@ -236,16 +236,19 @@ TEST(Matrix, unary) {
testMatrixTranspose(height, width);
testMatrixRotate(height, width);
// inverse matrix
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot run Matrix Inverse Unit Test.\n"
<< "Failed to find lapack library in current system.\n"
<< "To address this issue, Please adopt one of the following approaches: \n"
<< "1. Simply issue `sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev` to avoid re-build source code. \n"
<< "2. Install MKL/Openblas/ATLAS and re-build PaddlePaddle source code."
<< "To address this issue, Please adopt one of the following "
"approaches: \n"
<< "1. Simply issue `sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev` to "
"avoid re-build source code. \n"
<< "2. Install MKL/Openblas/ATLAS and re-build PaddlePaddle "
"source code."