@ -25,12 +25,15 @@ import gast
import six
from paddle . fluid import unique_name
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import compare_with_none
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import is_candidate_node
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import is_paddle_api
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import ast_to_source_code
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import create_funcDef_node
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import create_assign_node
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . utils import IsControlFlowVisitor
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . static_analysis import StaticAnalysisVisitor
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . static_analysis import AstNodeWrapper , NodeVarType
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . static_analysis import AstNodeWrapper
TRUE_FUNC_PREFIX = ' true_fn '
FALSE_FUNC_PREFIX = ' false_fn '
@ -142,145 +145,6 @@ class IfElseTransformer(gast.NodeTransformer):
return self . new_func_nodes
def is_candidate_node ( node ) :
Nodes with specified type will be dependent on tensor .
is_compare_node = isinstance ( node ,
( gast . Compare , gast . BoolOp , gast . UnaryOp ) )
# TODO(Aurelius84): `.numpy()` may be an customized function,
# and should consider a more elegant way to solve this problem.
has_numpy_attr = " .numpy() " in ast_to_source_code ( node )
return is_compare_node or has_numpy_attr
def compare_with_none ( node ) :
Whether the comparator of ` gast . Compare ` node is ` None ` .
if isinstance ( node , gast . Compare ) :
for child in [ node . left , node . comparators ] :
# node.comparators is a list.
if isinstance ( child , list ) :
child = child [ 0 ]
if ( isinstance ( child , gast . Constant ) and child . value is None ) or (
isinstance ( child , gast . Name ) and child . id == ' None ' ) :
return True
return False
class IsControlFlowVisitor ( gast . NodeVisitor ) :
Judge whether the node . test from Dygraph code dependent on paddle Tensor .
If does , it should satisfy :
1. must involve at least one var whose type is Tensor .
2. the Tensor var should call ` . numpy ( ) [ ] ` interface or Tensor . shape is [ 1 ] .
3. involve Tensor . shape [ i ] and the shape [ i ] is unknown in compile time .
The following examples should not be considered as control_flow_if :
1. ` if Tensor_var ` or ` if Tensor_var is None `
2. if Tensor . shape [ i ] is determined with fixed value ( not - 1 or None )
Note : pred in ConditionalBlock require variable , which means all vars should be Tensor
or transformed into Tensor , like fill_constant ( shape = [ 1 ] , dtype = ' int32 ' , value = Tensor . shape [ i ] ) .
TODO : 1. need to deal with ` tensor . shape [ i ] ` which need to eval the data of shape [ i ] ,
because reshape_op may be called before this statement .
def __init__ ( self ,
ast_node ,
static_analysis_visitor = None ,
node_var_type_map = None ) :
assert isinstance (
ast_node , gast . AST
) , " Type of input node should be gast.AST, but received %s . " % type (
ast_node )
self . ast_root = ast_node
if static_analysis_visitor is None :
static_analysis_visitor = StaticAnalysisVisitor ( ast_node )
self . static_analysis_visitor = static_analysis_visitor
self . node_var_type_map = node_var_type_map
self . is_control_flow_num = 0
self . _compare_node_tenor_set = set ( )
def transform ( self ) :
node = self . ast_root
if is_candidate_node ( node ) :
self . visit ( node )
return self . is_control_flow_num > 0
def visit_BoolOp ( self , node ) :
for i , child in enumerate ( node . values ) :
if is_candidate_node ( child ) :
self . visit ( child )
return node
def visit_Compare ( self , node ) :
# Ignores child node with `if x` or `if x is None`
# TODO(Aurelius84): `if tensor` will be supported in dygraph
# and should be considered as is_control_flow.
pre_control_flow_num = self . is_control_flow_num
if not compare_with_none ( node ) :
self . generic_visit ( node )
for child in gast . walk ( node ) :
if isinstance ( child , gast . Subscript ) :
self . _visit_Subscript ( child )
if self . is_control_flow_num > pre_control_flow_num :
self . _compare_node_tenor_set . add ( node )
return node
def _visit_Subscript ( self , node ) :
self . generic_visit ( node )
if hasattr ( node , ' value ' ) and isinstance ( node . value , gast . Call ) :
self . _visit_Call ( node . value )
return node
def _visit_Call ( self , node ) :
assert isinstance ( node , gast . Call )
if isinstance ( node . func , gast . Attribute ) :
attr_node = node . func
if attr_node . attr == ' numpy ' :
self . is_control_flow_num + = 1
def visit_Call ( self , node ) :
self . _visit_Call ( node )
if is_paddle_api ( node ) :
self . is_control_flow_num + = 1
return node
def visit_Name ( self , node ) :
if self . _is_node_with_tensor ( node , node . id ) :
self . is_control_flow_num + = 1
return node
def visit_Constant ( self , node ) :
if self . _is_node_with_tensor ( node , node . value ) :
self . is_control_flow_num + = 1
return node
def _is_node_with_tensor ( self , node , name_id ) :
tensor_types = { NodeVarType . TENSOR , NodeVarType . PADDLE_RETURN_TYPES }
# Look up the node_var_type_map by name_id.
if self . node_var_type_map :
if name_id and isinstance ( name_id , six . string_types ) :
var_type = self . node_var_type_map . get ( name_id , None )
if var_type and var_type & tensor_types :
return True
# if not found, look up the node_to_wrapper_map by node.
node_to_wrapper_map = self . static_analysis_visitor . get_node_to_wrapper_map (
wrapper_node = node_to_wrapper_map . get ( node , None )
if wrapper_node is not None :
if wrapper_node . node_var_type & tensor_types :
return True
return False
def get_compare_nodes_with_tensor ( self ) :
return self . _compare_node_tenor_set
class NodeTestTransformer ( gast . NodeTransformer ) :
def __init__ ( self , ast_node , compare_nodes_with_tensor = None ) :
if compare_nodes_with_tensor is None :