@ -64,36 +64,37 @@ TEST(TensorRTEngineOp, manual) {
LOG(INFO) << "create block desc";
framework::BlockDesc block_desc(&program, block_);
LOG(INFO) << "create mul op";
auto* mul = block_desc.AppendOp();
mul->SetInput("X", std::vector<std::string>({"x"})); // 2 x 4
mul->SetInput("Y", std::vector<std::string>({"y"})); // 4 x 6
mul->SetOutput("Out", std::vector<std::string>({"z"})); // 2 x 6
LOG(INFO) << "create fc op";
auto* fc0 = block_desc.AppendOp();
fc0->SetInput("X", std::vector<std::string>({"x"})); // 4 x 1 x 1
fc0->SetInput("Y", std::vector<std::string>({"y"})); // 4 x 6
fc0->SetOutput("Out", std::vector<std::string>({"z"})); // 6 x 1 x 1
LOG(INFO) << "create fc op";
auto* fc = block_desc.AppendOp();
fc->SetInput("X", std::vector<std::string>({"z"}));
fc->SetInput("Y", std::vector<std::string>({"y0"})); // 6 x 8
fc->SetOutput("Out", std::vector<std::string>({"z0"})); // 2 x 8
auto* fc1 = block_desc.AppendOp();
fc1->SetInput("X", std::vector<std::string>({"z"}));
fc1->SetInput("Y", std::vector<std::string>({"y0"})); // 6 x 8
fc1->SetOutput("Out", std::vector<std::string>({"z0"})); // 8 x 1 x 1
// Set inputs' variable shape in BlockDesc
AddTensorToBlockDesc(block_, "x", std::vector<int64_t>({2, 4}));
// the batch size is 2, so the dims of 'x' is {2, 4, 1, 1}
AddTensorToBlockDesc(block_, "x", std::vector<int64_t>({2, 4, 1, 1}));
AddTensorToBlockDesc(block_, "y", std::vector<int64_t>({4, 6}));
AddTensorToBlockDesc(block_, "y0", std::vector<int64_t>({6, 8}));
AddTensorToBlockDesc(block_, "z", std::vector<int64_t>({2, 6}));
// It is wired, need to copy manually.
*block_->add_ops() = *mul->Proto();
*block_->add_ops() = *fc->Proto();
*block_->add_ops() = *fc0->Proto();
*block_->add_ops() = *fc1->Proto();
ASSERT_EQ(block_->ops_size(), 2);
LOG(INFO) << "create tensorrt desc";
framework::OpDesc engine_op_desc(nullptr);
engine_op_desc.SetInput("Xs", std::vector<std::string>({"x", "y", "y0"}));
engine_op_desc.SetInput("Xs", std::vector<std::string>({"x"}));
engine_op_desc.SetOutput("Ys", std::vector<std::string>({"z0"}));
SetAttr<std::string>(engine_op_desc.Proto(), "subgraph",
@ -208,4 +209,3 @@ TEST(TensorRTEngineOp, fc) { Execute(40, 28, 28); }
} // namespace paddle