enable reorder

tensor-tang 8 years ago
parent 780c8d969e
commit 4cc57836f3

@ -61,39 +61,20 @@ void MKLDNNFcLayer::convertWeightsFromPaddle() {
// TODO(TJ): dst format should get from wgtVal_
int srcFmt = weight_->getParameterPtr()->getHeaderFormat();
if (srcFmt == dstFmt) {
// The weight_ is transposed from initial paddle weight
MatrixPtr paddleWgt = Matrix::create(
weight_->getW()->getData(), iLayerSize_, oc_, false, false);
// TODO(TJ): remove this print when do not need differ weights
std::ostringstream ostr;
VLOG(MKLDNN_ALL) << "Initial Weight from paddle: " << std::endl << ostr.str();
// The mkldnn weight is transposed from initial paddle matrix
MatrixPtr paddleWgtT;
paddleWgt->transpose(paddleWgtT, true);
CHECK(wgtVal_) << "should have been initialized";
bool hasNoSpatial_ = ih_ == 1 && iw_ == 1;
auto targetDim = wgtVal_->getDims();
auto srcFmt = hasNoSpatial_ ? memory::format::io : memory::format::ihwo;
wgtVal_->reorderDataFrom(wgtVal_, srcFmt, targetDim);
hasInitedWgt_ = true;
void MKLDNNFcLayer::convertWeightsToPaddle() {
MatrixPtr dnnWgt = weight_->getW();
MatrixPtr paddleWgt;
dnnWgt->transpose(paddleWgt, true);
// copy paddle weight and override on weight_
MatrixPtr dnnWgtT = Matrix::create(
dnnWgt->getData(), dnnWgt->getWidth(), dnnWgt->getHeight(), false, false);
CHECK(wgtVal_) << "should have been initialized";
bool hasNoSpatial_ = ih_ == 1 && iw_ == 1;
auto targetDim = wgtVal_->getDims();
auto dstFmt = hasNoSpatial_ ? memory::format::io : memory::format::ihwo;
wgtVal_->reorderDataTo(wgtVal_, dstFmt, targetDim);
void MKLDNNFcLayer::reshape() {

@ -56,6 +56,63 @@ MKLDNNMatrixPtr MKLDNNMatrix::create(MatrixPtr m,
return create(m, pd);
void MKLDNNMatrix::reorderDataFrom(const MKLDNNMatrixPtr& m,
memory::format srcFmt,
memory::dims targetDim) {
memory::format dstFmt = getFormat();
if (srcFmt == dstFmt) {
CHECK_EQ(getElementCnt(), m->getElementCnt()) << "size should equal";
real* srcData = getData();
real* dstData = m->getData();
reorderOnce(srcData, dstData, srcFmt, dstFmt, targetDim);
void MKLDNNMatrix::reorderDataTo(const MKLDNNMatrixPtr& m,
memory::format dstFmt,
memory::dims targetDim) {
memory::format srcFmt = getFormat();
if (srcFmt == dstFmt) {
CHECK_EQ(getElementCnt(), m->getElementCnt()) << "size should equal";
real* srcData = getData();
real* dstData = m->getData();
reorderOnce(srcData, dstData, srcFmt, dstFmt, targetDim);
void MKLDNNMatrix::reorderOnce(void* srcData,
void* dstData,
memory::format srcFmt,
memory::format dstFmt,
memory::dims dm) {
MatrixPtr tmpSrc;
if (dstData == srcData) {
// inplace data
size_t sz = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dm.size(); ++i) {
sz *= dm[i];
tmpSrc = Matrix::create(sz, 1, false, false);
tmpSrc->copyFrom((real*)srcData, sz);
srcData = tmpSrc->getData();
auto dtype = this->getDtype();
auto srcMD = memory::desc(dm, dtype, srcFmt);
auto dstMD = memory::desc(dm, dtype, dstFmt);
auto eg = this->getEngine();
auto src = memory(memory::primitive_desc(srcMD, eg), srcData);
auto dst = memory(memory::primitive_desc(dstMD, eg), dstData);
auto r = reorder(src, dst);
void MKLDNNMatrix::downSpatial() {
int fmt = getFormat();
if (!(fmt == memory::format::nchw || fmt == memory::format::oihw)) {

@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
static const std::map<mkldnn::memory::format, PARAM_FORMAT> PARAM_FOARMAT_MAP =
{{mkldnn::memory::format::oi, PARAM_FORMAT_MKLDNN_OI}};
class MKLDNNMatrix;
typedef std::shared_ptr<MKLDNNMatrix> MKLDNNMatrixPtr;
@ -57,6 +54,26 @@ public:
mkldnn::memory::data_type dtype = mkldnn::memory::data_type::f32);
* Reorder this MKLDNNMatrix from other format.
* Support inplace reorder
* Pay attention: this function would only reorder the data layout.
* will NOT change this original dim or format info
void reorderDataFrom(const MKLDNNMatrixPtr& m,
memory::format srcFmt,
memory::dims targetDim);
* Reorder this MKLDNNMatrix to other format.
* Support inplace reorder
* Pay attention: this function would only reorder the data layout.
* will NOT change the dst dim or format info
void reorderDataTo(const MKLDNNMatrixPtr& m,
memory::format dstFmt,
memory::dims targetDim);
* Dimensionality reduction.
* Change format "nchw --> nc" or "oihw --> oi" if the h and w are both 1
@ -113,6 +130,16 @@ public:
* Get engine.
mkldnn::engine getEngine() { return getPD().get_engine(); }
* Do once reorder supported inplace.
void reorderOnce(void* srcData,
void* dstData,
memory::format srcFmt,
memory::format dstFmt,
memory::dims dm);
} // namespace paddle
