@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ from ...fluid.framework import core, in_dygraph_mode
from . . . fluid . layers . nn import _elementwise_op_in_dygraph
from . . . fluid . layers import bpr_loss #DEFINE_ALIAS
from . . . fluid . layers import center_loss #DEFINE_ALIAS
from . . . fluid . layers import cross_entropy #DEFINE_ALIAS
from . . . fluid . layers import dice_loss #DEFINE_ALIAS
from . . . fluid . layers import iou_similarity #DEFINE_ALIAS
from . . . fluid . layers import log_loss #DEFINE_ALIAS
@ -786,3 +785,132 @@ def mse_loss(input, label, reduction='mean', name=None):
return paddle . sum ( paddle . fluid . layers . square (
paddle . fluid . layers . elementwise_sub ( input , label ) ) ,
name = name )
def cross_entropy ( input ,
label ,
weight = None ,
ignore_index = - 100 ,
reduction = ' mean ' ) :
This operator implements the cross entropy loss function . This OP combines ` ` LogSoftmax ` ` ,
and ` ` NLLLoss ` ` together .
It is useful when training a classification problem with ` ` C ` ` classes .
If provided , the optional argument ` ` weight ` ` should be a 1 D Variable assigning
weight to each of the classes .
For predictions label , and target label , the loss is calculated as follows .
. . math : :
loss_j = - \\text { input [ class ] } +
\\log \\left ( \\sum_ { i = 0 } ^ { K } \\exp ( \\text { input } _i ) \\right ) , j = 1 , . . . , K
If weight is not ` ` None ` ` :
. . math : :
loss_j = \\text { weight [ class ] } ( - \\text { input [ class ] } +
\\log \\left ( \\sum_ { i = 0 } ^ { K } \\exp ( \\text { input } _i ) \\right ) ) , j = 1 , . . . , K
Parameters :
input ( Tensor ) : Input tensor , the data type is float32 , float64 . Shape is
( N , C ) , where C is number of classes , and if shape is more than 2 D , this
is ( N , C , D1 , D2 , . . . , Dk ) , k > = 1.
label ( Tensor ) : Label tensor , the data type is int64 . Shape is ( N ) , where each
value is 0 < = label [ i ] < = C - 1 , and if shape is more than 2 D , this is
( N , D1 , D2 , . . . , Dk ) , k > = 1.
weight ( Tensor , optional ) : Weight tensor , a manual rescaling weight given
to each class and the shape is ( C ) . It has the same dimensions as class
number and the data type is float32 , float64 . Default is ` ` ' None ' ` ` .
reduction ( str , optional ) : Indicate how to average the loss by batch_size ,
the candicates are ` ` ' none ' ` ` | ` ` ' mean ' ` ` | ` ` ' sum ' ` ` .
If : attr : ` reduction ` is ` ` ' mean ' ` ` , the reduced mean loss is returned ;
If : attr : ` size_average ` is ` ` ' sum ' ` ` , the reduced sum loss is returned .
If : attr : ` reduction ` is ` ` ' none ' ` ` , the unreduced loss is returned .
Default is ` ` ' mean ' ` ` .
ignore_index ( int64 , optional ) : Specifies a target value that is ignored
and does not contribute to the input gradient . Default is ` ` - 100 ` ` .
Returns :
The tensor variable storing the cross_entropy_loss of input and label .
Return type : Tensor .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
paddle . disable_static ( )
input_data = np . random . random ( [ 5 , 100 ] ) . astype ( " float64 " )
label_data = np . random . randint ( 0 , 100 , size = ( 5 ) ) . astype ( np . int64 )
weight_data = np . random . random ( [ 100 ] ) . astype ( " float64 " )
input = paddle . to_tensor ( input_data )
label = paddle . to_tensor ( label_data )
weight = paddle . to_tensor ( weight_data )
loss = paddle . nn . functional . cross_entropy ( input = input , label = label , weight = weight )
print ( loss . numpy ( ) )
if not in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype (
input , ' input ' , [ ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' ] , ' cross_entropy_loss ' )
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype ( label , ' label ' , [ ' int64 ' ] ,
' cross_entropy_loss ' )
if reduction not in [ ' sum ' , ' mean ' , ' none ' ] :
raise ValueError (
" The value of ' reduction ' in cross_entropy_loss should be ' sum ' , ' mean ' or "
" ' none ' , but received %s , which is not allowed. " % reduction )
#step 1. log_softmax
log_softmax_out = paddle . nn . functional . log_softmax ( input )
if weight is not None and not isinstance ( weight , Variable ) :
raise ValueError (
" The weight ' is not a Variable, please convert to Variable. " )
#step 2. nll_loss
input = log_softmax_out
helper = LayerHelper ( ' nll_loss ' , * * locals ( ) )
dtype = helper . input_dtype ( input )
if not in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype (
input , ' input ' , [ ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' ] , ' nll_loss ' )
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype ( label , ' label ' , [ ' int64 ' ] ,
' nll_loss ' )
x_shape = list ( input . shape )
n = x_shape [ 0 ]
c = x_shape [ 1 ]
x_dims = len ( x_shape )
if x_dims < 2 :
raise ValueError ( ' Expected 2 or more dimensions (got {} ) ' . format (
x_dims ) )
if x_dims != 2 and x_dims != 4 :
input = reshape ( input , shape = [ n , c , 1 , - 1 ] )
label = reshape ( label , shape = [ n , 1 , - 1 ] )
out_shape = [ n ] + x_shape [ 2 : ]
if not in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype (
input , ' input ' , [ ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' ] , ' nll_loss ' )
fluid . data_feeder . check_variable_and_dtype ( label , ' label ' , [ ' int64 ' ] ,
' nll_loss ' )
inputs = { ' X ' : input , ' Label ' : label }
attrs = { ' reduction ' : reduction , ' ignore_index ' : ignore_index }
if weight is not None :
if isinstance ( weight , Variable ) :
inputs [ ' Weight ' ] = weight
out = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( dtype = input . dtype )
total_weight = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( dtype = input . dtype )
outputs = { ' Out ' : out , ' Total_weight ' : total_weight }
helper . append_op (
type = ' nll_loss ' , inputs = inputs , outputs = outputs , attrs = attrs )
if x_dims != 2 and x_dims != 4 and reduction == ' none ' :
out = reshape ( out , shape = out_shape )
return out