@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ DEFINE_string(infer_model, "", "model path");
DEFINE_string(infer_data, "", "data file");
DEFINE_string(refer_result, "", "reference result for comparison");
DEFINE_int32(batch_size, 1, "batch size");
DEFINE_bool(enable_fp32, true, "Enable FP32 type prediction");
DEFINE_bool(enable_int8, true, "Enable INT8 type prediction");
DEFINE_int32(warmup_batch_size, 100, "batch size for quantization warmup");
// setting iterations to 0 means processing the whole dataset
DEFINE_int32(iterations, 0, "number of batches to process");
@ -482,68 +484,88 @@ void SummarizeAccuracy(float avg_acc_fp32, float avg_acc_int8,
<< std::setprecision(4) << avg_acc_int8;
void SummarizePerformance(const char *title, float sample) {
CHECK_GT(sample, 0.0);
auto throughput = 1000.0 / sample;
LOG(INFO) << title << ": avg fps: " << std::fixed << std::setw(6)
<< std::setprecision(4) << throughput << ", avg latency: " << sample
<< " ms";
void SummarizePerformance(float sample_latency_fp32,
float sample_latency_int8) {
// sample latency in ms
auto throughput_fp32 = 1000.0 / sample_latency_fp32;
auto throughput_int8 = 1000.0 / sample_latency_int8;
LOG(INFO) << "--- Performance summary --- ";
LOG(INFO) << "FP32: avg fps: " << std::fixed << std::setw(6)
<< std::setprecision(4) << throughput_fp32
<< ", avg latency: " << sample_latency_fp32 << " ms";
LOG(INFO) << "INT8: avg fps: " << std::fixed << std::setw(6)
<< std::setprecision(4) << throughput_int8
<< ", avg latency: " << sample_latency_int8 << " ms";
if (FLAGS_enable_fp32) SummarizePerformance("FP32", sample_latency_fp32);
if (FLAGS_enable_int8) SummarizePerformance("INT8", sample_latency_int8);
void CompareAccuracy(
const std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> &output_slots_quant,
const std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> &output_slots_ref,
float CompareAccuracyOne(
const std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> &output_slots,
int compared_idx) {
if (output_slots_quant.size() == 0 || output_slots_ref.size() == 0)
if (output_slots.size() == 0)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"CompareAccuracy: output_slots vector is empty.");
float total_accs_quant{0};
float total_accs_ref{0};
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_slots_quant.size(); ++i) {
if (compared_idx == 1) {
output_slots_quant[i].size(), 2UL,
"To achieve top 1 accuracy, output_slots_quant[i].size()>=2");
output_slots_ref[i].size(), 2UL,
"To achieve top 1 accuracy, output_slots_ref[i].size()>=2");
} else if (compared_idx == 2) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(output_slots_quant[i].size(), 3UL,
"To achieve mAP, output_slots_quant[i].size()>=3");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(output_slots_ref[i].size(), 3UL,
"To achieve mAP, output_slots_ref[i].size()>=3");
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"CompareAccuracy: compared_idx is out of range.");
float total_accs{0};
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_slots.size(); ++i) {
switch (compared_idx) {
case 1:
output_slots[i].size(), 2UL,
"To achieve top 1 accuracy, output_slots_quant[i].size()>=2");
case 2:
output_slots[i].size(), 2UL,
"To achieve top 1 accuracy, output_slots_ref[i].size()>=2");
throw std::invalid_argument(
"CompareAccuracy: compared_idx is out of range.");
if (output_slots_quant[i][compared_idx].lod.size() > 0 ||
output_slots_ref[i][compared_idx].lod.size() > 0)
if (output_slots[i][compared_idx].lod.size() > 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("CompareAccuracy: output has nonempty LoD.");
if (output_slots_quant[i][compared_idx].dtype !=
paddle::PaddleDType::FLOAT32 ||
output_slots_ref[i][compared_idx].dtype != paddle::PaddleDType::FLOAT32)
if (output_slots[i][compared_idx].dtype != paddle::PaddleDType::FLOAT32)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"CompareAccuracy: output is of a wrong type.");
total_accs_quant +=
*static_cast<float *>(output_slots_quant[i][compared_idx].data.data());
total_accs_ref +=
*static_cast<float *>(output_slots_ref[i][compared_idx].data.data());
total_accs +=
*static_cast<float *>(output_slots[i][compared_idx].data.data());
float avg_acc_quant = total_accs_quant / output_slots_quant.size();
float avg_acc_ref = total_accs_ref / output_slots_ref.size();
CHECK_GT(output_slots.size(), 0);
return total_accs / output_slots.size();
void CompareAccuracy(
const std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> &output_slots_quant,
const std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> &output_slots_ref,
int compared_idx) {
if ((FLAGS_enable_fp32 && FLAGS_enable_int8) &&
(output_slots_quant.size() == 0 || output_slots_ref.size()) == 0)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"CompareAccuracy: output_slots vector is empty.");
float avg_acc_quant = 0.0;
float avg_acc_ref = 0.0;
if (FLAGS_enable_int8)
avg_acc_quant = CompareAccuracyOne(output_slots_quant, compared_idx);
if (FLAGS_enable_fp32)
avg_acc_ref = CompareAccuracyOne(output_slots_ref, compared_idx);
SummarizeAccuracy(avg_acc_ref, avg_acc_quant, compared_idx);
CHECK_GT(avg_acc_ref, 0.0);
CHECK_GT(avg_acc_quant, 0.0);
CHECK_LE(avg_acc_ref - avg_acc_quant, FLAGS_quantized_accuracy);
if (FLAGS_enable_fp32) CHECK_GT(avg_acc_ref, 0.0);
if (FLAGS_enable_int8) CHECK_GT(avg_acc_quant, 0.0);
if (FLAGS_enable_fp32 && FLAGS_enable_int8)
CHECK_LE(avg_acc_ref - avg_acc_quant, FLAGS_quantized_accuracy);
void CompareDeterministic(
@ -591,18 +613,24 @@ void CompareQuantizedAndAnalysis(
PrintConfig(cfg, true);
std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> analysis_outputs;
float sample_latency_fp32{-1};
TestOneThreadPrediction(cfg, inputs, &analysis_outputs, true, VarType::FP32,
if (FLAGS_enable_fp32) {
TestOneThreadPrediction(cfg, inputs, &analysis_outputs, true, VarType::FP32,
LOG(INFO) << "--- INT8 prediction start ---";
auto *qcfg = reinterpret_cast<const PaddlePredictor::Config *>(qconfig);
PrintConfig(qcfg, true);
std::vector<std::vector<PaddleTensor>> quantized_outputs;
float sample_latency_int8{-1};
TestOneThreadPrediction(qcfg, inputs, &quantized_outputs, true, VarType::INT8,
if (FLAGS_enable_int8) {
TestOneThreadPrediction(qcfg, inputs, &quantized_outputs, true,
VarType::INT8, &sample_latency_int8);
SummarizePerformance(sample_latency_fp32, sample_latency_int8);
CompareAccuracy(quantized_outputs, analysis_outputs, compared_idx);