@ -7506,9 +7506,16 @@ def space_to_depth(x, blocksize, name=None):
space_to_depth is used to This operation is useful for resizing the activations between convolutions
(but keeping all data)
- Non-overlapping blocks of size block_size x block size are rearranged into depth at each location.
- The depth of the output tensor is block_size * block_size * input channel
- The Y, X coordinates within each block of the input become the high order component of the output channel index
- channel should be divisible by square of blocksize
- height, width should be divsible by blocksize
x(variable): The input LoDtensor.
blocksize(variable): The blocksize to select the element on each feature map
blocksize(variable): The blocksize to select the element on each feature map should be > 2
Variable: The output LoDtensor.