ast node.
ORIGI_INFO = " Original information of source code for ast node. "
ORIGI_INFO_MAP = " Original information map of source code. "
@ -70,6 +73,10 @@ class OriginInfo(object):
self . location . filepath , self . location . lineno , self . function_name ,
self . source_code . lstrip ( ) )
def as_frame ( self ) :
return ( self . location . filepath , self . location . lineno ,
self . function_name , self . source_code . lstrip ( ) )
class OriginInfoAttacher ( gast . NodeTransformer ) :
@ -249,3 +256,63 @@ def ast_walk(transformed_node, static_node):
if isinstance ( d_item , gast . AST ) :
transformed_node_list . append ( d_item )
static_node_list . append ( s_item )
def update_op_callstack_with_origin_info ( program ) :
Replaces op callstack information about transformed static code with original dygraph code .
assert isinstance ( program , Program )
def get_new_op_callstack ( callstack ) :
An example of callstack :
File " path1/to/file.py " , line 10 , in func_1
y = fluid . layers . fill_constant ( x , shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = " int32 " )
File " path2/to/file.py " , line 740 , in fill_constant
stop_gradient = True )
File " path3/to/file.py " , line 43 , in append_op
return self . main_program . current_block ( ) . append_op ( * args , * * kwargs )
File " path4/to/file.py " , line 2811 , in append_op
attrs = kwargs . get ( " attrs " , None ) )
File " path5/to/file.py " , line 1919 , in __init__
for frame in traceback . extract_stack ( ) :
assert len ( callstack ) % 2 == 0
for i in range ( 0 , len ( callstack ) , 2 ) :
file_line = callstack [ i ] . lstrip ( " " ) . split ( " , " )
filepath = file_line [ 0 ] [ 6 : - 1 ]
lineno = int ( file_line [ 1 ] [ 6 : ] )
funcname = file_line [ 2 ] [ 4 : ]
code = callstack [ i + 1 ] . lstrip ( " " )
loc = Location ( filepath , lineno )
dygraph_func_info = global_origin_info_map . get ( loc . line_location )
if dygraph_func_info :
filepath , lineno , funcname , code = \
dygraph_func_info . as_frame ( )
callstack [ i ] = ' File " {} " , line {} , in {} ' . format (
filepath , lineno , funcname )
callstack [ i + 1 ] = ' {} ' . format ( code )
return callstack
op_maker = core . op_proto_and_checker_maker
callstack_var_name = op_maker . kOpCreationCallstackAttrName ( )
for block in program . blocks :
for i , op in enumerate ( block . ops ) :
if op . has_attr ( callstack_var_name ) :
callstack = op . attr ( callstack_var_name )
callstack = get_new_op_callstack ( callstack )
op . _set_attr ( callstack_var_name , callstack )
return program