@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ __all__ = [
' one_hot ' ,
' autoincreased_step_counter ' ,
' lod_reset ' ,
' lrn ' ,
@ -3410,3 +3411,73 @@ def lod_reset(x, y=None, target_lod=None):
raise ValueError ( " y and target_lod should not be both None. " )
return out
def lrn ( input , n = 5 , k = 1.0 , alpha = 1e-4 , beta = 0.75 , name = None ) :
Local Response Normalization Layer . This layer performs a type of
" lateral inhibition " by normalizing over local input regions .
The formula is as follows :
. . math : :
Output ( i , x , y ) = Input ( i , x , y ) / \left (
k + \alpha \sum \limits ^ { \min ( C , c + n / 2 ) } _ { j = \max ( 0 , c - n / 2 ) }
( Input ( j , x , y ) ) ^ 2 \right ) ^ { \beta }
In the above equation :
* : math : ` n ` : The number of channels to sum over .
* : math : ` k ` : The offset ( avoid being divided by 0 ) .
* : math : ` alpha ` : The scaling parameter .
* : math : ` beta ` : The exponent parameter .
Refer to ` ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
< https : / / papers . nips . cc / paper / 4824 - imagenet - classification - with - deep - convolutional - neural - networks . pdf > ` _
Args :
input ( Variable ) : The input tensor of this layer , and the dimension of input tensor must be 4.
n ( int , default 5 ) : The number of channels to sum over .
k ( float , default 1.0 ) : An offset ( usually positive to avoid dividing by 0 ) .
alpha ( float , default 1e-4 ) : The scaling parameter .
beta ( float , default 0.75 ) : The exponent .
name ( str , default None ) : A name for this operation .
Raises :
ValueError : If rank of the input tensor is not 4.
Returns :
A tensor variable storing the transformation result .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = " data " , shape = [ 3 , 112 , 112 ] , dtype = " float32 " )
lrn = fluid . layers . lrn ( input = data )
helper = LayerHelper ( ' lrn ' , * * locals ( ) )
dtype = helper . input_dtype ( )
input_shape = input . shape
dims = len ( input_shape )
if dims != 4 :
raise ValueError (
" dims of input must be 4(not %d ), and it ' s order must be NCHW " %
( dims ) )
mid_out = helper . create_tmp_variable ( dtype = dtype , stop_gradient = True )
lrn_out = helper . create_tmp_variable ( dtype )
helper . append_op (
type = " lrn " ,
inputs = { " X " : input } ,
outputs = {
" Out " : lrn_out ,
" MidOut " : mid_out ,
} ,
attrs = { " n " : n ,
" k " : k ,
" alpha " : alpha ,
" beta " : beta } )
return lrn_out