Merge branch 'develop' of into fix-6581

yangyaming 7 years ago
commit 69072ef1ce

@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ function train() {
--test_period=100 \
--config_args=$args \
2>&1 | tee ${log}
avg_time=`tail ${log} -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $8}' | sed 's/avg=//'`
fps=`awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f",('$bs' / '$avg_time' * 1000)}'`
echo "FPS: $fps images/sec" 2>&1 | tee -a ${log}
if [ ! -f "train.list" ]; then

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
set -e
function clock_to_seconds() {
hours=`echo $1 | awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
mins=`echo $1 | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
secs=`echo $1 | awk -F ':' '{print $3}'`
echo `awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f",('$secs' + '$mins' * 60 + '$hours' * 3600)}'`
function infer() {
if [ $thread -gt $bs ]; then
if [ ! -d $models_in ]; then
echo "./ to save the model first"
exit 0
log_period=$((256 / bs))
paddle train --job=test \
--config="${topology}.py" \
--use_gpu=False \
--trainer_count=$thread \
--log_period=$log_period \
--config_args="batch_size=${bs},layer_num=${layer_num},is_infer=True" \
--init_model_path=$models_in \
2>&1 | tee ${log}
# calculate the last 5 logs period time of 1280 samples,
# the time before are burning time.
start=`tail ${log} -n 7 | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs`
end=`tail ${log} -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' | xargs`
start_sec=`clock_to_seconds $start`
end_sec=`clock_to_seconds $end`
fps=`awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f",(1280 / ('$end_sec' - '$start_sec'))}'`
echo "Last 1280 samples start: ${start}(${start_sec} sec), end: ${end}(${end_sec} sec;" >> ${log}
echo "FPS: $fps images/sec" 2>&1 | tee -a ${log}
if [ ! -f "train.list" ]; then
echo " " > train.list
if [ ! -f "test.list" ]; then
echo " " > test.list
if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then
mkdir logs
# inference benchmark
for batchsize in 1 2 4 8 16; do
infer googlenet v1 $batchsize
infer resnet 50 $batchsize
infer vgg 19 $batchsize

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
set -e
function train() {
# each trainer_count use only 1 core to avoid conflict
paddle train --job=time \
--config=$config \
--use_gpu=False \
--trainer_count=$thread \
--log_period=10 \
--test_period=100 \
--config_args=$args \
2>&1 | tee ${log}
avg_time=`tail ${log} -n 1 | awk -F ' ' '{print $8}' | sed 's/avg=//'`
fps=`awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f",('$bs' / '$avg_time' * 1000)}'`
echo "FPS: $fps images/sec" 2>&1 | tee -a ${log}
if [ ! -f "train.list" ]; then
echo " " > train.list
if [ ! -d "logs" ]; then
mkdir logs
# training benchmark
for batchsize in 64 128 256; do
train vgg 19 $batchsize
train resnet 50 $batchsize
train googlenet v1 $batchsize

@ -295,6 +295,12 @@ conv2d_transpose
.. autofunction:: paddle.v2.fluid.layers.sequence_expand
.. autofunction:: paddle.v2.fluid.layers.lstm_unit

@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
# Executor Design Doc
## Motivation
In the [fluid](, we encourage user use deep learning programming paradigms to describe training process. When the user-written Python program is executed, it will create a protobuf message
[`ProgramDesc`]( that describes the process and is conceptually like an [abstract syntax tree](
We use executor to do the runtime evaluation of a `ProgramDesc`.
The executor runs the `ProgramDesc` like an interpreter. `ProgramDesc` contains intrinsics/operators and variables which will be used, executor explicitly execute the stored precompiled code.
## Overview
An executor takes a `ProgramDesc`, a `block_id` and a `Scope`. The `ProgramDesc` is a list of blocks and each block contains the protobuf definition of all the parameters and operators. The `block_id` specifies the entrance block. And the `Scope` is the container of all the variable instance, which is persistent throughout different runs.
### What does executor do?
## Executor
It evaluates all the operators in the `block_id`th block of a `ProgramDesc`.
`Executor` explicitly executes all the intrinsics/operators in the `block_id`th block of a `ProgramDesc`. Essentially, it instantiates Variables and Operators, then runs all the operators in sequence. It is very similar to push stack frame when entering the block, it will destroy the temporary variables when mini-batch is finished, but it does not have stack frame pop process.
### What does executor NOT do?
### Interface
A executor does not own any computing resources, user can only construct an executor with specified places.
It does not do runtime optimization, meaning intelligently parse the dependency of each op a choose which one to be run and in which order they should be run.
It does not do graph partitioning, meaning dividing the `ProgramDesc` into several small pieces and executing them on different devices.
## Implementation
`Executor` evaluates a `ProgramDesc`. Essentially, it instantiates Variables and Operators, then run all the operators in sequence. [[code]](
void Run(ProgramDesc, Scope, block_id, create_local_scope);
A executor only provides an unified way to execute `ProgramDesc`. `ProgramDesc` is the target will be executed, scope specifies the variable container. `block_id` indicates the entrance block, `create_local_scope` means if it will destroy the temporary variables after execution finished.

@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
由于在现有的某些情况下例如RNN多次调用 cblas_?gemm 会使用相同的原数据因此每次调用时对原数据的重复Packing便成为了冗余。
为了最大程度减少多次调用 cblas_?gemm 在Packing上的耗时Intel® MKL 引入了以下四个API:
* cblas_?gemm_alloc
* cblas_?gemm_pack
* cblas_?gemm_compute
* cblas_?gemm_free
* [cblas_?gemm_alloc](
* [cblas_?gemm_pack](
* [cblas_?gemm_compute](
* [cblas_?gemm_free](
@ -84,7 +84,20 @@ PaddlePaddle/Paddle
2. 对比优化后layer与相对应的PaddlePaddle原有layer, 在batch mode下的结果。
### Python API
use_mkl_packed = bool(int(g_command_config_args.get("use_mkl_packed", 0)))
if use_mkl_packed:
self.layer_type = mkl_packed_*
### Benchmarking
会添加相应的脚本用于测试和对比在使用MKL Packed recurrent layers 前后的网络性能。

@ -9,9 +9,6 @@

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ Usage

@ -1,25 +1,8 @@
# PaddlePaddle分布式训练
* [概述](#概述)
* [环境准备](#环境准备)
* [启动参数说明](#启动参数说明)
* [启动参数服务器](#启动参数服务器)
* [启动计算节点](#启动计算节点)
* [准备数据集](#准备数据集)
* [准备训练程序](#准备训练程序)
* [使用分布式计算平台或工具](#使用分布式计算平台或工具)
* [使用Fabric启动集群作业](#使用fabric启动集群作业)
* [准备一个Linux集群](#准备一个linux集群)
* [启动集群作业](#启动集群作业)
* [终止集群作业](#终止集群作业)
* [检查集群训练结果](#检查集群训练结果)
* [检查模型输出](#检查模型输出)
* [在OpenMPI集群中提交训练作业](#在openmpi集群中提交训练作业)
* [准备OpenMPI集群](#准备OpenMPI集群)
* [启动集群作业](#启动集群作业-1)
* [在Kubernetes集群中提交训练作业](#在kubernetes集群中提交训练作业)
## 概述
<img src="" width="500">
@ -32,10 +15,11 @@
在使用同步SGD训练神经网络时PaddlePaddle使用同步屏障barrier使梯度的提交和参数的更新按照顺序方式执行。在异步SGD中则并不会等待所有trainer提交梯度才更新参数这样极大地提高了计算的并行性参数服务器之间不相互依赖并行地接收梯度和更新参数参数服务器也不会等待计算节点全部都提交梯度之后才开始下一步计算节点之间也不会相互依赖并行地执行模型的训练。可以看出虽然异步SGD方式会提高参数更新并行度, 但是并不能保证参数同步更新在任意时间某一台参数服务器上保存的参数可能比另一台要更新与同步SGD相比梯度会有噪声。
## 环境准备
1. 准备您的计算集群。计算集群通常由一组几台到几千台规模的Linux服务器组成。服务器之间可以通过局域网LAN联通每台服务器具有集群中唯一的IP地址或者可被DNS解析的主机名。集群中的每台计算机通常被成为一个“节点”。
1. 我们需要在集群的所有节点上安装 PaddlePaddle。 如果要启用GPU还需要在节点上安装对应的GPU驱动以及CUDA。PaddlePaddle的安装可以参考[build_and_install](的多种安装方式。我们推荐使用[Docker](安装方式来快速安装PaddlePaddle。
1. 我们需要在集群的所有节点上安装 PaddlePaddle。 如果要启用GPU还需要在节点上安装对应的GPU驱动以及CUDA。PaddlePaddle的安装可以参考[build_and_install](的多种安装方式。我们推荐使用[Docker](安装方式来快速安装PaddlePaddle。
安装完成之后执行下面的命令可以查看已经安装的版本docker安装方式可以进入docker容器执行`docker run -it paddlepaddle/paddle:[tag] /bin/bash`
@ -63,12 +47,12 @@ $ paddle pserver --port=7164 --ports_num=1 --ports_num_for_sparse=1 --num_gradie
$ stdbuf -oL /usr/bin/nohup paddle pserver --port=7164 --ports_num=1 --ports_num_for_sparse=1 --num_gradient_servers=1 &> pserver.log
| 参数 | 是否必选 | 默认值 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| port | 必选 | 7164 | pserver监听的起始端口根据ports_num决定<br>总端口个数,从起始端口监听多个端口用于通信 |
| ports_num | 必选 | 1 | 监听的端口个数 |
| ports_num_for_sparse | 必选 | 1 | 用于稀疏类型参数通信的端口个数 |
| num_gradient_servers | 必选 | 1 | 当前训练任务pserver总数 |
- port**必选默认7164**pserver监听的起始端口根据ports_num决定总端口个数从起始端口监听多个端口用于通信
- ports_num**必选默认1**,监听的端口个数
- ports_num_for_sparse**必选默认1**,用于稀疏类型参数通信的端口个数
- num_gradient_servers**必选默认1**当前训练任务pserver总数
### 启动计算节点
@ -105,16 +89,16 @@ paddle.init(
| 参数 | 是否必选 | 默认 | 说明 |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| use_gpu | 可选 | False | 是否启用GPU训练 |
| trainer_count | 必选 | 1 | 当前训练任务trainer总个数 |
| port | 必选 | 7164 | 连接到pserver的端口 |
| ports_num | 必选 | 1 | 连接到pserver的端口个数 |
| ports_num_for_sparse | 必选 | 1 | 和pserver之间用于稀疏类型参数通信的端口个数 |
| num_gradient_servers | 必选 | 1 | 当前训练任务pserver总数 |
| trainer_id | 必选 | 0 | 每个trainer的唯一ID从0开始的整数 |
| pservers | 必选 | | 当前训练任务启动的pserver的IP列表多个IP使用“,”隔开 |
- use_gpu **可选默认False**是否启用GPU训练
- trainer_count**必选默认1**当前训练任务trainer总个数
- port**必选默认7164**连接到pserver的端口
- ports_num**必选默认1**连接到pserver的端口个数
- ports_num_for_sparse**必选默认1**和pserver之间用于稀疏类型参数通信的端口个数
- num_gradient_servers**必选默认1**当前训练任务pserver总数
- trainer_id**必选默认0**每个trainer的唯一ID从0开始的整数
- pservers**必选默认127.0.0.1**当前训练任务启动的pserver的IP列表多个IP使用“,”隔开
### 准备数据集
@ -171,7 +155,7 @@ test.txt-00002
- ``:会被``调用的一些用户定义的库函数比如PIL库等。
- `word_dict.pickle`:在``中会使用到的字典数据文件。
- ``:训练程序,代码参考[](。***注意:*** 对于本样例代码,在使用不同的分布式计算平台时,您可能需要修改``开头的部分(如下),以便获得训练数据的位置和获取环境变量配置:
- ``:训练程序,代码参考[](。***注意:*** 对于本样例代码,在使用不同的分布式计算平台时,您可能需要修改``开头的部分(如下),以便获得训练数据的位置和获取环境变量配置:
cluster_train_file = "./train_data_dir/train/train.txt"
@ -195,91 +179,10 @@ PaddlePaddle可以使用多种分布式计算平台构建分布式计算任务
### 使用Fabric启动集群作业
#### 准备一个Linux集群
可以在`paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/fabric/docker_cluster`目录下,执行`kubectl -f ssh_servers.yaml`启动一个测试集群,并使用`kubectl get po -o wide`获得这些节点的IP地址。
#### 启动集群作业
`` 提供了自动化脚本来启动不同节点中的所有 PaddlePaddle 集群进程。默认情况下,所有命令行选项可以设置为 `` 命令选项并且 `` 将透明、自动地将这些选项应用到 PaddlePaddle 底层进程。
`` 为方便作业启动提供了两个独特的命令选项。
- `job_dispatch_package` 设为本地 `workspace` 目录,它将被分发到 `` 中设置的所有节点。它有助于帮助频繁修改和访问工作区文件的用户减少负担,否则频繁的多节点工作空间部署可能会很麻烦。
- `job_workspace` 设为已部署的工作空间目录,`` 将跳过分发阶段直接启动所有节点的集群作业。它可以帮助减少分发延迟。
`cluster_train/` 提供了命令样例来运行 `doc/howto/usage/cluster/src/word2vec` 集群任务,只需用您定义的目录修改 `job_dispatch_package``job_workspace`,然后:
#### 终止集群作业
``能获取`Ctrl + C` SIGINT 信号来自动终止它启动的所有进程。只需中断 `` 任务来终止集群作业。如果程序崩溃你也可以手动终止。
#### 检查集群训练结果
详细信息请检查 $workspace/log 里的日志,每一个节点都有相同的日志结构。
提供 pserver 运行日志,有助于诊断分布式错误。
提供 parameter server 进程的 stderr 和 stdout。训练失败时可以检查错误日志。
提供训练过程的 stderr 和 stdout。训练失败时可以检查错误日志。
#### 检查模型输出
运行完成后,模型文件将被写入节点 0 的 `output` 目录中。
工作空间中的 `nodefile` 表示当前集群作业的节点 ID。
### 在OpenMPI集群中提交训练作业
#### 准备OpenMPI集群
kubectl create -f head.yaml
kubectl create -f mpi-nodes.yaml
#### 启动集群作业
# 获得head和node节点的IP地址
kubectl get po -o wide
# 将node节点的IP地址保存到machines文件中
kubectl get po -o wide | grep nodes | awk '{print $6}' > machines
# 拷贝必要的文件到head节点
scp -i ssh/ machines tutorial@[headIP]:~
# ssh 登录到head节点
ssh -i ssh/ tutorial@[headIP]
# --------------- 以下操作均在head节点中执行 ---------------
# 准备训练数据
# 拷贝训练程序和字典文件到每台MPI节点
cat machines | xargs -i scp word_dict.pickle machines {}:/home/tutorial
# 创建日志目录
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 mkdir /home/tutorial/logs
# 拷贝训练数据到各自的节点
scp train.txt-00000 test.txt-00000 [node1IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00001 test.txt-00001 [node2IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00002 test.txt-00002 [node3IP]:/home/tutorial
# 启动训练任务
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 /home/tutorial/
### 在Kubernetes集群中提交训练作业
## 在不同集群中运行
- [fabric](
- [openmpi](
- [kubernetes](
- [kubernetes distributed](
- [kubernetes on AWS](

@ -1,24 +1,5 @@
# PaddlePaddle Distributed Training
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Preparations](#preparations)
* [Command-line arguments](#command-line-arguments)
* [Starting parameter server](#starting-parameter-server)
* [Starting trainer](#starting-trainer)
* [Prepare Training Dataset](#prepare-training-dataset)
* [Prepare Training program](#prepare-training-program)
* [Use cluster platforms or cluster management tools](#use-cluster-platforms-or-cluster-management-tools)
* [Cluster Training Using Fabric](#cluster-training-using-fabric)
* [Prepare a Linux cluster](#prepare-a-linux-cluster)
* [Launching Cluster Job](#launching-cluster-job)
* [Kill Cluster Job](#kill-cluster-job)
* [Check Cluster Training Result](#check-cluster-training-result)
* [Check Model Output](#check-model-output)
* [Cluster Training Using OpenMPI](#cluster-training-using-openmpi)
* [Prepare an OpenMPI cluster](#prepare-an-openmpi-cluster)
* [Launching Cluster Job](#launching-cluster-job-1)
* [Cluster Training Using Kubernetes](#cluster-training-using-kubernetes)
## Introduction
In this article, we'll explain how to run distributed training jobs with PaddlePaddle on different types of clusters. The diagram below shows the main architecture of a distributed trainning job:
@ -35,7 +16,7 @@ When training with synchronize SGD, PaddlePaddle uses an internal "synchronize b
## Preparations
1. Prepare your computer cluster. It's normally a bunch of Linux servers connected by LAN. Each server will be assigned a unique IP address. The computers in the cluster can be called "nodes".
2. Install PaddlePaddle on every node. If you are going to take advantage of GPU cards, you'll also need to install proper driver and CUDA libraries. To install PaddlePaddle please read [this build and install]( document. We strongly recommend using [Docker installation](
2. Install PaddlePaddle on every node. If you are going to take advantage of GPU cards, you'll also need to install proper driver and CUDA libraries. To install PaddlePaddle please read [this build and install]( document. We strongly recommend using [Docker installation](
After installation, you can check the version by typing the below command (run a docker container if using docker: `docker run -it paddlepaddle/paddle:[tag] /bin/bash`):
@ -67,12 +48,12 @@ If you wish to run parameter servers in background, and save a log file, you can
$ stdbuf -oL /usr/bin/nohup paddle pserver --port=7164 --ports_num=1 --ports_num_for_sparse=1 --num_gradient_servers=1 &> pserver.log
| param | required | default | description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| port | required | 7164 | port which parameter server will listen on. If ports_num greater than 1, parameter server will listen on multiple ports for more network throughput |
| ports_num | required | 1 | total number of ports will listen on |
| ports_num_for_sparse | required | 1 | number of ports which serves sparse parameter update |
| num_gradient_servers | required | 1 | total number of gradient servers |
Parameter Description
- port: **required, default 7164**, port which parameter server will listen on. If ports_num greater than 1, parameter server will listen on multiple ports for more network throughput.
- ports_num: **required, default 1**, total number of ports will listen on.
- ports_num_for_sparse: **required, default 1**, number of ports which serves sparse parameter update.
- num_gradient_servers: **required, default 1**, total number of gradient servers.
### Starting trainer
Type the command below to start the trainer(name the file whatever you want, like "")
@ -111,16 +92,16 @@ paddle.init(
| param | required | default | description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| use_gpu | optional | False | set to "True" to enable GPU training |
| trainer_count | required | 1 | total count of trainers in the training job |
| port | required | 7164 | port to connect to parameter server |
| ports_num | required | 1 | number of ports for communication |
| ports_num_for_sparse | required | 1 | number of ports for sparse type caculation |
| num_gradient_servers | required | 1 | total number of gradient server |
| trainer_id | required | 0 | ID for every trainer, start from 0 |
| pservers | required | | list of IPs of parameter servers, separated by "," |
Parameter Description
- use_gpu: **optional, default False**, set to "True" to enable GPU training.
- trainer_count: **required, default 1**, total count of trainers in the training job.
- port: **required, default 7164**, port to connect to parameter server.
- ports_num: **required, default 1**, number of ports for communication.
- ports_num_for_sparse: **required, default 1**, number of ports for sparse type caculation.
- num_gradient_servers: **required, default 1**, total number of gradient server.
- trainer_id: **required, default 0**, ID for every trainer, start from 0.
- pservers: **required, default**, list of IPs of parameter servers, separated by ",".
### Prepare Training Dataset
@ -178,7 +159,7 @@ Your workspace may looks like:
- ``: user defined libraries, like PIL libs. This is optional.
- `word_dict.pickle`: dict file for training word embeding.
- ``: training program. Sample code: []( ***NOTE:*** You may need to modify the head part of `` when using different cluster platform to retrive configuration environment variables:
- ``: training program. Sample code: []( ***NOTE:*** You may need to modify the head part of `` when using different cluster platform to retrive configuration environment variables:
cluster_train_file = "./train_data_dir/train/train.txt"
@ -202,92 +183,10 @@ We'll introduce cluster job management on these platforms. The examples can be f
These cluster platforms provide API or environment variables for training processes, when the job is dispatched to different nodes. Like node ID, IP or total number of nodes etc.
### Cluster Training Using Fabric
#### Prepare a Linux cluster
Run `kubectl -f ssh_servers.yaml` under the directory: `paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/fabric/docker_cluster` will launch a demo cluster. Run `kubectl get po -o wide` to get IP addresses of these nodes.
#### Launching Cluster Job
`` provides automatical scripts to start all PaddlePaddle cluster processes in different nodes. By default, all command line options can be set as `` command options and `` will transparently and automatically set these options to PaddlePaddle lower level processes.
``provides two distinguished command option for easy job launching.
- `job_dispatch_package` set it with local `workspace` directory, it will be dispatched to all nodes which is set in ``. It could be helpful for frequently manipulating workspace files. otherwise, frequent multi-nodes workspace deployment is very annoying.
- `job_workspace` set it with already deployed workspace directory, `` will skip dispatch stage to directly launch cluster job with all nodes. It could help to reduce heavy
dispatch latency.
`cluster_train/` provides command line sample to run `demo/recommendation` cluster job, just modify `job_dispatch_package` and `job_workspace` with your defined directory, then:
The cluster Job will start in several seconds.
#### Kill Cluster Job
`` can capture `Ctrl + C` SIGINT signal to automatically kill all processes launched by it. So just stop `` to kill cluster job. You should manually kill the job if the program crashed.
#### Check Cluster Training Result
Check log in $workspace/log for details, each node owns same log structure.
It provides almost all internal output log for training, same as local training. Check runtime model convergence here.
It provides parameter server running log, which could help to diagnose distributed error.
It provides stderr and stdout of parameter server process. Check error log if training crashes.
It provides stderr and stdout of trainer process. Check error log if training crashes.
#### Check Model Output
After one pass finished, model files will be written in `output` directory in node 0.
`nodefile` in workspace indicates the node id of current cluster job.
### Cluster Training Using OpenMPI
#### Prepare an OpenMPI cluster
Run the following command to start a 3-node MPI cluster and one "head" node.
cd paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/openmpi/docker_cluster
kubectl create -f head.yaml
kubectl create -f mpi-nodes.yaml
Then you can log in to every OpenMPI node using ssh without input any passwords.
#### Launching Cluster Job
Follow the steps to launch a PaddlePaddle training job in OpenMPI cluster:\
# find out node IP addresses
kubectl get po -o wide
# generate a "machines" file containing node IP addresses
kubectl get po -o wide | grep nodes | awk '{print $6}' > machines
# copy necessary files onto "head" node
scp -i ssh/ machines tutorial@[headIP]:~
# login to head node using ssh
ssh -i ssh/ tutorial@[headIP]
# --------------- in head node ---------------
# prepare training data
# copy training data and dict file to MPI nodes
cat machines | xargs -i scp word_dict.pickle machines {}:/home/tutorial
# creat a directory for storing log files
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 mkdir /home/tutorial/logs
# copy training data to every node
scp train.txt-00000 test.txt-00000 [node1IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00001 test.txt-00001 [node2IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00002 test.txt-00002 [node3IP]:/home/tutorial
# start the job
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 /home/tutorial/
### Cluster Training Using Kubernetes
## Use different clusters
The details can be found [here](../k8s/
- [fabric](
- [openmpi](
- [kubernetes](
- kubernetes distributed
- [kubernetes on AWS](

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# 使用fabric启动集群训练
## 准备一个Linux集群
可以在`paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/fabric/docker_cluster`目录下,执行`kubectl -f ssh_servers.yaml`启动一个测试集群,并使用`kubectl get po -o wide`获得这些节点的IP地址。
## 启动集群作业
`` 提供了自动化脚本来启动不同节点中的所有 PaddlePaddle 集群进程。默认情况下,所有命令行选项可以设置为 `` 命令选项并且 `` 将透明、自动地将这些选项应用到 PaddlePaddle 底层进程。
`` 为方便作业启动提供了两个独特的命令选项。
- `job_dispatch_package` 设为本地 `workspace` 目录,它将被分发到 `` 中设置的所有节点。它有助于帮助频繁修改和访问工作区文件的用户减少负担,否则频繁的多节点工作空间部署可能会很麻烦。
- `job_workspace` 设为已部署的工作空间目录,`` 将跳过分发阶段直接启动所有节点的集群作业。它可以帮助减少分发延迟。
`cluster_train/` 提供了命令样例来运行 `doc/howto/usage/cluster/src/word2vec` 集群任务,只需用您定义的目录修改 `job_dispatch_package``job_workspace`,然后:
## 终止集群作业
``能获取`Ctrl + C` SIGINT 信号来自动终止它启动的所有进程。只需中断 `` 任务来终止集群作业。如果程序崩溃你也可以手动终止。
## 检查集群训练结果
详细信息请检查 $workspace/log 里的日志,每一个节点都有相同的日志结构。
提供 pserver 运行日志,有助于诊断分布式错误。
提供 parameter server 进程的 stderr 和 stdout。训练失败时可以检查错误日志。
提供训练过程的 stderr 和 stdout。训练失败时可以检查错误日志。
## 检查模型输出
运行完成后,模型文件将被写入节点 0 的 `output` 目录中。
工作空间中的 `nodefile` 表示当前集群作业的节点 ID。

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Cluster Training Using Fabric
## Prepare a Linux cluster
Run `kubectl -f ssh_servers.yaml` under the directory: `paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/fabric/docker_cluster` will launch a demo cluster. Run `kubectl get po -o wide` to get IP addresses of these nodes.
## Launching Cluster Job
`` provides automatical scripts to start all PaddlePaddle cluster processes in different nodes. By default, all command line options can be set as `` command options and `` will transparently and automatically set these options to PaddlePaddle lower level processes.
``provides two distinguished command option for easy job launching.
- `job_dispatch_package` set it with local `workspace` directory, it will be dispatched to all nodes which is set in ``. It could be helpful for frequently manipulating workspace files. otherwise, frequent multi-nodes workspace deployment is very annoying.
- `job_workspace` set it with already deployed workspace directory, `` will skip dispatch stage to directly launch cluster job with all nodes. It could help to reduce heavy
dispatch latency.
`cluster_train/` provides command line sample to run `demo/recommendation` cluster job, just modify `job_dispatch_package` and `job_workspace` with your defined directory, then:
The cluster Job will start in several seconds.
## Kill Cluster Job
`` can capture `Ctrl + C` SIGINT signal to automatically kill all processes launched by it. So just stop `` to kill cluster job. You should manually kill the job if the program crashed.
## Check Cluster Training Result
Check log in $workspace/log for details, each node owns same log structure.
It provides almost all internal output log for training, same as local training. Check runtime model convergence here.
It provides parameter server running log, which could help to diagnose distributed error.
It provides stderr and stdout of parameter server process. Check error log if training crashes.
It provides stderr and stdout of trainer process. Check error log if training crashes.
## Check Model Output
After one pass finished, model files will be written in `output` directory in node 0.
`nodefile` in workspace indicates the node id of current cluster job.

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Kubernetes分布式训练
前一篇文章介绍了如何在Kubernetes集群上启动一个单机PaddlePaddle训练作业 (Job)。在这篇文章里我们介绍如何在Kubernetes集群上进行分布式PaddlePaddle训练作业。关于PaddlePaddle的分布式训练文章 [Cluster Training](介绍了一种通过SSH远程分发任务进行分布式训练的方法与此不同的是本文将介绍在Kubernetes容器管理平台上快速构建PaddlePaddle容器集群进行分布式训练的方案。
前一篇文章介绍了如何在Kubernetes集群上启动一个单机PaddlePaddle训练作业 (Job)。在这篇文章里我们介绍如何在Kubernetes集群上进行分布式PaddlePaddle训练作业。关于PaddlePaddle的分布式训练文章 [Cluster Training](介绍了一种通过SSH远程分发任务进行分布式训练的方法与此不同的是本文将介绍在Kubernetes容器管理平台上快速构建PaddlePaddle容器集群进行分布式训练的方案。
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ PaddlePaddle镜像需要提供`paddle pserver`与`paddle train`进程的运行
- 拷贝训练文件到容器内
- 生成`paddle pserver`与`paddle train`进程的启动参数,并且启动训练
因为官方镜像 `paddledev/paddle:cpu-latest` 内已经包含PaddlePaddle的执行程序但是还没上述功能所以我们可以在这个基础上添加启动脚本制作新镜像来完成以上的工作。参考镜像的[*Dockerfile*](。
因为官方镜像 `paddledev/paddle:cpu-latest` 内已经包含PaddlePaddle的执行程序但是还没上述功能所以我们可以在这个基础上添加启动脚本制作新镜像来完成以上的工作。参考镜像的[*Dockerfile*](。
$ cd doc/howto/usage/k8s/src/k8s_train
@ -149,20 +149,19 @@ spec:
环境变量 | 说明
--- | ---
JOB_PATH | 共享存储挂在的路径
JOB_NAME | Job的名字
TRAIN_CONFIG_DIR | 本次训练文件所在目录与JOB_PATH,JOB_NAME组合可以找到本次训练需要的文件路径
CONF_PADDLE_NIC | `paddle pserver`进程需要的`--nics`参数,即网卡名
CONF_PADDLE_PORT | `paddle paserver`的`--port`参数
CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM | 稠密更新的端口数量,即`--ports_num`参数
CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM_SPARSE | 稀疏更新的端口数量,即`--ports_num_for_sparse`参数
CONF_PADDLE_GRADIENT_NUM | 训练节点数量,即`--num_gradient_servers参数`
- JOB_PATH共享存储挂在的路径
- JOB_NAMEJob的名字
- TRAIN_CONFIG_DIR本次训练文件所在目录与JOB_PATH,JOB_NAME组合可以找到本次训练需要的文件路径
- CONF_PADDLE_NIC`paddle pserver`进程需要的`--nics`参数,即网卡名
- CONF_PADDLE_PORT`paddle paserver`的`--port`参数
- CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM稠密更新的端口数量即`--ports_num`参数
- CONF_PADDLE_PORTS_NUM_SPARSE稀疏更新的端口数量即`--ports_num_for_sparse`参数
- CONF_PADDLE_GRADIENT_NUM训练节点数量即`--num_gradient_servers参数`

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# 在OpenMPI集群中提交训练作业
## 准备OpenMPI集群
kubectl create -f head.yaml
kubectl create -f mpi-nodes.yaml
## 启动集群作业
# 获得head和node节点的IP地址
kubectl get po -o wide
# 将node节点的IP地址保存到machines文件中
kubectl get po -o wide | grep nodes | awk '{print $6}' > machines
# 拷贝必要的文件到head节点
scp -i ssh/ machines tutorial@[headIP]:~
# ssh 登录到head节点
ssh -i ssh/ tutorial@[headIP]
# --------------- 以下操作均在head节点中执行 ---------------
# 准备训练数据
# 拷贝训练程序和字典文件到每台MPI节点
cat machines | xargs -i scp word_dict.pickle machines {}:/home/tutorial
# 创建日志目录
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 mkdir /home/tutorial/logs
# 拷贝训练数据到各自的节点
scp train.txt-00000 test.txt-00000 [node1IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00001 test.txt-00001 [node2IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00002 test.txt-00002 [node3IP]:/home/tutorial
# 启动训练任务
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 /home/tutorial/

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Cluster Training Using OpenMPI
## Prepare an OpenMPI cluster
Run the following command to start a 3-node MPI cluster and one "head" node.
cd paddle/scripts/cluster_train_v2/openmpi/docker_cluster
kubectl create -f head.yaml
kubectl create -f mpi-nodes.yaml
Then you can log in to every OpenMPI node using ssh without input any passwords.
## Launching Cluster Job
Follow the steps to launch a PaddlePaddle training job in OpenMPI cluster:\
# find out node IP addresses
kubectl get po -o wide
# generate a "machines" file containing node IP addresses
kubectl get po -o wide | grep nodes | awk '{print $6}' > machines
# copy necessary files onto "head" node
scp -i ssh/ machines tutorial@[headIP]:~
# login to head node using ssh
ssh -i ssh/ tutorial@[headIP]
# --------------- in head node ---------------
# prepare training data
# copy training data and dict file to MPI nodes
cat machines | xargs -i scp word_dict.pickle machines {}:/home/tutorial
# creat a directory for storing log files
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 mkdir /home/tutorial/logs
# copy training data to every node
scp train.txt-00000 test.txt-00000 [node1IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00001 test.txt-00001 [node2IP]:/home/tutorial
scp train.txt-00002 test.txt-00002 [node3IP]:/home/tutorial
# start the job
mpirun -hostfile machines -n 3 /home/tutorial/


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