Use apt to install cmake.

Liu Yiqun 8 years ago
parent 2d201c7c75
commit 44a022b0c7

@ -9,25 +9,21 @@ ENV HOME=/root \
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y git python-dev python-pip python-numpy && \
apt-get install -y wget curl tar unzip && \
apt-get install -y gcc g++ locales swig && \
apt-get install -y \
git python-dev python-pip python-numpy \
wget curl tar unzip gcc g++ locales clang-format-3.8 swig cmake && \
apt-get clean -y
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install -U 'protobuf==3.1.0' && \
pip install -U wheel sphinx && \
pip install pre-commit
# git credential to skip password typing
RUN git config --global credential.helper store
# Fix locales to en_US.UTF-8
RUN localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8
RUN curl -sSL | tar -xz && \
cd cmake-3.2.2 && ./bootstrap && make -j `nproc` && make install && \
cd .. && rm -rf cmake-3.2.2
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install -U 'protobuf==3.1.0' && \
pip install -U wheel sphinx && \
pip install pre-commit
# Android NDK
RUN mkdir /opt/android-ndk-tmp && \
