@ -19,45 +19,46 @@ permissions and limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
class OpRegistry;
using VarIndexMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, int>;
typedef std::vector<int> Ints;
enum class OpArgType { IN, OUT };
static std::vector<int>* GetOpFormat(OperatorBase* op, const OpArgType& type) {
std::string key = type == OpArgType::IN ? "input_format" : "output_format";
return op->attrs_.count(key)
? &boost::get<std::vector<int>>(op->attrs_.at(key))
: nullptr;
const Ints* AttrFormat(const AttributeMap& attrs, const std::string& key) {
return (attrs.count(key) > 0) ? &boost::get<Ints>(attrs.at(key)) : nullptr;
static const std::vector<int>* GetOpFormat(const OperatorBase* op,
const OpArgType& type) {
std::string key = type == OpArgType::IN ? "input_format" : "output_format";
return op->attrs_.count(key)
? &boost::get<std::vector<int>>(op->attrs_.at(key))
: nullptr;
Ints* AttrFormat(AttributeMap& attrs, const std::string& key) {
return (attrs.count(key) > 0) ? &boost::get<Ints>(attrs.at(key)) : nullptr;
static void TransOpArg(const OperatorBase* src_op, OperatorBase* dst_op,
const OpArgType& src_type, const OpArgType& dst_type,
static void TransOpArg(const OperatorBase* src_op,
std::vector<std::string>& grad_inputs,
std::vector<std::string>& grad_outputs,
AttributeMap& grad_attrs,
std::unordered_map<std::string, int>& grad_idxs,
const std::string& src_type, const std::string& dst_type,
int& idx, bool is_grad) {
const std::vector<std::string>& src_inout =
src_type == OpArgType::IN ? src_op->inputs_ : src_op->outputs_;
const std::vector<int>* src_format = GetOpFormat(src_op, src_type);
(src_type == "input_format") ? src_op->inputs_ : src_op->outputs_;
const std::vector<int>* src_format = AttrFormat(src_op->Attrs(), src_type);
std::vector<std::string>& dst_inout =
dst_type == OpArgType::IN ? dst_op->inputs_ : dst_op->outputs_;
std::vector<int>* dst_format = GetOpFormat(dst_op, dst_type);
(dst_type == "input_format") ? grad_inputs : grad_outputs;
std::vector<int>* dst_format = AttrFormat(grad_attrs, dst_type);
const OpProto& proto = OpRegistry::protos().at(src_op->type_);
const auto& src_arg_list =
src_type == OpArgType::IN ? proto.inputs() : proto.outputs();
(src_type == "input_format") ? proto.inputs() : proto.outputs();
for (const auto& arg : src_arg_list) {
std::string src_name = arg.name();
std::string dst_name = is_grad ? src_name + kGradVarSuffix : src_name;
(*dst_op->in_out_idxs_)[dst_name] = idx++;
grad_idxs[dst_name] = idx++;
int src_arg_idx = src_op->in_out_idxs_->at(src_name);
int src_begin =
src_format == nullptr ? src_arg_idx : src_format->at(src_arg_idx);
@ -77,25 +78,35 @@ static void TransOpArg(const OperatorBase* src_op, OperatorBase* dst_op,
OperatorBase* BuildGradOp(const OperatorBase* op) {
const std::string& grad_op_type = OpRegistry::grad_ops().at(op->Type());
OperatorBase* grad_op = OpRegistry::op_creators().at(grad_op_type)();
grad_op->type_ = grad_op_type;
grad_op->attrs_ = op->attrs_;
if (GetOpFormat(op, OpArgType::IN) != nullptr) {
grad_op->attrs_["output_format"] = std::vector<int>({0});
AttributeMap grad_attrs(op->Attrs());
if (op->Attrs().count("input_format") > 0) {
grad_attrs["output_format"] = std::vector<int>({0});
if (GetOpFormat(op, OpArgType::IN) != nullptr ||
GetOpFormat(op, OpArgType::OUT) != nullptr) {
grad_op->attrs_["input_format"] = std::vector<int>({0});
if (op->Attrs().count("input_format") > 0 ||
op->Attrs().count("output_format") > 0) {
grad_attrs["input_format"] = std::vector<int>({0});
grad_op->in_out_idxs_.reset(new VarIndexMap());
std::vector<std::string> grad_inputs, grad_outputs;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> grad_idxs;
int in_idx = 0;
int out_idx = 0;
TransOpArg(op, grad_op, OpArgType::IN, OpArgType::IN, in_idx, false); // I
TransOpArg(op, grad_op, OpArgType::OUT, OpArgType::IN, in_idx, false); // G
TransOpArg(op, grad_op, OpArgType::OUT, OpArgType::IN, in_idx, true); // OG
TransOpArg(op, grad_op, OpArgType::IN, OpArgType::OUT, out_idx, true); // IG
TransOpArg(op, grad_inputs, grad_outputs, grad_attrs, grad_idxs,
"input_format", "input_format", in_idx, false); // I
TransOpArg(op, grad_inputs, grad_outputs, grad_attrs, grad_idxs,
"output_format", "input_format", in_idx, false); // G
TransOpArg(op, grad_inputs, grad_outputs, grad_attrs, grad_idxs,
"output_format", "input_format", in_idx, true); // OG
TransOpArg(op, grad_inputs, grad_outputs, grad_attrs, grad_idxs,
"input_format", "output_format", out_idx, true); // IG
OperatorBase* grad_op = OpRegistry::op_creators().at(grad_op_type)();
// TODO(yi): Set data member of grad_op.
return grad_op;