@ -1687,6 +1687,40 @@ def layer_norm(input,
def beam_search_decode(ids, scores, beam_size, end_id, name=None):
Beam Search Decode Layer. This layer constructs the full hypotheses for
each source sentence by walking back along the LoDTensorArray :attr:`ids`
whose lods can be used to restore the path in the beam search tree.
Please see the following demo for a fully beam search usage example:
ids(Variable): The LodTensorArray variable containing the selected ids
of all steps.
scores(Variable): The LodTensorArray variable containing the selected
scores of all steps.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
end_id(int): The id of end token.
name(str|None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
will be named automatically.
Variable: The LodTensor pair containing the generated id sequences \
and the corresponding scores. The shapes and lods of the two \
LodTensor are same. The lod level is 2 and the two levels \
separately indicate how many hypotheses each source sentence has \
and how many ids each hypothesis has.
.. code-block:: python
# Suppose `ids` and `scores` are LodTensorArray variables reserving
# the selected ids and scores of all steps
finished_ids, finished_scores = layers.beam_search_decode(
ids, scores, beam_size=5, end_id=0)
helper = LayerHelper('beam_search_decode', **locals())
sentence_ids = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=ids.dtype)
sentence_scores = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=ids.dtype)
@ -1928,10 +1962,83 @@ def sequence_expand(x, y, ref_level=-1, name=None):
return tmp
def beam_search(pre_ids, pre_scores, ids, scores, beam_size, end_id, level=0):
This function implements the beam search algorithm.
def beam_search(pre_ids,
Beam Search Layer. This layer does the search in beams for one time step.
Specifically, it selects the top-K candidate word ids of current step from
:attr:`ids` according to their :attr:`scores` for all source sentences,
where K is :attr:`beam_size` and :attr:`ids, scores` are predicted results
from the computation cell. Additionally, :attr:`pre_ids` and
:attr:`pre_scores` are the output of beam_search at previous step, they are
needed for special use to handle ended candidate translations.
Note that the :attr:`scores` passed in should be accumulated scores, and
length penalty should be done with extra operators before calculating the
accumulated scores if needed, also suggest finding top-K before it and
using the top-K candidates following.
Please see the following demo for a fully beam search usage example:
pre_ids(Variable): The LodTensor variable which is the output of
beam_search at previous step. It should be a LodTensor with shape
:math:`(batch_size, 1)` and lod
:math:`[[0, 1, ... , batch_size], [0, 1, ..., batch_size]]` at the
first step.
pre_scores(Variable): The LodTensor variable which is the output of
beam_search at previous step.
ids(Variable): The LodTensor variable containing the candidates ids.
Its shape should be :math:`(batch_size \\times beam_size, K)`,
where :math:`K` supposed to be :attr:`beam_size`.
scores(Variable): The LodTensor variable containing the accumulated
scores corresponding to :attr:`ids` and its shape is the same as
the shape of :attr:`ids`.
beam_size(int): The beam width used in beam search.
end_id(int): The id of end token.
level(int, default 0): It can be ignored and mustn't change currently.
It means the source level of lod, which is explained as following.
The lod level of :attr:`ids` should be 2. The first level is source
level which describes how many prefixes (branchs) for each source
sentece (beam), and the second level is sentence level which
describes how these candidates belong to the prefix. The paths
linking prefixes and selected candidates are organized and reserved
in lod.
name(str|None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
will be named automatically.
Variable: The LodTensor pair containing the selected ids and the \
corresponding scores.
.. code-block:: python
# Suppose `probs` contains predicted results from the computation
# cell and `pre_ids` and `pre_scores` is the output of beam_search
# at previous step.
topk_scores, topk_indices = layers.topk(probs, k=beam_size)
accu_scores = layers.elementwise_add(
pre_scores, shape=[-1]),
selected_ids, selected_scores = layers.beam_search(
helper = LayerHelper('beam_search', **locals())
score_type = scores.dtype
id_type = ids.dtype