@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ __all__ = ["full_matrix_projection", "AggregateLevel", "ExpandLevel",
'slope_intercept_layer', 'trans_full_matrix_projection',
'convex_comb_layer', 'ctc_layer', 'crf_layer', 'crf_decoding_layer',
'cross_entropy_with_selfnorm', 'cross_entropy',
'rank_cost', 'lambda_cost', 'huber_cost',
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ class LayerType(object):
CTC_LAYER = "ctc"
CRF_LAYER = "crf"
CRF_DECODING_LAYER = "crf_decoding"
NCE_LAYER = 'nce'
RANK_COST = "rank-cost"
LAMBDA_COST = "lambda_cost"
@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ class LayerOutput(object):
:param activation: Layer Activation.
:type activation: BaseActivation.
:param parents: Layer's parents.
:type parents: list|tuple|collection.Sequence
:type parents: list|tuple|collections.Sequence
def __init__(self, name, layer_type, parents=None, activation=None,
@ -1988,10 +1990,16 @@ def concat_layer(input, act=None, name=None, layer_attr=None):
Concat all input vector into one huge vector.
Inputs can be list of LayerOutput or list of projection.
The example usage is:
.. code-block:: python
concat = concat_layer(input=[layer1, layer2])
:param name: Layer name.
:type name: basestring
:param input: input layers or projections
:type input: list|tuple|collection.Sequence
:type input: list|tuple|collections.Sequence
:param act: Activation type.
:type act: BaseActivation
:param layer_attr: Extra Layer Attribute.
@ -3488,6 +3496,83 @@ def crf_decoding_layer(input, size, label=None, param_attr=None, name=None):
return LayerOutput(name, LayerType.CRF_DECODING_LAYER, parents, size=size)
def nce_layer(input, label, num_classes, weight=None,
num_neg_samples=10, neg_distribution=None,
name=None, bias_attr=None, layer_attr=None):
Noise-contrastive estimation.
Implements the method in the following paper:
A fast and simple algorithm for training neural probabilistic language models.
The example usage is:
.. code-block:: python
cost = nce_layer(input=layer1, label=layer2, weight=layer3,
num_classes=3, neg_distribution=[0.1,0.3,0.6])
:param name: layer name
:type name: basestring
:param input: input layers. It could be a LayerOutput of list/tuple of LayerOutput.
:type input: LayerOutput|list|tuple|collections.Sequence
:param label: label layer
:type label: LayerOutput
:param weight: weight layer, can be None(default)
:type weight: LayerOutput
:param num_classes: number of classes.
:type num_classes: int
:param num_neg_samples: number of negative samples. Default is 10.
:type num_neg_samples: int
:param neg_distribution: The distribution for generating the random negative labels.
A uniform distribution will be used if not provided.
If not None, its length must be equal to num_classes.
:type neg_distribution: list|tuple|collections.Sequence|None
:param bias_attr: Bias parameter attribute. True if no bias.
:type bias_attr: ParameterAttribute|None|False
:param layer_attr: Extra Layer Attribute.
:type layer_attr: ExtraLayerAttribute
:return: layer name.
:rtype: LayerOutput
if isinstance(input, LayerOutput):
input = [input]
assert isinstance(input, collections.Sequence)
assert isinstance(label, LayerOutput)
assert label.layer_type == LayerType.DATA
if neg_distribution is not None:
assert isinstance(neg_distribution, collections.Sequence)
assert len(neg_distribution) == num_classes
assert sum(neg_distribution) == 1
ipts_for_layer = []
parents = []
for each_input in input:
assert isinstance(each_input, LayerOutput)
if weight is not None:
assert isinstance(weight, LayerOutput)
assert weight.layer_type == LayerType.DATA
return LayerOutput(name, LayerType.NCE_LAYER, parents=parents)
following are cost Layers.