@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import xml . etree . ElementTree as ET
import xml . etree . ElementTree
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import os
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import tarfile
import StringIO
import hashlib
import tarfile
import argparse
DATA_URL = " http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar "
DATA_DIR = os . path . expanduser ( " ~/.cache/paddle/dataset/pascalvoc/ " )
@ -28,8 +30,8 @@ TAR_FILE = "VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar"
TAR_PATH = os . path . join ( DATA_DIR , TAR_FILE )
RESIZE_H = 300
RESIZE_W = 300
mean_value = [ 127.5 , 127.5 , 127.5 ]
ap_version = ' 11point '
MEAN_VALUE = [ 127.5 , 127.5 , 127.5 ]
AP_VERSION = ' 11point '
DATA_OUT = ' pascalvoc_full.bin '
DATA_OUT_PATH = os . path . join ( DATA_DIR , DATA_OUT )
BIN_TARGETHASH = " f6546cadc42f5ff13178b84ed29b740b "
@ -40,10 +42,8 @@ BIN_FULLSIZE = 5348678856
def preprocess ( img ) :
img_width , img_height = img . size
img = img . resize ( ( RESIZE_W , RESIZE_H ) , Image . ANTIALIAS )
img = np . array ( img )
# HWC to CHW
if len ( img . shape ) == 3 :
img = np . swapaxes ( img , 1 , 2 )
@ -51,12 +51,92 @@ def preprocess(img):
# RBG to BGR
img = img [ [ 2 , 1 , 0 ] , : , : ]
img = img . astype ( ' float32 ' )
img_mean = np . array ( mean_value ) [ : , np . newaxis , np . newaxis ] . astype ( ' float32 ' )
img_mean = np . array ( MEAN_VALUE ) [ : , np . newaxis , np . newaxis ] . astype ( ' float32 ' )
img - = img_mean
img = img * 0.007843
return img
def convert_pascalvoc_local2bin ( args ) :
data_dir = os . path . expanduser ( args . data_dir )
label_fpath = os . path . join ( data_dir , args . label_file )
flabel = open ( label_fpath )
label_list = [ line . strip ( ) for line in flabel ]
img_annotation_list_path = os . path . join ( data_dir , args . img_annotation_list )
flist = open ( img_annotation_list_path )
lines = [ line . strip ( ) for line in flist ]
output_file_path = os . path . join ( data_dir , args . output_file )
f1 = open ( output_file_path , " w+b " )
f1 . seek ( 0 )
image_nums = len ( lines )
f1 . write ( np . array ( image_nums ) . astype ( ' int64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
boxes = [ ]
lbls = [ ]
difficults = [ ]
object_nums = [ ]
for line in lines :
image_path , label_path = line . split ( )
image_path = os . path . join ( data_dir , image_path )
label_path = os . path . join ( data_dir , label_path )
im = Image . open ( image_path )
if im . mode == ' L ' :
im = im . convert ( ' RGB ' )
im_width , im_height = im . size
im = preprocess ( im )
np_im = np . array ( im )
f1 . write ( np_im . astype ( ' float32 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
# layout: label | xmin | ymin | xmax | ymax | difficult
bbox_labels = [ ]
root = xml . etree . ElementTree . parse ( label_path ) . getroot ( )
objects = root . findall ( ' object ' )
objects_size = len ( objects )
object_nums . append ( objects_size )
for object in objects :
bbox_sample = [ ]
# start from 1
bbox_sample . append (
float ( label_list . index ( object . find ( ' name ' ) . text ) ) )
bbox = object . find ( ' bndbox ' )
difficult = float ( object . find ( ' difficult ' ) . text )
bbox_sample . append ( float ( bbox . find ( ' xmin ' ) . text ) / im_width )
bbox_sample . append ( float ( bbox . find ( ' ymin ' ) . text ) / im_height )
bbox_sample . append ( float ( bbox . find ( ' xmax ' ) . text ) / im_width )
bbox_sample . append ( float ( bbox . find ( ' ymax ' ) . text ) / im_height )
bbox_sample . append ( difficult )
bbox_labels . append ( bbox_sample )
bbox_labels = np . array ( bbox_labels )
if len ( bbox_labels ) == 0 : continue
lbls . extend ( bbox_labels [ : , 0 ] )
boxes . extend ( bbox_labels [ : , 1 : 5 ] )
difficults . extend ( bbox_labels [ : , - 1 ] )
f1 . write ( np . array ( object_nums ) . astype ( ' uint64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
f1 . write ( np . array ( lbls ) . astype ( ' int64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
f1 . write ( np . array ( boxes ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
f1 . write ( np . array ( difficults ) . astype ( ' int64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
f1 . close ( )
object_nums_sum = sum ( object_nums )
target_size = 8 + image_nums * 3 * args . resize_h * args . resize_h * 4 + image_nums * 8 + object_nums_sum * (
8 + 4 * 4 + 8 )
if ( os . path . getsize ( output_file_path ) == target_size ) :
print ( " Success! \n The output binary file can be found at: " ,
output_file_path )
else :
print ( " Conversion failed! " )
def print_processbar ( done_percentage ) :
done_filled = done_percentage * ' = '
empty_filled = ( 100 - done_percentage ) * ' '
@ -65,7 +145,7 @@ def print_processbar(done_percentage):
sys . stdout . flush ( )
def convert_pascalvoc ( tar_path , data_out_path ) :
def convert_pascalvoc _tar2bin ( tar_path , data_out_path ) :
print ( " Start converting ... \n " )
images = { }
gt_labels = { }
@ -87,12 +167,12 @@ def convert_pascalvoc(tar_path, data_out_path):
f_test = tar . extractfile ( TEST_LIST_KEY ) . read ( )
lines = f_test . split ( ' \n ' )
del lines [ - 1 ]
line_len = len ( lines )
per_percentage = line_len / 100
image_nums = len ( lines )
per_percentage = image_nums / 100
f1 = open ( data_out_path , " w+b " )
f1 . seek ( 0 )
f1 . write ( np . array ( line_len ) . astype ( ' int64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
f1 . write ( np . array ( image_nums ) . astype ( ' int64 ' ) . tobytes ( ) )
for tarInfo in tar :
if tarInfo . isfile ( ) :
tmp_filename = tarInfo . name
@ -115,7 +195,7 @@ def convert_pascalvoc(tar_path, data_out_path):
# layout: label | xmin | ymin | xmax | ymax | difficult
bbox_labels = [ ]
root = ET. fromstring ( gt_labels [ name_prefix ] )
root = xml. etree . Element Tree . fromstring ( gt_labels [ name_prefix ] )
objects = root . findall ( ' object ' )
objects_size = len ( objects )
@ -179,9 +259,48 @@ def run_convert():
retry = retry + 1
else :
download_pascalvoc ( DATA_URL , DATA_DIR , TAR_TARGETHASH , TAR_PATH )
convert_pascalvoc ( TAR_PATH , DATA_OUT_PATH )
print ( " Success! \n The binary file can be found at %s \n " % DATA_OUT_PATH )
convert_pascalvoc_tar2bin ( TAR_PATH , DATA_OUT_PATH )
print ( " Success! \n The binary file can be found at %s \n " % DATA_OUT_PATH )
def main_pascalvoc_preprocess ( args ) :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
description = " Convert the full pascalvoc val set or local data to binary file. "
parser . add_argument (
' --choice ' , choices = [ ' local ' , ' VOC_test_2007 ' ] , required = True )
parser . add_argument (
" --data_dir " ,
default = " /home/li/AIPG-Paddle/paddle/build/third_party/inference_demo/int8v2/pascalvoc_small " ,
type = str ,
help = " Dataset root directory " )
parser . add_argument (
" --img_annotation_list " ,
type = str ,
default = " test_100.txt " ,
help = " A file containing the image file path and relevant annotation file path "
parser . add_argument (
" --label_file " ,
type = str ,
default = " label_list " ,
help = " List the labels in the same sequence as denoted in the annotation file "
parser . add_argument (
" --output_file " ,
type = str ,
default = " pascalvoc_small.bin " ,
help = " File path of the output binary file " )
parser . add_argument ( " --resize_h " , type = int , default = RESIZE_H )
parser . add_argument ( " --resize_w " , type = int , default = RESIZE_W )
parser . add_argument ( " --mean_value " , type = str , default = MEAN_VALUE )
parser . add_argument ( " --ap_version " , type = str , default = AP_VERSION )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
if args . choice == ' local ' :
convert_pascalvoc_local2bin ( args )
elif args . choice == ' VOC_test_2007 ' :
run_convert ( )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
run_convert ( )
main_pascalvoc_preprocess( sys . argv )