refine CUDA CPU places en doc (#20243)

* fix CUDA CPU places, test=document_fix, test=develop

* fix CUDAPlace param doc, test=document_fix, test=develop

* fix CUDAPlace param doc, test=document_fix, test=develop
Youwei Song 6 years ago committed by Jiabin Yang
parent 98da70f63f
commit 20f68916ed

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ paddle.fluid.default_startup_program (ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=No
paddle.fluid.default_main_program (ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None), ('document', '853718df675e59aea7104f3d61bbf11d'))
paddle.fluid.program_guard (ArgSpec(args=['main_program', 'startup_program'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '78fb5c7f70ef76bcf4a1862c3f6b8191'))
paddle.fluid.name_scope (ArgSpec(args=['prefix'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '917d313881ff990de5fb18d98a9c7b42'))
paddle.fluid.cuda_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_ids'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '1f2bb6ece651e44117652d2d7bedecf5'))
paddle.fluid.cpu_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_count'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '956bab564ebc69ffd17195c08cc8ffa0'))
paddle.fluid.cuda_pinned_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_count'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', 'c2562241744aabe3fff1b59af22dd281'))
paddle.fluid.cuda_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_ids'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', 'ab9bd2079536114aa7c1488a489ee87f'))
paddle.fluid.cpu_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_count'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', 'a7352a3dd39308fde4fbbf6421a4193d'))
paddle.fluid.cuda_pinned_places (ArgSpec(args=['device_count'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '567ac29567716fd8e7432b533337d529'))
paddle.fluid.in_dygraph_mode (ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None), ('document', 'df1f4d1ed7e1eefe04f6361efda6b75a'))
paddle.fluid.is_compiled_with_cuda (ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None), ('document', '60c7f107a5050aeb58bb74eb175672b5'))
paddle.fluid.Variable ('paddle.fluid.framework.Variable', ('document', '65ff735c2b96673d7131f5ff6b0db40c'))
@ -1058,11 +1058,11 @@ paddle.fluid.LoDTensor.shape shape(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.Tensor) -> List[i
paddle.fluid.LoDTensorArray ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.LoDTensorArray', ('document', 'e9895b67ba54438b9c0f7053e18966f5'))
paddle.fluid.LoDTensorArray.__init__ __init__(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.LoDTensorArray) -> None
paddle.fluid.LoDTensorArray.append append(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.LoDTensorArray, tensor: paddle.fluid.core_avx.LoDTensor) -> None
paddle.fluid.CPUPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CPUPlace', ('document', '6014005ef2649045b77d502aeb6cd7f9'))
paddle.fluid.CPUPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CPUPlace', ('document', 'd269ec68ce9b102ab10610e89ffa06e1'))
paddle.fluid.CPUPlace.__init__ __init__(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.CPUPlace) -> None
paddle.fluid.CUDAPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPlace', ('document', '6a6cd8ed607beb951692c4b066d08c94'))
paddle.fluid.CUDAPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPlace', ('document', 'f862cb3e5596a3920102f1b1238c223b'))
paddle.fluid.CUDAPlace.__init__ __init__(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPlace, arg0: int) -> None
paddle.fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPinnedPlace', ('document', 'afd58ea5d390b5ea06ca70291a266d45'))
paddle.fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace ('paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPinnedPlace', ('document', '1320ef739c81c95385330dab3fe6e80b'))
paddle.fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace.__init__ __init__(self: paddle.fluid.core_avx.CUDAPinnedPlace) -> None
paddle.fluid.ParamAttr ('paddle.fluid.param_attr.ParamAttr', ('document', 'a4d4d13ce9eeb86bbaa7ab935c207577'))
paddle.fluid.ParamAttr.__init__ (ArgSpec(args=['self', 'name', 'initializer', 'learning_rate', 'regularizer', 'trainable', 'gradient_clip', 'do_model_average'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, 1.0, None, True, None, True)), ('document', '6adf97f83acf6453d4a6a4b1070f3754'))

@ -832,9 +832,23 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
py::class_<platform::Communicator>(m, "Communicator").def(py::init<>());
py::class_<platform::CUDAPlace>(m, "CUDAPlace", R"DOC(
CUDAPlace is a descriptor of a device. It represents a GPU, and each CUDAPlace
has a dev_id to indicate the number of cards represented by the current CUDAPlace.
For multi-card tasks, please use `FLAGS_selected_gpus` environment variable to set the visible GPU device.
The next version will fix the problem with `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable.
CUDAPlace is a descriptor of a device.
It represents a GPU device allocated or to be allocated with Tensor or LoDTensor.
Each CUDAPlace has a dev_id to indicate the graphics card ID represented by the current CUDAPlace,
staring from 0.
The memory of CUDAPlace with different dev_id is not accessible.
Numbering here refers to the logical ID of the visible graphics card, not the actual ID of the graphics card.
You can set visible GPU devices by setting the `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable.
When the program starts, visible GPU devices will be numbered from 0.
If `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` is not set, all devices are visible by default,
and the logical ID is the same as the actual ID.
id (int): GPU device ID.
.. code-block:: python
@ -892,14 +906,14 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
.def("__str__", string::to_string<const platform::CUDAPlace &>);
py::class_<paddle::platform::CPUPlace>(m, "CPUPlace", R"DOC(
CPUPlace is a descriptor of a device. It represents a CPU, and the memory
CPUPlace can be accessed by CPU.
CPUPlace is a descriptor of a device.
It represents a CPU device allocated or to be allocated with Tensor or LoDTensor.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()to be allocated
@ -912,8 +926,12 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
.def("__str__", string::to_string<const platform::CPUPlace &>);
py::class_<paddle::platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>(m, "CUDAPinnedPlace", R"DOC(
CUDAPinnedPlace is a descriptor of a device. The memory of CUDAPinnedPlace
can be accessed by GPU and CPU.
CUDAPinnedPlace is a descriptor of a device.
It refers to the page locked memory allocated by the CUDA function `cudaHostAlloc()` in the host memory.
The host operating system will not paging and exchanging the memory.
It can be accessed through direct memory access technology to speed up the copy of data between the host and GPU.
For more information on CUDA data transfer and `pinned memory`,
please refer to `official document <>`_ .
.. code-block:: python

@ -152,25 +152,29 @@ def is_compiled_with_cuda():
def cuda_places(device_ids=None):
Create a list of :code:`fluid.CUDAPlace` objects.
For multi-card tasks, please use `FLAGS_selected_gpus` environment variable to set the visible GPU device.
The next version will fix the problem with `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable.
This function creates a list of :code:`fluid.CUDAPlace` objects.
If :code:`device_ids` is None, environment variable of
:code:`FLAGS_selected_gpus` would be checked first. If
:code:`FLAGS_selected_gpus` would be checked first. For example, if
:code:`FLAGS_selected_gpus=0,1,2`, the returned list would
be [fluid.CUDAPlace(0), fluid.CUDAPlace(1), fluid.CUDAPlace(2)].
If :code:`FLAGS_selected_gpus` is not set, all visible
gpu places would be returned.
gpu places would be returned according to the :code:`CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable.
If :code:`device_ids` is not None, it should be the device
ids of gpus. For example, if :code:`device_ids=[0,1,2]`,
ids of GPUs. For example, if :code:`device_ids=[0,1,2]`,
the returned list would be
[fluid.CUDAPlace(0), fluid.CUDAPlace(1), fluid.CUDAPlace(2)].
device_ids (None|list(int)|tuple(int)): gpu device id list.
device_ids (list or tuple of int, optional): list of GPU device ids.
out (list(fluid.CUDAPlace)): gpu place list.
list of fluid.CUDAPlace: Created GPU place list.
.. code-block:: python
@ -190,18 +194,20 @@ def cuda_places(device_ids=None):
def cpu_places(device_count=None):
Create a list of :code:`fluid.CPUPlace` objects.
This function creates a list of :code:`fluid.CPUPlace` objects, and returns the created list.
If :code:`device_count` is None, the device count would
be determined by environment variable :code:`CPU_NUM`.
If :code:`CPU_NUM` is not set, the default value is 1,
i.e. CPU_NUM=1.
:code:`CPU_NUM` indicates the number of devices used in the current task.
The running of the program can be accelerated if :code:`CPU_NUM` is the same as the number of physical cores.
device_count (None|int): device number.
device_count (int, optional): device number. Default: None.
out (list(fluid.CPUPlace)): cpu place list.
list of fluid.CPUPlace: Created list of CPU places.
.. code-block:: python
@ -217,18 +223,20 @@ def cpu_places(device_count=None):
def cuda_pinned_places(device_count=None):
Create a list of :code:`fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace` objects.
This function creates a list of :code:`fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace` objects.
If :code:`device_count` is None, the device count would
be determined by environment variable :code:`CPU_NUM`.
If :code:`CPU_NUM` is not set, the device count would
be determined by :code:`multiprocessing.cpu_count()`.
If :code:`CPU_NUM` is not set, the default value is 1,
i.e. CPU_NUM=1.
:code:`CPU_NUM` indicates the number of devices used in the current task.
The running of the program can be accelerated if :code:`CPU_NUM` is the same as the number of physical cores.
device_count (None|int): device number.
device_count (int, optional): device number. Default: None.
out (list(fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace)): cuda pinned place list.
list of fluid.CUDAPinnedPlace: Created list of CUDA pinned places.
.. code-block:: python
