[Dy2Static]Enhance check of TracedLayers out vars (#30576)

Aurelius84 4 years ago committed by GitHub
parent d1b25ed9d7
commit 5067e3a8d2
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ def create_program_from_desc(program_desc):
return program
def _extract_vars(inputs, result_list):
def _extract_vars(inputs, result_list, err_tag='inputs'):
if isinstance(inputs, Variable):
elif isinstance(inputs, (list, tuple)):
for var in inputs:
_extract_vars(var, result_list)
_extract_vars(var, result_list, err_tag)
raise TypeError(
"The type of 'each element of inputs' in fluid.dygraph.jit.TracedLayer.trace must be fluid.Variable, but received {}.".
"The type of 'each element of {}' in fluid.dygraph.jit.TracedLayer.trace must be fluid.Variable, but received {}.".
format(err_tag, type(inputs)))
def extract_vars(inputs):
def extract_vars(inputs, err_tag='inputs'):
result_list = []
_extract_vars(inputs, result_list)
_extract_vars(inputs, result_list, err_tag)
return result_list
@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ class _SaveLoadConfig(object):
# NOTE: Users rarely use following configs, so these configs are not open to users,
# reducing user learning costs, but we retain the configuration capabilities
# If True, programs are modified to only support direct inference deployment.
# Otherwise,more information will be stored for flexible optimization and re-training.
# If True, programs are modified to only support direct inference deployment.
# Otherwise,more information will be stored for flexible optimization and re-training.
# Currently, only True is supported
self._export_for_deployment = True
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ def _get_input_var_names(inputs, input_spec):
elif input_spec is not None and len(input_spec) == len(input_var_names):
# no prune
result_list = input_var_names
# if input spec name not in input_var_names, only raise warning
# if input spec name not in input_var_names, only raise warning
for spec in input_spec:
if spec.name is None:
warnings.warn(name_none_error % spec)
@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# NOTE(chenweihang): If the input layer be wrapped by DataParallel,
# the args and kwargs of forward method will can't be parsed by
# function_spec, so here we save DataParallel._layers instead
# function_spec, so here we save DataParallel._layers instead
# DataParallel it self
# NOTE(chenweihang): using inner_layer, do not change input layer
if isinstance(layer, paddle.DataParallel):
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
static_forward = declarative(
inner_layer.forward, input_spec=inner_input_spec)
concrete_program = static_forward.concrete_program
# the input_spec has been used in declarative, which is equal to
# the input_spec has been used in declarative, which is equal to
# @declarative with input_spec and jit.save without input_spec,
# avoid needless warning
inner_input_spec = None
@ -704,21 +704,21 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# NOTE(chenweihang): [ Get output variables ]
# the rule is like [ Get input variables name ]. For output var,
# we only support VarBase spec, and actually, we only need the
# the rule is like [ Get input variables name ]. For output var,
# we only support VarBase spec, and actually, we only need the
# var name of output, and we don't recommended to use output_spec
output_vars = _get_output_vars(concrete_program.outputs,
# NOTE(chenweihang): we maintain the mapping of variable name to
# structured name, the buffer variable (non-persistable)
# saved to inference program may not need by dygraph Layer,
# saved to inference program may not need by dygraph Layer,
# we only record the state_dict variable's structured name
state_names_dict = dict()
for structured_name, var in six.iteritems(inner_layer.state_dict()):
state_names_dict[var.name] = structured_name
# 4. share parameters from Layer to scope & record var info
# 4. share parameters from Layer to scope & record var info
for param_or_buffer in concrete_program.parameters:
# share to scope
param_or_buffer_tensor = scope.var(param_or_buffer.name).get_tensor(
@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# construct new save_inference_model arguments
model_path = dirname
# NOTE(chenweihang): because prefix contains model and params filename,
# so we don't support set model_filename & params_filename
# so we don't support set model_filename & params_filename
if 'forward' == attr_func:
model_filename = file_prefix + INFER_MODEL_SUFFIX
params_filename = file_prefix + INFER_PARAMS_SUFFIX
@ -769,12 +769,12 @@ def save(layer, path, input_spec=None, **configs):
# - Which persistent variable are parameter and which are not
# - Parameter.trainable information
# The lost information cannot be recovered when it is loaded again,
# so if we want to perform fine-tune after loading, we may need to
# The lost information cannot be recovered when it is loaded again,
# so if we want to perform fine-tune after loading, we may need to
# configure redundant information to proceed.
# Due to compatibility issues, we cannot change the original storage structure,
# but we can save these information in `jit.save` without changing the original
# Due to compatibility issues, we cannot change the original storage structure,
# but we can save these information in `jit.save` without changing the original
# storage to improve user experience. So we save extra information into
# file `***.pdiparams.info`
with scope_guard(scope):
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ def _trace(layer,
outputs = [original_outputs]
outputs = original_outputs
out_vars = [var for var in outputs]
out_vars = extract_vars(outputs, err_tag='outputs')
program_desc, feed_names, fetch_names, parameters = tracer.create_program_desc(
var_list, feed_prefix, out_vars, fetch_prefix, tmp_prefix)

@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import six
import unittest
import paddle.nn as nn
class SimpleFCLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
class SimpleFCLayer(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, feature_size, batch_size, fc_size):
super(SimpleFCLayer, self).__init__()
self._linear = fluid.dygraph.Linear(feature_size, fc_size)
self._offset = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(
self._linear = nn.Linear(feature_size, fc_size)
self._offset = paddle.to_tensor(
np.random.random((batch_size, fc_size)).astype('float32'))
def forward(self, x):
@ -30,6 +32,17 @@ class SimpleFCLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
return fc + self._offset
class LinearNetWithNone(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, feature_size, fc_size):
super(LinearNetWithNone, self).__init__()
self._linear = nn.Linear(feature_size, fc_size)
def forward(self, x):
fc = self._linear(x)
return [fc, [None, 2]]
class TestTracedLayerErrMsg(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.batch_size = 4
@ -152,5 +165,14 @@ class TestTracedLayerErrMsg(unittest.TestCase):
return layer
class TestOutVarWithNoneErrMsg(unittest.TestCase):
def test_linear_net_with_none(self):
model = LinearNetWithNone(100, 16)
in_x = paddle.to_tensor(np.random.random((4, 100)).astype('float32'))
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
dygraph_out, traced_layer = fluid.dygraph.TracedLayer.trace(model,
if __name__ == '__main__':
