@ -228,16 +228,22 @@ class Executor(object):
:param program: the program that need to run
:param feed: feed variable list
:param fetch_list: fetch variable list
:param feed_var_name: feed_var_name default to 'feed'
:param fetch_var_name: fetch_var_name default to 'fetch'
:param scope: the scope used to run this program, you can switch it to different scope.
:param return_numpy: convert the fetched tensor to numpy
""" Run program by this Executor. Feed data by feed map, fetch result by fetch_list.
Python executor takes a program, add feed operators and fetch operators to this program according
to feed map and fetch_list. Feed map provides input data for the program. fetch_list provides
the variables that user want to get after program run. Note: the executor will run all
operators in the program but not only the operators dependent by the fetch_list
:param program: the program that need to run, if not provied, then default_main_program will be used.
:param feed: feed variable map, e.g. {"image": ImageData, "label": LableData}
:param fetch_list: a list of variable that user want to get, run will return them according to this list.
:param feed_var_name: the name for the input variable of feed Operator.
:param fetch_var_name: the name for the output variable of feed Operator.
:param scope: the scope used to run this program, you can switch it to different scope. default is global_scope
:param return_numpy: if convert the fetched tensor to numpy
:param use_program_cache: set use_program_cache to true if program not changed compare to the last step.
:return: result according to fetch_list.
if feed is None:
feed = {}