@ -47,6 +47,35 @@ class Optimizer(object):
class Momentum ( Optimizer ) :
SGD Optimizer .
SGD is an optimization method , trying to find a neural network that
minimize the " cost/error " of it by iteration . In paddle ' s implementation
SGD Optimizer is synchronized , which means all gradients will be wait to
calculate and reduced into one gradient , then do optimize operation .
The neural network consider the learning problem of minimizing an objective
function , that has the form of a sum
. . math : :
Q ( w ) = \\sum_ { i } ^ { n } Q_i ( w )
The value of function Q sometimes is the cost of neural network ( Mean
Square Error between prediction and label for example ) . The function Q is
parametrised by w , the weight / bias of neural network . And weights is what to
be learned . The i is the i - th observation in ( trainning ) data .
So , the SGD method will optimize the weight by
. . math : :
w = w - \\eta \\nabla Q ( w ) = w - \\eta \\sum_ { i } ^ { n } \\nabla Q_i ( w )
where : math : ` \\eta ` is learning rate . And : math : ` n ` is batch size .
def __init__ ( self , momentum = None , sparse = False , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . MomentumOptimizer (
momentum = momentum , sparse = sparse )
@ -55,6 +84,26 @@ class Momentum(Optimizer):
class Adam ( Optimizer ) :
Adam optimizer .
The details of please refer ` Adam : A Method for Stochastic Optimization
< https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 1412.6980 > ` _
. . math : :
m ( w , t ) & = \\beta_1 m ( w , t - 1 ) + ( 1 - \\beta_1 ) \\nabla Q_i ( w ) \\\\
v ( w , t ) & = \\beta_2 v ( w , t - 1 ) + ( 1 - \\beta_2 ) ( \\nabla Q_i ( w ) ) ^ 2 \\\\
w & = w - \\frac { \\eta } { \\sqrt { v ( w , t ) + \\epsilon } }
: param beta1 : the : math : ` \\beta_1 ` in equation .
: type beta1 : float
: param beta2 : the : math : ` \\beta_2 ` in equation .
: type beta2 : float
: param epsilon : the : math : ` \\epsilon ` in equation . It is used to prevent
divided by zero .
: type epsilon : float
def __init__ ( self , beta1 = 0.9 , beta2 = 0.999 , epsilon = 1e-8 , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . AdamOptimizer (
beta1 = beta1 , beta2 = beta2 , epsilon = epsilon )
@ -62,6 +111,24 @@ class Adam(Optimizer):
class Adamax ( Optimizer ) :
Adamax optimizer .
The details of please refer this ` Adam : A Method for Stochastic Optimization
< https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 1412.6980 > ` _
. . math : :
m_t & = \\beta_1 * m_ { t - 1 } + ( 1 - \\beta_1 ) * \\nabla Q_i ( w ) \\\\
u_t & = max ( \\beta_2 * u_ { t - 1 } , abs ( \\nabla Q_i ( w ) ) ) \\\\
w_t & = w_ { t - 1 } - ( \\eta / ( 1 - \\beta_1 ^ t ) ) * m_t / u_t
: param beta1 : the : math : ` \\beta_1 ` in the equation .
: type beta1 : float
: param beta2 : the : math : ` \\beta_2 ` in the equation .
: type beta2 : float
def __init__ ( self , beta1 = 0.9 , beta2 = 0.999 , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . AdamaxOptimizer (
beta1 = beta1 , beta2 = beta2 )
@ -69,12 +136,40 @@ class Adamax(Optimizer):
class AdaGrad ( Optimizer ) :
Adagrad ( for ADAptive GRAdient algorithm ) optimizer .
For details please refer this ` Adaptive Subgradient Methods for
Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization
< http : / / www . magicbroom . info / Papers / DuchiHaSi10 . pdf > ` _ .
. . math : :
G & = \\sum_ { \\tau = 1 } ^ { t } g_ { \\tau } g_ { \\tau } ^ T \\\\
w & = w - \\eta diag ( G ) ^ { - \\frac { 1 } { 2 } } \\circ g
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . AdaGradOptimizer ( )
super ( AdaGrad , self ) . __init__ ( learning_method = learning_method , * * kwargs )
class DecayedAdaGrad ( Optimizer ) :
AdaGrad method with decayed sum gradients . The equations of this method
show as follow .
. . math : :
E ( g_t ^ 2 ) & = \\rho * E ( g_ { t - 1 } ^ 2 ) + ( 1 - \\rho ) * g ^ 2 \\\\
learning \\_rate & = 1 / sqrt ( ( E ( g_t ^ 2 ) + \\epsilon )
: param rho : The : math : ` \\rho ` parameter in that equation
: type rho : float
: param epsilon : The : math : ` \\epsilon ` parameter in that equation .
: type epsilon : float
def __init__ ( self , rho = 0.95 , epsilon = 1e-06 , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . DecayedAdaGradOptimizer (
rho = rho , epsilon = epsilon )
@ -83,6 +178,24 @@ class DecayedAdaGrad(Optimizer):
class AdaDelta ( Optimizer ) :
AdaDelta method . The details of adadelta please refer to this
< http : / / www . matthewzeiler . com / pubs / googleTR2012 / googleTR2012 . pdf > ` _ .
. . math : :
E ( g_t ^ 2 ) & = \\rho * E ( g_ { t - 1 } ^ 2 ) + ( 1 - \\rho ) * g ^ 2 \\\\
learning \\_rate & = sqrt ( ( E ( dx_ { t - 1 } ^ 2 ) + \\epsilon ) / ( \\
E ( g_t ^ 2 ) + \\epsilon ) ) \\\\
E ( dx_t ^ 2 ) & = \\rho * E ( dx_ { t - 1 } ^ 2 ) + ( 1 - \\rho ) * ( - g * learning \\_rate ) ^ 2
: param rho : : math : ` \\rho ` in equation
: type rho : float
: param epsilon : : math : ` \\rho ` in equation
: type epsilon : float
def __init__ ( self , rho = 0.95 , epsilon = 1e-06 , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . AdaDeltaOptimizer (
rho = rho , epsilon = epsilon )
@ -91,6 +204,24 @@ class AdaDelta(Optimizer):
class RMSProp ( Optimizer ) :
RMSProp ( for Root Mean Square Propagation ) optimizer . For details please
refer this ` slide < http : / / www . cs . toronto . edu / ~ tijmen / csc321 / slides /
lecture_slides_lec6 . pdf > ` _ .
The equations of this method as follows :
. . math : :
v ( w , t ) & = \\rho v ( w , t - 1 ) + ( 1 - \\rho ) ( \\nabla Q_ { i } ( w ) ) ^ 2 \\\\
w & = w - \\frac { \\eta } { \\sqrt { v ( w , t ) + \\epsilon } } \\nabla Q_ { i } ( w )
: param rho : the : math : ` \\rho ` in the equation . The forgetting factor .
: type rho : float
: param epsilon : the : math : ` \\epsilon ` in the equation .
: type epsilon : float
def __init__ ( self , rho = 0.95 , epsilon = 1e-6 , * * kwargs ) :
learning_method = v1_optimizers . RMSPropOptimizer (
rho = rho , epsilon = epsilon )