@ -769,7 +769,11 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
#if (defined(PADDLE_WITH_CUDA) && !defined(_WIN32))
py::class_<platform::Communicator>(m, "Communicator").def(py::init<>());
py::class_<platform::CUDAPlace>(m, "CUDAPlace")
py::class_<platform::CUDAPlace>(m, "CUDAPlace", R"DOC(
CUDAPlace is a descriptor of a device. It represents a GPU, and each CUDAPlace
has a dev_id to indicate the number of cards represented by the current CUDAPlace.
The memory of CUDAPlace with different dev_id is not accessible.
[](platform::CUDAPlace &self, int dev_id) {
@ -790,7 +794,10 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
&IsSamePlace<platform::CUDAPlace, platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>)
.def("__str__", string::to_string<const platform::CUDAPlace &>);
py::class_<paddle::platform::CPUPlace>(m, "CPUPlace")
py::class_<paddle::platform::CPUPlace>(m, "CPUPlace", R"DOC(
CPUPlace is a descriptor of a device. It represents a CPU, and the memory
CPUPlace can be accessed by CPU.
.def("_type", &PlaceIndex<platform::CPUPlace>)
.def("_equals", &IsSamePlace<platform::CPUPlace, platform::Place>)
@ -800,7 +807,10 @@ All parameter, weight, gradient are variables in Paddle.
&IsSamePlace<platform::CPUPlace, platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>)
.def("__str__", string::to_string<const platform::CPUPlace &>);
py::class_<paddle::platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>(m, "CUDAPinnedPlace")
py::class_<paddle::platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>(m, "CUDAPinnedPlace", R"DOC(
CUDAPinnedPlace is a descriptor of a device. The memory of CUDAPinnedPlace
can be accessed by GPU and CPU.
[](platform::CUDAPinnedPlace &self) {