@ -383,13 +383,15 @@ Edit `/etc/hosts` to associate above ip with the DNS name.
- Create hosted zone with following config
- Domain name: "paddle"
- Type: "Private hosted zone for amazon VPC"
- VPC ID: <Your VPC ID>
- VPC ID: `<Your VPC ID>`
- <center></center>
- Add A record
- Click on the zone "paddle" just created
- Click the button "Create record set"
- Name : leave blank
- type: "A"
- Value: <kube-controller ec2 private ip>
- Value: `<kube-controller ec2 private ip>`
- <center></center>
- Verify name service
- Connect to any instance created by kube-aws via ssh
- Run command "host paddle", see if the ip returned is the private ip of kube-controller