@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ def layer_norm(input,
**Layer Normalization**
Assume feature vectors exist on dimensions
Assume feature vectors exist on dimensions
:attr:`begin_norm_axis ... rank(input)` and calculate the moment statistics
along these dimensions for each feature vector :math:`a` with size
:math:`H`, then normalize each feature vector using the corresponding
@ -1600,13 +1600,13 @@ def layer_norm(input,
input(Variable): The input tensor variable.
scale(bool): Whether to learn the adaptive gain :math:`g` after
scale(bool): Whether to learn the adaptive gain :math:`g` after
shift(bool): Whether to learn the adaptive bias :math:`b` after
shift(bool): Whether to learn the adaptive bias :math:`b` after
begin_norm_axis(bool): The normalization will be performed along
begin_norm_axis(bool): The normalization will be performed along
dimensions from :attr:`begin_norm_axis` to :attr:`rank(input)`.
epsilon(float): The small value added to the variance to prevent
epsilon(float): The small value added to the variance to prevent
division by zero.
param_attr(ParamAttr|None): The parameter attribute for the learnable
gain :math:`g`.
@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ def reduce_sum(input, dim=None, keep_dim=False, name=None):
Tensor variable with a single element, otherwise must be in the
range :math:`[-rank(input), rank(input))`. If :math:`dim < 0`,
the dimension to reduce is :math:`rank + dim`.
keep_dim (bool): Whether to reserve the reduced dimension in the
keep_dim (bool|False): Whether to reserve the reduced dimension in the
output Tensor. The result tensor will have one fewer dimension
than the :attr:`input` unless :attr:`keep_dim` is true.
name(str|None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
@ -3098,33 +3098,33 @@ def multiplex(inputs, index):
def softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits, label, soft_label=False):
**Softmax With Cross Entropy Operator.**
Cross entropy loss with softmax is used as the output layer extensively. This
operator computes the softmax normalized values for each row of the input
tensor, after which cross-entropy loss is computed. This provides a more
numerically stable gradient.
Because this operator performs a softmax on logits internally, it expects
unscaled logits. This operator should not be used with the output of
softmax operator since that would produce incorrect results.
When the attribute soft_label is set false, this operators expects mutually
exclusive hard labels, each sample in a batch is in exactly one class with a
probability of 1.0. Each sample in the batch will have a single label.
The equation is as follows:
1) Hard label (one-hot label, so every sample has exactly one class)
.. math::
loss_j = -\\text{logit}_{label_j} +
\\log\\left(\\sum_{i=0}^{K}\\exp(\\text{logit}_i)\\right), j = 1,..., K
2) Soft label (each sample can have a distribution over all classes)
.. math::
loss_j = -\\sum_{i=0}^{K}\\text{label}_i
\\left(\\text{logit}_i - \\log\\left(\\sum_{i=0}^{K}
\\exp(\\text{logit}_i)\\right)\\right), j = 1,...,K
@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ def smooth_l1(x, y, inside_weight=None, outside_weight=None, sigma=None):
The operator takes the first dimension of X and Y as batch size.
For each instance, it computes the smooth l1 loss element by element first
and then sums all the losses. So the shape of Out is [batch_size, 1].
x (Variable): A tensor with rank at least 2. The input value of smooth
l1 loss op with shape [batch_size, dim1, ..., dimN].