Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into benchmark

tensor-tang 7 years ago
commit 5c7fadae99

@ -253,9 +253,9 @@ IF(NOT PROTOBUF_FOUND)

@ -312,3 +312,9 @@ sequence_softmax
.. autofunction:: paddle.v2.fluid.layers.sequence_softmax
.. autofunction:: paddle.v2.fluid.layers.reduce_sum

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
## Problem
In PaddlePaddle's [Design](, one Operator may have multiple kernels. Users may have some personal preference to choose a certain type of kernel for an operator, such as `force_cpu` to choose a CPU kernel, `use_cudnn` to choose a CUDNN kernel, we need to provide a way for users to do this.
In the current design, we use KernelType to describe one kernel.
struct KernelType {
Place place_;
DataType data_type_;
LayoutType layout_;
`place_` `data_type_` and `layout_` can be got from the input tensors of the operator, `GetActualKernelType(inputs)` use inputs to infer the proper kernel key that fit the incoming data, but users can not directly configure it.
The [design]( also provides a virtual method `GetExpectedKernelType` that user can overload and use to choose the KernelType they want to use.
So we should send the information user defined in proto to `GetExpectedKernelType` for choosing a kernel.
The problem is, how should we define and send the information for `GetExpectedKernelType` to use?
## Solution
### Potential choice
1. Do nothing, let the user add the information they want to operators attribute and get them inside `GetExpectedKernelType`, this can work properly. But there is a little problem that users may define many kinds of hints for the same purpose, such as `force_cpu`, `use_cpu`, `cpu_kernel` to choose CPU kernel, and `use_cudnn`, `force_cudnn`, `cudnn_kernel` to choose CUDNN kernel.
2. Pre-define all the needed option and use a single attr key such as `kernel_hint` for the user, this is not so flexible if the user wants to define some more kind of hint.
### Final choice
To provide enough flexibility while avoiding confusion definition, we can define some global constants for these attribute names, such as `force_cpu`, `use_cudnn`, `use_mkldnn` for a user to choose.
In C++
const std::string kForceCPU = "force_cpu";
const std::string kUseCUDNN = "use_cudnn";
const std::string kUseMKLDNN = "use_mkldnn";
KernelType GetExpectedKernelType() {
if (Attr<bool>(kForceCPU)) {
return KernelType(CPUPlace, ...)
} else {
In Python code
FORCE_CPU = core.kForceCPU()
def xx_layer(..., force_cpu=false):
layer_helper = LayerHelper(...)
attr={FORCE_CPU: force_cpu})

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Design Doc: The Keys of Operator Kernel Type
## Problem
An operator can have different kernel implementations, and each operator will have a map to store the related kernels. Fluid uses `OpKernelType` as a key to identify a unique Kernel. Before an operator runs, an certain kernel must be chosen by a key of `OpKernelType`. Currently, `OpKernelType` is defined as follows:
struct OpKernelType {
platform::Place place_;
proto::DataType data_type_;
For more details, please refer to [codes]( in github.
It contains two keys, `Place` and `DataType`. And these two keys will be hashed to a unique key to represent a certain type of kernel. However, these two keys are not enough. We need a more complete representation of `OpKernelType`.
We often implement a kernel of an operator with some computing library in certain device(place). Please remind that computing library and device are not one-to-one corresponding. A device can have a lot of computing libraries and a computing library can also support several devices.
For example, Eigen library can support Nvidia GPU/AMD GPU/CPU. And MKLDNN library can support Intel CPU/Intel FPGA. Both `Place` and `Library` should be a key of `OpKernelType`.
It's obvious that different DataTypes, like fp64/fp32/int8 will have different kernels. But the data layout of a Tensor will also lead to different implementation. Please refer to the batch norm operator [kernels]( Data Layout should also be taken into consideration.
## Solution
There are four keys to determine a kernel type of an operator: `Place`/`Library`/`DataType`/`Layout`.
struct OpKernelType {
platform::Place place_;
platform::Library library_;
proto::DataType data_type_;
framework::Layout layout_;
Following is the details:
### Place
`Place` is defined as follows:
typedef boost::variant<CUDAPlace, ROCmPlace, FPGAPlace, CPUPlace> Place;
`Place` is to represent the device memory where data is locating.
### Library
One operator kernel is usually implemented based on one library. `Library` is defined as a enum variable:
enum Library { Plain, MKLDNN, CUDNN };
We use `Plain` enumerator to represent default library. Since most operators in Fluid are implemented based on `Eigen` library, we take `Eigen` library as the `Plain` enumerator.
A library usually has a corresponding `DeviceContext` which contains some handles needed by computation. Fluid now have two default DeviceContexts in CPU and CUDA, `CPUDeviceContext` and `CUDADeviceContext`. `CPUDeviceContext` contains a Eigen library handle and `CDUADeviceContext` contains a Eigen library handle and cuBLAS handle.
If we want to support new Library, a new enumerator need to be added to `Library` and a new corresponding `LibraryDeviceContext` will be created.
### DataType
`DataType` is defined in [framework.proto]( Currently, int32/int64/fp32/fp64 are supported.
### Layout
Actually, a Tensor is a view of a block of memory. Besides a pointer to the memory, we also have to get some other descriptions of this block of memory, such as shape(ddim), stride, and layout.
Different layout leads to different implementation of operator kernel. There are mainly 4 principles we have to follow to support layout in our fluid framework.
- We take layout as a data member of Tensor. Layout is actually a enum variable. If fluid is built with MKLDNN, then, the memory format in MKLDNN will be added into this enum variable too.
- Users have to set layout for input data. And some operators like fill_constant/random, also have to set layout of generating data. Of course, we can have some default layout, like NCHW.
- The inference of Layout is at run-time, not compile-time.
- Every operator have to implement different kernels for different layouts. Let's take MKLDNN as an example, if we want to implement a MKLDNN convolution operator, we have to realize all the kernels for different layout, list at [here]( And we will have a special macro to do registering kernels for MKLDNN operators.
`Layout` is also defined as a enum variable:
enum Layout {

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Design Doc: Execute the Program with Multi CPU
## Abstract
This Design Doc propose an approach to make the user-defined Op graph
running with multi-CPU, we will use an auto transpiler to convert the user-defined
Op graph to a multi-CPU Op graph, and run `ParallelDo` Op to run the graph.
## Transpiler
<img src="src/multi-threads/single-thread@3x.png" width="300">
After converted:
<img src="src/multi-threads/multi-threads@3x.png" width="1000">
## Implement
- `Multi-CPU Transpiler` will convert the graph to a multi-CPU graph
which would be executed with multi-threads.
- `BlockingCounter` will `Init/Decrement` an atomic counter, and Blocking `Wait`
for the atomic counter become `0`:
BlockingCounter bc(thread_count);
for (int i = 0; i < thread_count; ++i) {
thread_pool->Start([&bc] {bc.DecrementCount(); })
- `ParallelDo` Operator
- Initialize a thread pool which is a Singleton.
- Use a block id as the input, and create run the specify Block on independent scope
with multi-threads.
- Initialize a `BlockingCounter` instance and wait until all threads are done.
- `Split` Operator will split the Input Tensor into a TensorArray.
- `Merge` merge all the gradients which calculated in different threads
with `mean/sum/max/min...` method, and then run the Optimizer Op to optimize `W`.
- Improve the optimizer stage with multi-threads, since we could
assign the parameters to the different threads and execute
optimizer with multi-threads.

Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
## Background
Every operator has many kernels because there are multiple data types, places, data layout that Fluid supports. We use the `KernelType` to describe kernel types that operators can hold.
The `KernelType` is as follows.
struct KernelType {
Place place_;
DataType data_type_;
LayoutType layout_;
The `place_` is a descriptor of the device and the computational library, e.g., `MKLDNNPlace`, `CUDAPlace`.
The `data_type_` is the data type that this kernel performs on, e.g., `FP32`, `INT64`. Note that one kernel may have inputs with different data types. However, it will be a major `data_type`. For example, the `cross_entropy` takes `int64` as it label, and `double`/`float` as its input logit and output cost. The major `data_type` of `cross_entropy` is `float`/`double`.
The `layout` is useful for some computational library. One example is that MKLDNN uses many kinds of layout, such as `nChw8c`. Each kind of layout will invoke the different kernel.
## Problem
We register a kernel for every operator and every kernel type ideally. However, it is impracticable for the following situations.
1. Some operators, like CRF, are complicated and inefficient to be implemented on GPU. The CRF operator will only have a CPU kernel.
2. Some operators will take too many memory. It is better to force them into CPU. However, the rest of operators in this neural network will be performed on GPU, i.e., model parallel problem.
3. Some layout and place are particular. One example is that MKLDNN uses `nChw8` and there is no other library uses `nChw8c`.
Problems under these situations are similar. We can formalise this problem as follow.
We register kernels with types $KT = \{kt_1, kt_2, kt_3, ...\}$ for one operator. The inputs of this operator should be run on kernel type $kt_{?}$, which the $kt_{?} \notin KT$. How to cast the input of this operator from $kt_{?}$ to any of kernel type in $KT$.
## Solution
It is clearly that transforming inputs of an operator toadapt another kernel type is not related to the particular operator. So we should register these transformation methods as global methods.
We can infer a kernel type from the inputs of an operators. We let this kernel type as `actual kernel type`, which means this kernel type is the actually kernel type that operator should be performed.
We can get a kernel type by 1) The configuration of operator description. (Users may want to force use `MKL` for `conv` operator). 2) The place of the current executor. (Executor is running on GPU). This kernel type is what we expect the operator will be performed on. We let this kernel type as `expect kernel type`.
We transform the input data from `actual` to `expect` if the expect kernel type is not as same as actual kernel type.
The algorithm is described as follow
using DataTransformationFN = std::function<void(const Tensor& in, Tensor* out)>;
using KernelTypePair = std::pair<KernelType, KernelType>;
map<KernelTypePair, DataTransformationFN> g_data_transformation_;
void OpWithKernel::Run() {
vec<Tensor> inputs = ...
auto actual_kernel_type = GetActualKernelType(inputs);
// The expected kernel type is related to actual kernel type.
// For the most operators, the expected kernel type is as same as
// actual kernel type.
// So we pass `actual_kernel_type` as a parameter of
// GetExpectedKernelType
auto expect_kernel_type = GetExpectedKernelType(actual_kernel_type);
auto trans = g_data_transformation_[{actual_kernel_type, expect_kernel_type}];;

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ PaddlePaddle Book是为用户和开发者制作的一个交互式的Jupyter Note
AVX是一种CPU指令集可以加速PaddlePaddle的计算。最新的PaddlePaddle Docker镜像默认
`编译 <./build_from_source_cn.rst>`_ PaddlePaddle为no-avx版本。
`编译 <./build_from_source_cn.html>`_ PaddlePaddle为no-avx版本。

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ GPU driver installed before move on.
AVX is a kind of CPU instruction can accelerate PaddlePaddle's calculations.
The latest PaddlePaddle Docker image turns AVX on by default, so, if your
computer doesn't support AVX, you'll probably need to
`build <./build_from_source_en.rst>`_ with :code:`WITH_AVX=OFF`.
`build <./build_from_source_en.html>`_ with :code:`WITH_AVX=OFF`.
The following command will tell you whether your computer supports AVX.

@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ PaddlePaddle可以使用常用的Python包管理工具
:header: "版本说明", "cp27-cp27mu", "cp27-cp27m", "C-API"
:widths: 1, 3, 3, 3
"cpu_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_openblas", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "暂无"
"cuda7.5_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn7_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_openblas", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "暂无"
"cuda7.5_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn7_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
.. _pip_dependency:

@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ If the links below shows up the login form, just click "Log in as guest" to star
:header: "version", "cp27-cp27mu", "cp27-cp27m", "C-API"
:widths: 1, 3, 3, 3
"cpu_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_openblas", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "Not Available"
"cuda7.5_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn7_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.10.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cpu_avx_openblas", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "Not Available"
"cuda7.5_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn5_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
"cuda8.0_cudnn7_avx_mkl", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddlepaddle_gpu-0.11.0-cp27-cp27m-linux_x86_64.whl <>`_", "`paddle.tgz <>`_"
.. _pip_dependency:

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Kernel实现 | CPU、CUDA共享Kernel实现在`.h`文件中否则CPU
class MulOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
MulOpMaker(framework::OpProto *proto, framework::OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
MulOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("X", "(Tensor), 2D tensor of size (M x K)");
AddInput("Y", "(Tensor), 2D tensor of size (K x N)");
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ The equation is: Out = X * Y
template <typename AttrType>
class ScaleOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
ScaleOpMaker(framework::OpProto *proto, framework::OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
ScaleOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("X", "The input tensor of scale operator.").NotInGradient();
AddOutput("Out", "The output tensor of scale operator.").NotInGradient();

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ First, define `ProtoMaker` to describe the Operator's input, output, and additio
class MulOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
MulOpMaker(framework::OpProto *proto, framework::OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
MulOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("X", "(Tensor), 2D tensor of size (M x K)");
AddInput("Y", "(Tensor), 2D tensor of size (K x N)");
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ An additional example [`ScaleOp`](
template <typename AttrType>
class ScaleOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
ScaleOpMaker(framework::OpProto *proto, framework::OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
ScaleOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("X", "The input tensor of scale operator.").NotInGradient();
AddOutput("Out", "The output tensor of scale operator.").NotInGradient();

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
前一篇文章介绍了如何在Kubernetes集群上启动一个单机PaddlePaddle训练作业 (Job)。在这篇文章里我们介绍如何在Kubernetes集群上进行分布式PaddlePaddle训练作业。关于PaddlePaddle的分布式训练文章 [Cluster Training](介绍了一种通过SSH远程分发任务进行分布式训练的方法与此不同的是本文将介绍在Kubernetes容器管理平台上快速构建PaddlePaddle容器集群进行分布式训练的方案。
## 整体方案

@ -19,42 +19,42 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
Attribute GetAttrValue(const OpDesc::Attr& attr_desc) {
Attribute GetAttrValue(const proto::OpDesc::Attr& attr_desc) {
switch (attr_desc.type()) {
case framework::AttrType::BOOLEAN: {
case proto::AttrType::BOOLEAN: {
return attr_desc.b();
case framework::AttrType::INT: {
case proto::AttrType::INT: {
return attr_desc.i();
case framework::AttrType::FLOAT: {
case proto::AttrType::FLOAT: {
return attr_desc.f();
case framework::AttrType::STRING: {
case proto::AttrType::STRING: {
return attr_desc.s();
case framework::AttrType::BOOLEANS: {
case proto::AttrType::BOOLEANS: {
std::vector<bool> val(attr_desc.bools_size());
for (int i = 0; i < attr_desc.bools_size(); ++i) {
val[i] = attr_desc.bools(i);
return val;
case framework::AttrType::INTS: {
case proto::AttrType::INTS: {
std::vector<int> val(attr_desc.ints_size());
for (int i = 0; i < attr_desc.ints_size(); ++i) {
val[i] = attr_desc.ints(i);
return val;
case framework::AttrType::FLOATS: {
case proto::AttrType::FLOATS: {
std::vector<float> val(attr_desc.floats_size());
for (int i = 0; i < attr_desc.floats_size(); ++i) {
val[i] = attr_desc.floats(i);
return val;
case framework::AttrType::STRINGS: {
case proto::AttrType::STRINGS: {
std::vector<std::string> val(attr_desc.strings_size());
for (int i = 0; i < attr_desc.strings_size(); ++i) {
val[i] = attr_desc.strings(i);

@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
template <typename T>
inline AttrType AttrTypeID() {
inline proto::AttrType AttrTypeID() {
Attribute tmp = T();
return static_cast<AttrType>(tmp.which() - 1);
return static_cast<proto::AttrType>(tmp.which() - 1);
Attribute GetAttrValue(const OpDesc::Attr& attr_desc);
Attribute GetAttrValue(const proto::OpDesc::Attr& attr_desc);
class AttrReader {

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ static std::unordered_set<std::string>& CtrlFlowOps() {
static inline std::unique_ptr<OperatorBase> CreateGradOp(
const OperatorBase& op, const std::unordered_set<std::string>& no_grad_set,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var) {
OpDescBind op_desc;
OpDesc op_desc;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static inline std::unique_ptr<OperatorBase> CreateGradOp(
std::transform(grad_descs.begin(), grad_descs.end(),
[](const std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>& grad_desc) {
[](const std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>& grad_desc) {
return OpRegistry::CreateOp(*grad_desc);
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ static std::unique_ptr<OperatorBase> BackwardRecursive(
// If part of input gradient of that operator is not calculated, fill
// zero variables to that input gradient.
net->AppendOp(OpRegistry::CreateOp("fill_zeros_like", {{"X", {prefix}}},
{{"Y", {grad_input}}},
{{"Out", {grad_input}}},
return false;
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static std::string FwdName(const std::string& grad_name) {
static void CreateGradVarInBlock(
size_t grad_op_start_index,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& param_name_map,
BlockDescBind* block_desc,
BlockDesc* block_desc,
std::unordered_map<std::string, GradVarInfo>* grad_var_record) {
auto ops = block_desc->AllOps();
for (size_t op_index = grad_op_start_index; op_index < ops.size();
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ static void CreateGradVarInBlock(
auto* param = block_desc->FindVarRecursive(pname);
auto* grad = block_desc->FindVar(arg);
if (param == nullptr) {
} else {
@ -350,12 +350,11 @@ static void CreateGradVarInBlock(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeOpGrad(
const OpDescBind* op_desc, std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> MakeOpGrad(
const OpDesc* op_desc, std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var,
const std::vector<BlockDescBind*>& grad_block =
std::vector<BlockDescBind*>()) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> grad_op_descs;
const std::vector<BlockDesc*>& grad_block = std::vector<BlockDesc*>()) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> grad_op_descs;
// All input gradients of forwarding operator do not need to calculate.
const std::vector<std::string>& inputs = op_desc->InputArgumentNames();
if (AllGradInSet(inputs, *no_grad_vars)) {
@ -386,7 +385,7 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeOpGrad(
.GradOpMaker()(*op_desc, *no_grad_vars, grad_to_var, grad_block);
std::list<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> pending_fill_zeros_ops;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> pending_fill_zeros_ops;
for (auto& desc : grad_op_descs) {
for (const std::string& in_name : desc->InputArgumentNames()) {
if (no_grad_vars->count(in_name)) {
@ -394,9 +393,9 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeOpGrad(
0, in_name.size() - sizeof(kGradVarSuffix) / sizeof(char) + 1);
std::string new_name = prefix + kZeroVarSuffix;
desc->Rename(in_name, new_name);
std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind> fill_zeros_op(
new OpDescBind("fill_zeros_like", {{"X", {prefix}}},
{{"Y", {new_name}}}, AttributeMap{}));
std::unique_ptr<OpDesc> fill_zeros_op(
new OpDesc("fill_zeros_like", {{"X", {prefix}}},
{{"Out", {new_name}}}, AttributeMap{}));
@ -408,34 +407,33 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeOpGrad(
return grad_op_descs;
static BlockDescBind* CreateStepBlock(
ProgramDescBind& program_desc,
std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
static BlockDesc* CreateStepBlock(
ProgramDesc& program_desc, std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var,
int step_block_idx);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeBlockBackward(
ProgramDescBind& program_desc, int block_idx,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> MakeBlockBackward(
ProgramDesc& program_desc, int block_idx,
std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var) {
VLOG(5) << "MakeBlockBackward";
BlockDescBind* cur_block = program_desc.MutableBlock(block_idx);
std::vector<OpDescBind*> op_descs = cur_block->AllOps();
BlockDesc* cur_block = program_desc.MutableBlock(block_idx);
std::vector<OpDesc*> op_descs = cur_block->AllOps();
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<size_t>> dup_out_ops;
size_t grad_desc_idx = 0;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> backward_descs;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> backward_descs;
for (auto it = op_descs.rbegin(); it != op_descs.rend(); ++it) {
VLOG(5) << "Making backward " << (*it)->Type() << " op";
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> op_grads;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> op_grads;
if ((*it)->Type() == "recurrent" || (*it)->Type() == "while") {
int step_block_idx = (*it)->GetBlockAttr("sub_block");
BlockDescBind* backward_block = CreateStepBlock(
program_desc, no_grad_vars, grad_to_var, step_block_idx);
BlockDesc* backward_block = CreateStepBlock(program_desc, no_grad_vars,
grad_to_var, step_block_idx);
op_grads = MakeOpGrad(*it, no_grad_vars, grad_to_var, {backward_block});
} else if ((*it)->Type() == "conditional_block") {
BlockDescBind* backward_block =
BlockDesc* backward_block =
CreateStepBlock(program_desc, no_grad_vars, grad_to_var,
op_grads = MakeOpGrad(*it, no_grad_vars, grad_to_var, {backward_block});
@ -463,14 +461,14 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeBlockBackward(
op_grads.begin(), op_grads.end(), std::back_inserter(backward_descs),
[](std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>& ptr) { return std::move(ptr); });
std::transform(op_grads.begin(), op_grads.end(),
[](std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>& ptr) { return std::move(ptr); });
VLOG(5) << "Appending Sums";
// Check whether some variables are written more than once
std::list<std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>>> pending_sum_ops;
std::list<std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>>> pending_sum_ops;
for (const auto& dup : dup_out_ops) {
const std::string& out_name = dup.first;
const std::vector<size_t> dup_op = dup.second;
@ -486,18 +484,17 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeBlockBackward(
next_g_name = sum_op_inputs.back();
std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind> sum_op(
new OpDescBind("sum", {{"X", sum_op_inputs}}, {{"Out", {out_name}}},
std::unique_ptr<OpDesc> sum_op(new OpDesc("sum", {{"X", sum_op_inputs}},
{{"Out", {out_name}}},
pending_sum_ops.push_back({dup_op.back(), std::move(sum_op)});
[](const std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>>& a,
const std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>>& b) {
return a.first > b.first;
pending_sum_ops.sort([](const std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>>& a,
const std::pair<size_t, std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>>& b) {
return a.first > b.first;
for (auto& p : pending_sum_ops) {
backward_descs.insert(backward_descs.begin() + p.first + 1,
@ -508,14 +505,13 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> MakeBlockBackward(
return backward_descs;
static BlockDescBind* CreateStepBlock(
ProgramDescBind& program_desc,
std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
static BlockDesc* CreateStepBlock(
ProgramDesc& program_desc, std::unordered_set<std::string>* no_grad_vars,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var,
int step_block_idx) {
auto backward_block_op_descs = MakeBlockBackward(program_desc, step_block_idx,
no_grad_vars, grad_to_var);
BlockDescBind* backward_block =
BlockDesc* backward_block =
for (auto& ptr : backward_block_op_descs) {
@ -524,7 +520,7 @@ static BlockDescBind* CreateStepBlock(
ParamGradInfoMap AppendBackward(
ProgramDescBind& program_desc, const VarDescBind& target,
ProgramDesc& program_desc, const VarDesc& target,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& no_grad_vars) {
std::unordered_set<std::string> no_grad_var_names;
no_grad_var_names.reserve(no_grad_vars.size() + 1);
@ -541,11 +537,11 @@ ParamGradInfoMap AppendBackward(
PADDLE_ENFORCE(is_scalar, "target should be scalar");
VLOG(3) << "backward from loss=" << target.Name()
<< " data_type=" << target.GetDataType();
std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind> fill_one_op(
new OpDescBind("fill_constant", {}, {{"Out", {fill_one_op_out}}},
{{"shape", std::vector<int>{1}},
{"value", static_cast<float>(1.0)},
{"dtype", target.GetDataType()}}));
std::unique_ptr<OpDesc> fill_one_op(
new OpDesc("fill_constant", {}, {{"Out", {fill_one_op_out}}},
{{"shape", std::vector<int>{1}},
{"value", static_cast<float>(1.0)},
{"dtype", target.GetDataType()}}));
// infer var type of fill_one_op

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ using ParamGradInfoMap = std::unordered_map<std::string /*fwd_var_name*/,
GradVarInfo /*grad_var_info*/>;
ParamGradInfoMap AppendBackward(
ProgramDescBind& program_desc, const VarDescBind& target,
ProgramDesc& program_desc, const VarDesc& target,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& no_grad_vars);
} // namespace framework

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::Var(const std::string &name) {
VarDesc *BlockDesc::Var(const std::string &name) {
auto it = vars_.find(name);
if (it != vars_.end()) {
return it->second.get();
need_update_ = true;
auto *var = new VarDescBind(name);
auto *var = new VarDesc(name);
return var;
VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::FindVar(const std::string &name) const {
VarDesc *BlockDesc::FindVar(const std::string &name) const {
auto it = vars_.find(name);
if (it == vars_.end()) {
return nullptr;
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::FindVar(const std::string &name) const {
return it->second.get();
bool BlockDescBind::HasVar(const std::string &name) const {
bool BlockDesc::HasVar(const std::string &name) const {
return vars_.find(name) != vars_.end();
VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::FindVarRecursive(const std::string &name) const {
VarDesc *BlockDesc::FindVarRecursive(const std::string &name) const {
if (name == kEmptyVarName) return nullptr;
auto it = vars_.find(name);
@ -53,53 +53,52 @@ VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::FindVarRecursive(const std::string &name) const {
return it->second.get();
VarDescBind *BlockDescBind::FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(
const std::string &name_bytes) {
VarDescBind *res = FindVarRecursive(name_bytes);
VarDesc *BlockDesc::FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(const std::string &name_bytes) {
VarDesc *res = FindVarRecursive(name_bytes);
if (res == nullptr) {
res = Var(name_bytes);
return res;
bool BlockDescBind::HasVarRecursive(const std::string &name) const {
bool BlockDesc::HasVarRecursive(const std::string &name) const {
return FindVarRecursive(name) != nullptr;
std::vector<VarDescBind *> BlockDescBind::AllVars() const {
std::vector<VarDescBind *> res;
std::vector<VarDesc *> BlockDesc::AllVars() const {
std::vector<VarDesc *> res;
for (const auto &p : vars_) {
return res;
OpDescBind *BlockDescBind::AppendOp() {
OpDesc *BlockDesc::AppendOp() {
need_update_ = true;
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDescBind());
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDesc());
return ops_.back().get();
void BlockDescBind::AppendAllocatedOp(std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind> &&op_desc) {
void BlockDesc::AppendAllocatedOp(std::unique_ptr<OpDesc> &&op_desc) {
need_update_ = true;
OpDescBind *BlockDescBind::PrependOp() {
OpDesc *BlockDesc::PrependOp() {
need_update_ = true;
ops_.emplace_front(new OpDescBind());
ops_.emplace_front(new OpDesc());
return ops_.front().get();
std::vector<OpDescBind *> BlockDescBind::AllOps() const {
std::vector<OpDescBind *> res;
std::vector<OpDesc *> BlockDesc::AllOps() const {
std::vector<OpDesc *> res;
for (const auto &op : ops_) {
return res;
void BlockDescBind::Flush() {
void BlockDesc::Flush() {
for (auto &op_desc : ops_) {
@ -121,43 +120,43 @@ void BlockDescBind::Flush() {
BlockDescBind *BlockDescBind::ParentBlock() const {
BlockDesc *BlockDesc::ParentBlock() const {
if (this->desc_->parent_idx() == kNoneBlockIndex) {
return nullptr;
return prog_->MutableBlock(static_cast<size_t>(this->desc_->parent_idx()));
BlockDesc *BlockDescBind::Proto() {
proto::BlockDesc *BlockDesc::Proto() {
return desc_;
BlockDescBind::BlockDescBind(ProgramDescBind *prog, BlockDesc *desc)
BlockDesc::BlockDesc(ProgramDesc *prog, proto::BlockDesc *desc)
: prog_(prog), desc_(desc), need_update_(false) {
for (const VarDesc &var_desc : desc_->vars()) {
vars_[].reset(new VarDescBind(var_desc));
for (const proto::VarDesc &var_desc : desc_->vars()) {
vars_[].reset(new VarDesc(var_desc));
for (const OpDesc &op_desc : desc_->ops()) {
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDescBind(op_desc, prog));
for (const proto::OpDesc &op_desc : desc_->ops()) {
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDesc(op_desc, prog));
BlockDescBind::BlockDescBind(const BlockDescBind &other, BlockDesc *desc,
ProgramDescBind *prog)
BlockDesc::BlockDesc(const BlockDesc &other, proto::BlockDesc *desc,
ProgramDesc *prog)
: prog_(prog), desc_(desc) {
need_update_ = true;
for (auto &op : other.ops_) {
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDescBind(*op));
ops_.emplace_back(new OpDesc(*op));
for (auto &it : other.vars_) {
auto *var = new VarDescBind(*it.second);
auto *var = new VarDesc(*it.second);
void BlockDescBind::ClearPBOps() {
void BlockDesc::ClearPBOps() {
auto ops = this->desc_->mutable_ops();
while (!ops->empty()) {
// we do not own the OpDesc, so release the ownership.
@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ void BlockDescBind::ClearPBOps() {
void BlockDescBind::ClearPBVars() {
void BlockDesc::ClearPBVars() {
auto vars = this->desc_->mutable_vars();
while (!vars->empty()) {
// we do not own the VarDesc, so release the ownership.

@ -28,20 +28,19 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
class ProgramDescBind;
class ProgramDesc;
// Each Protobuf Message, we provide a XXXBind class. In that class, we optimize
// read/write speed. Only when we want the protobuf message, the local changes
// will be synchronized (by `Sync` method).
class BlockDescBind {
class BlockDesc {
BlockDescBind(ProgramDescBind *prog, BlockDesc *desc);
BlockDesc(ProgramDesc *prog, proto::BlockDesc *desc);
BlockDescBind(const BlockDescBind &other, BlockDesc *desc,
ProgramDescBind *prog);
BlockDesc(const BlockDesc &other, proto::BlockDesc *desc, ProgramDesc *prog);
~BlockDescBind() {
~BlockDesc() {
@ -50,15 +49,15 @@ class BlockDescBind {
int32_t Parent() const { return desc_->parent_idx(); }
VarDescBind *Var(const std::string &name_bytes);
VarDesc *Var(const std::string &name_bytes);
VarDescBind *FindVar(const std::string &name_bytes) const;
VarDesc *FindVar(const std::string &name_bytes) const;
bool HasVar(const std::string &var_name) const;
VarDescBind *FindVarRecursive(const std::string &name_bytes) const;
VarDesc *FindVarRecursive(const std::string &name_bytes) const;
VarDescBind *FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(const std::string &name_bytes);
VarDesc *FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(const std::string &name_bytes);
bool HasVarRecursive(const std::string &var_name) const;
@ -70,41 +69,41 @@ class BlockDescBind {
return var_names;
std::vector<VarDescBind *> AllVars() const;
std::vector<VarDesc *> AllVars() const;
BlockDescBind *ParentBlock() const;
BlockDesc *ParentBlock() const;
OpDescBind *AppendOp();
OpDesc *AppendOp();
void AppendAllocatedOp(std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind> &&op_desc);
void AppendAllocatedOp(std::unique_ptr<OpDesc> &&op_desc);
OpDescBind *PrependOp();
OpDesc *PrependOp();
std::vector<OpDescBind *> AllOps() const;
std::vector<OpDesc *> AllOps() const;
size_t OpSize() const { return ops_.size(); }
OpDescBind *Op(int idx) { return; }
OpDesc *Op(int idx) { return; }
void Flush();
BlockDesc *Proto();
proto::BlockDesc *Proto();
ProgramDescBind *Program() { return this->prog_; }
ProgramDesc *Program() { return this->prog_; }
void ClearPBOps();
void ClearPBVars();
ProgramDescBind *prog_; // not_own
BlockDesc *desc_; // not_own
ProgramDesc *prog_; // not_own
proto::BlockDesc *desc_; // not_own
bool need_update_;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<OpDescBind>> ops_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<VarDescBind>> vars_;
std::deque<std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>> ops_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<VarDesc>> vars_;
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle

@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
inline DataType ToDataType(std::type_index type) {
inline proto::DataType ToDataType(std::type_index type) {
using namespace paddle::framework::proto;
if (typeid(float).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
return DataType::FP32;
} else if (typeid(double).hash_code() == type.hash_code()) {
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ inline DataType ToDataType(std::type_index type) {
inline std::type_index ToTypeIndex(DataType type) {
inline std::type_index ToTypeIndex(proto::DataType type) {
using namespace paddle::framework::proto;
switch (type) {
case DataType::FP32:
return typeid(float);
@ -54,7 +56,8 @@ inline std::type_index ToTypeIndex(DataType type) {
template <typename Visitor>
inline void VisitDataType(DataType type, Visitor visitor) {
inline void VisitDataType(proto::DataType type, Visitor visitor) {
using namespace paddle::framework::proto;
switch (type) {
case DataType::FP32:
visitor.template operator()<float>();

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ struct OpInfoFiller<T, kOperator> {
template <typename T>
struct OpInfoFiller<T, kOpProtoAndCheckerMaker> {
void operator()(const char* op_type, OpInfo* info) const {
info->proto_ = new OpProto;
info->proto_ = new proto::OpProto;
info->checker_ = new OpAttrChecker();
auto maker = T(info->proto_, info->checker_);
@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ template <typename T>
struct OpInfoFiller<T, kGradOpDescMaker> {
void operator()(const char* op_type, OpInfo* info) const {
info->grad_op_maker_ = [](
const OpDescBind& fwd_op,
const OpDesc& fwd_op,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& no_grad_set,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* grad_to_var,
const std::vector<BlockDescBind*>& grad_block) {
const std::vector<BlockDesc*>& grad_block) {
T maker(fwd_op, no_grad_set, grad_to_var, grad_block);
return maker();
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ struct OpInfoFiller<T, kGradOpDescMaker> {
template <typename T>
struct OpInfoFiller<T, kVarTypeInference> {
void operator()(const char* op_type, OpInfo* info) const {
info->infer_var_type_ = [](const OpDescBind& fwd_op, BlockDescBind* block) {
info->infer_var_type_ = [](const OpDesc& fwd_op, BlockDesc* block) {
T inference;
inference(fwd_op, block);

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
