@ -157,7 +157,50 @@ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(core) {
.def("_get_double_element", TensorGetElement<double>)
.def("_dtype", [](Tensor &self) { return ToDataType(self.type()); });
py::class_<LoDTensor, Tensor>(m, "LoDTensor")
py::class_<LoDTensor, Tensor>(m, "LoDTensor", R"DOC(
LoDTensor is a Tensor with optional LoD information.
np.array(lod_tensor) can convert LoDTensor to numpy array.
lod_tensor.lod() can retrieve the LoD information.
LoD is short for Level of Details and is usually used for varied sequence
length. You can skip the following comment if you don't need optional LoD.
For example:
A LoDTensor X can look like the example below. It contains 2 sequences.
The first has length 2 and the second has length 3, as described by x.lod.
The first tensor dimension 6=2+3 is calculated from LoD if it's available.
It means the total number of sequence element. In X, each element has 2
columns, hence [6, 2].
x.lod = [[2, 3]]
x.data = [[1, 2], [3, 4],
[5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]
x.shape = [6, 2]
LoD can have multiple levels (for example, a paragraph can have multiple
sentences and a sentence can have multiple words). In the following
LodTensor Y, the lod_level is 2. It means there are 2 sequence, the
first sequence length is 2 (has 2 sub-sequences), the second one's
length is 1. The first sequence's 2 sub-sequences have length 2 and 2,
respectively. And the second sequence's 1 sub-sequence has length 3.
y.lod = [[2 1], [2 2 3]]
y.shape = [2+2+3, ...]
In above description, LoD is length-based. In Paddle internal
implementation, lod is offset-based. Hence, internally,
y.lod is represented as [[0, 2, 3], [0, 2, 4, 7]] (length-based
equivlent would be [[2-0, 3-2], [2-0, 4-2, 7-4]]).
Sometimes LoD is called recursive_sequence_length to be more
self-explanatory. In this case, it must be length-based. Due to history
reasons. when LoD is called lod in public API, it might be offset-based.
Users should be careful about it.
[](Tensor &self) -> py::buffer_info { return CastToPyBuffer(self); })