Add Python3.6 Python3.7 compile process

minqiyang 6 years ago
parent e7480c1c8d
commit 3d100b0c92

@ -33,44 +33,49 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
automake locales clang-format swig cmake \
liblapack-dev liblapacke-dev \
clang-3.8 llvm-3.8 libclang-3.8-dev \
build-essential checkinstall \
libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev \
net-tools libtool ccache && \
apt-get clean -y
# Install Go and glide
RUN wget -qO- | \
tar -xz -C /usr/local && \
mkdir /root/gopath && \
mkdir /root/gopath/bin && \
mkdir /root/gopath/src
ENV GOROOT=/usr/local/go GOPATH=/root/gopath
# should not be in the same line with GOROOT definition, otherwise docker build could not find GOROOT.
# install glide
RUN curl -s -q | sh
# Install TensorRT
# following TensorRT.tar.gz is not the default official one, we do two miny changes:
# 1. Remove the unnecessary files to make the library small. TensorRT.tar.gz only contains include and lib now,
# and its size is only one-third of the official one.
# 2. Manually add ~IPluginFactory() in IPluginFactory class of NvInfer.h, otherwise, it couldn't work in paddle.
# See for details.
RUN wget -qO- | \
tar -xz -C /usr/local && \
cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/include /usr && \
cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/lib /usr
# git credential to skip password typing
RUN git config --global credential.helper store
# Fix locales to en_US.UTF-8
RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
# FIXME: due to temporary ipykernel dependency issue, specify ipykernel jupyter
# version util jupyter fixes this issue.
# specify sphinx version as 1.5.6 and remove -U option for [pip install -U
# sphinx-rtd-theme] since -U option will cause sphinx being updated to newest
# version(1.7.1 for now), which causes building documentation failed.
COPY tools/manylinux1/build_scripts/* /root/python/
RUN cd /root/python/ && source build_utils && MY_DIR=/root/python/ build_cpythons 3.6.0 3.7.0
# # Install Go and glide
# RUN wget -qO- | \
# tar -xz -C /usr/local && \
# mkdir /root/gopath && \
# mkdir /root/gopath/bin && \
# mkdir /root/gopath/src
# ENV GOROOT=/usr/local/go GOPATH=/root/gopath
# # should not be in the same line with GOROOT definition, otherwise docker build could not find GOROOT.
# ENV PATH=${PATH}:${GOROOT}/bin:${GOPATH}/bin
# # install glide
# RUN curl -s -q | sh
# # Install TensorRT
# # following TensorRT.tar.gz is not the default official one, we do two miny changes:
# # 1. Remove the unnecessary files to make the library small. TensorRT.tar.gz only contains include and lib now,
# # and its size is only one-third of the official one.
# # 2. Manually add ~IPluginFactory() in IPluginFactory class of NvInfer.h, otherwise, it couldn't work in paddle.
# # See for details.
# RUN wget -qO- | \
# tar -xz -C /usr/local && \
# cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/include /usr && \
# cp -rf /usr/local/TensorRT/lib /usr
# # git credential to skip password typing
# RUN git config --global credential.helper store
# # Fix locales to en_US.UTF-8
# RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
# # FIXME: due to temporary ipykernel dependency issue, specify ipykernel jupyter
# # version util jupyter fixes this issue.
# # specify sphinx version as 1.5.6 and remove -U option for [pip install -U
# # sphinx-rtd-theme] since -U option will cause sphinx being updated to newest
# # version(1.7.1 for now), which causes building documentation failed.
# RUN pip3 install -U wheel && \
# pip3 install -U docopt PyYAML sphinx==1.5.6 && \
# pip3 install sphinx-rtd-theme==0.1.9 recommonmark && \
