@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.proto import framework_pb2
from paddle.fluid.framework import OpProtoHolder, Variable
from paddle.fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
g_filer_attrs = ['op_role', 'op_role_var', 'op_namescope', 'dtype']
g_filer_attrs = ['op_role', 'op_role_var', 'op_namescope']
def _convert_(name):
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def _get_inputs(op_type):
op_proto = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(op_type)
inputs = dict()
for ipt in op_proto.inputs:
inputs[ipt.name] = ""
inputs[ipt.name] = ipt.comment
return inputs
@ -60,6 +60,34 @@ def _get_outputs(op_type):
return outputs
_two_dollar_pattern_ = re.compile(r"\$\$([^\$]+)\$\$")
_single_dollar_pattern_ = re.compile(r"\$([^\$]+)\$")
_two_bang_pattern_ = re.compile(r"!!([^!]+)!!")
def escape_math(text):
return _two_bang_pattern_.sub(
_two_dollar_pattern_.sub(r"!!\1!!", text)))
def get_comment(op_type):
op_proto = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(op_type)
comment_lines = op_proto.comment.split("\n")
comment = ""
for line in comment_lines:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) != 0:
comment += escape_math(line)
comment += " "
elif len(comment) != 0:
comment += "\n "
return comment
def _get_attrs(op_type):
op_proto = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(op_type)
return op_proto.attrs
@ -77,14 +105,14 @@ def get_input_comments(op_type, indent=2):
ret = ""
inputs = _get_inputs(op_type)
for t in inputs:
ret += get_indent_space(2) + "input(${%s_type}): ${%s_comment}\n" % (
_convert_(t), _convert_(t))
ret += get_indent_space(2) + "%s (Type): %s\n" % (_convert_(t),
for t in _get_attrs(op_type):
if t.name in g_filer_attrs:
ret += get_indent_space(2) + "input(${%s_type}): ${%s_comment}\n" % (
_convert_(t.name), _convert_(t.name))
ret += get_indent_space(2) + "%s (%s): %s\n" % (
_convert_(t.name), t.type, _convert_(t.comment))
return ret
@ -122,7 +150,7 @@ def get_inputs(op_type):
ret = "inputs={"
inputs = _get_inputs(op_type)
for t in inputs:
ret += "{}={},".format(t, _convert_(t))
ret += "'{}': {},".format(t, _convert_(t))
ret = ret.strip(",")
ret += "}"
@ -132,39 +160,11 @@ def get_inputs(op_type):
return ret
def get_input_dtype(op_type):
dtype = None
for ipt in _get_inputs():
name = _convert_(ipt.name)
val = kwargs.pop(name, [])
if not isinstance(val, list) and not isinstance(val, tuple):
val = [val]
if len(val) == 0:
val = [args[0]]
args = args[1:]
for each in val:
if not isinstance(each, Variable):
raise ValueError("input of {0} must be variable".format(
if dtype is None:
dtype = each.dtype
elif dtype != each.dtype:
raise ValueError(
"operator {0} must input same dtype. {1} vs {2}".format(
op_type, dtype, each.dtype))
return dtype
def get_outputs(op_type):
ret = "outputs={"
inputs = _get_outputs(op_type)
for t in inputs:
ret += "{}={},".format(t, _convert_(t))
ret += "'{}': {},".format(t, _convert_(t))
ret = ret.strip(",")
ret += "}"
@ -174,44 +174,13 @@ def get_outputs(op_type):
return ret
attr_names = sorted(op.attr_names)
attrs_str = ""
for i in range(0, len(attr_names)):
name = attr_names[i]
attr_type = op.desc.attr_type(name)
if attr_type == core.AttrType.BLOCK:
a = "{name} = block[{value}]".format(
name=name, type=attr_type, value=op.block_attr_id(name))
attrs_str += a
if i != len(attr_names) - 1:
attrs_str += ", "
if attr_type == core.AttrType.BLOCKS:
a = "{name} = blocks{value}".format(
name=name, type=attr_type, value=op.blocks_attr_ids(name))
attrs_str += a
if i != len(attr_names) - 1:
attrs_str += ", "
a = "{name} = {value}".format(
name=name, type=attr_type, value=op.desc.attr(name))
attrs_str += a
if i != len(attr_names) - 1:
attrs_str += ", "
def get_attrs(op_type):
ret = "attrs={"
for t in _get_attrs(op_type):
if t.name in g_filer_attrs:
ret += "%s=%s," % (t.name, _convert_(t.name))
ret += "'%s': %s," % (t.name, _convert_(t.name))
ret = ret.strip(",")
ret += "}"
@ -220,12 +189,13 @@ def get_attrs(op_type):
def get_outvars(op_type, indent=1):
inputs = _get_inputs(op_type)
ret = ""
for t in _get_outputs(op_type):
ret += get_indent_space(
) + "%s = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=helper.input_dtype())\n" % (
) + "%s = helper.create_tmp_variable(dtype=helper.input_dtype('%s'))\n" % (
(_convert_(t), list(inputs)[0]))
ret = ret.strip('\n')
return ret
@ -238,17 +208,15 @@ def get_op_py(op_type):
outputs = get_outputs(op_type)
attrs = get_attrs(op_type)
out_vars = get_outvars(op_type)
comment = get_comment(op_type)
code = """
def {op_type}({args}):
@ -263,7 +231,7 @@ def {op_type}({args}):
return out