@ -286,7 +286,6 @@ def full_matrix_projection(input, size=0, param_attr=None):
size = size ,
* * param_attr . attr )
proj . origin = input
proj . origin . projection = " matrix "
return proj
@ -333,7 +332,6 @@ def table_projection(input, size=0, param_attr=None):
size = size ,
* * param_attr . attr )
proj . origin = input
proj . origin . projection = " table "
return proj
@ -377,17 +375,15 @@ def identity_projection(input, offset=None):
if offset is None :
proj = IdentityProjection ( input_layer_name = input . name )
proj . origin = input
proj . origin . projection = ' identity '
else :
proj = IdentityOffsetProjection ( input_layer_name = input . name ,
offset = offset )
proj . origin = input
proj . origin . projection = ' identity_offset '
return proj
@wrap_param_attr_default ( )
def dotmul_projection ( input , param_attr = None , scale = 1 ):
def dotmul_projection ( input , param_attr = None ):
DotMulProjection with a layer as input .
It performs element - wise multiplication with weight .
@ -407,30 +403,35 @@ def dotmul_projection(input, param_attr=None, scale=1):
: type input : LayerOutput
: param param_attr : Parameter config , None if use default .
: type param_attr : ParameterAttribute
: param scale : config scalar , default value is one .
: type scale : float
: return : A DotMulProjection Object .
: rtype : DotMulProjection
proj = DotMulProjection ( input_layer_name = input . name ,
size = input . size ,
* * param_attr . attr )
proj . origin = input
size = input . size ,
* * param_attr . attr )
proj . origin = input
return proj
def dotmul_operator ( x , y , scale = 1 ) :
DotMulOperator takes two inputs and performs element - wise multiplication :
. . math : :
out . row [ i ] + = scale * ( in1 . row [ i ] . * in2 . row [ i ] )
out . row [ i ] + = scale * ( x . row [ i ] . * y . row [ i ] )
where : math : ` . * ` means element - wise multiplication , and
scale is a config scalar , its default value is one .
The example usage is :
. . code - block : : python
op = dotmul_operator ( x , y ,
scale = 1 )
: param input : Input layer
: type input : LayerOutput
op = dotmul_operator ( x = layer1 , y = layer2 , scale = 0.5 )
: param x : Input layer1
: type x : LayerOutput
: param y : Input layer2
: type y : LayerOutput
: param scale : config scalar , default value is one .
: type scale : float
: return : A DotMulOperator Object .
@ -487,7 +488,6 @@ def context_projection(input, context_len, context_start=None,
trainable_padding = trainable ,
* * extra_dict )
proj . origin = input
proj . origin . projection = ' context '
return proj
@ -2728,7 +2728,6 @@ def conv_operator(img, filter, filter_size, num_filters,
stride_y = stride_y ,
groups = groups ) )
op . origin = [ img , filter ]
op . origin . operator = " conv_op "
return op