@ -629,10 +629,34 @@ class Block(object):
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string(True)
def to_string(self, throw_on_error):
protostr = self.desc.serialize_to_string()
proto = framework_pb2.BlockDesc.FromString(str(protostr))
return _debug_string_(proto, throw_on_error)
def to_string(self, throw_on_error, with_details=False):
To debug string.
throw_on_error(bool): raise exception when self is not initialized
when throw_on_error is True
with_details(bool): more details about paramters(e.g. trainable, optimize_attr, ...) will be printed when with_details is True
Returns(str): The debug string.
assert isinstance(throw_on_error, bool) and isinstance(with_details,
if with_details:
res_str = "blocks {\n idx: %d\n parent_idx: %d" % (
self.idx, self.parent_idx)
for var in self.vars.itervalues():
res_str += "\n vars {\n %s }" % var.to_string(
throw_on_error).replace("\n", "\n ")
for op in self.ops:
res_str += "\n ops {\n %s }" % op.to_string(
throw_on_error).replace("\n", "\n ")
res_str += "\n}"
protostr = self.desc.serialize_to_string()
proto = framework_pb2.BlockDesc.FromString(str(protostr))
res_str = _debug_string_(proto, throw_on_error)
return res_str
__repr__ = __str__
@ -796,10 +820,28 @@ class Program(object):
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string(True)
def to_string(self, throw_on_error):
protostr = self.desc.serialize_to_string()
proto = framework_pb2.ProgramDesc.FromString(str(protostr))
return _debug_string_(proto, throw_on_error)
def to_string(self, throw_on_error, with_details=False):
To debug string.
throw_on_error(bool): raise exception when self is not initialized
when throw_on_error is True
with_details(bool): more details about paramters(e.g. trainable, optimize_attr, ...) will be printed when with_details is True
Returns(str): The debug string.
assert isinstance(throw_on_error, bool) and isinstance(with_details,
if with_details:
res_str = ""
for block in self.blocks:
res_str += block.to_string(throw_on_error, with_details)
protostr = self.desc.serialize_to_string()
proto = framework_pb2.ProgramDesc.FromString(str(protostr))
res_str = _debug_string_(proto, throw_on_error)
return res_str
def get_desc(self):
return self.desc
@ -950,6 +992,19 @@ class Parameter(Variable):
self.gradient_clip_attr = kwargs.get('gradient_clip_attr', None)
def __str__(self):
return self.to_string(True)
def to_string(self, throw_on_error):
res_str = Variable.to_string(self, throw_on_error)
additional_attr = ("trainable", "optimize_attr", "regularizer",
for attr_name in additional_attr:
res_str += "%s: %s\n" % (attr_name, str(getattr(self, attr_name)))
return res_str
__repr__ = __str__
# program is a global instance.
_main_program_ = Program()