@ -144,27 +144,37 @@ def save_vars(executor,
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
exe = fluid . Executor ( fluid . CPUPlace ( ) )
param_path = " ./my_paddle_model "
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_prog = fluid . Program ( )
startup_prog = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_prog , startup_prog ) :
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = " img " , shape = [ 64 , 784 ] , append_batch_size = False )
w = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 784 , 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , name = ' fc_w ' )
b = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , name = ' fc_b ' )
hidden_w = fluid . layers . matmul ( x = data , y = w )
hidden_b = fluid . layers . elementwise_add ( hidden_w , b )
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
exe . run ( startup_prog )
param_path = " ./my_paddle_model "
# The first usage: using `main_program` to specify variables
def name_has_fc ( var ) :
res = " fc " in var . name
return res
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
fluid . io . save_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = path , main_program = prog ,
fluid . io . save_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = param_path , main_program = main_prog ,
vars = None , predicate = name_has_fc )
# All variables in `main_program` whose name includes "fc" will be saved.
# And variables are going to be saved separately.
# The second usage: using `vars` to specify variables
var_list = [ var_a , var_b , var_c ]
var_list = [ w , b ]
path = " ./my_paddle_vars "
fluid . io . save_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = path , vars = var_list ,
filename = " vars_file " )
# var_a, var_b and var_c will be saved. And they are going to be
# saved in the same file named 'var_file' in the path "./my_paddle_ model ".
# saved in the same file named 'var_file' in the path "./my_paddle_ vars ".
save_dirname = os . path . normpath ( dirname )
if vars is None :
@ -546,27 +556,40 @@ def load_vars(executor,
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
exe = fluid . Executor ( fluid . CPUPlace ( ) )
param_path = " ./my_paddle_model "
import paddle . fluid as fluid
main_prog = fluid . Program ( )
startup_prog = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_prog , startup_prog ) :
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = " img " , shape = [ 64 , 784 ] , append_batch_size = False )
w = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 784 , 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , name = ' fc_w ' )
b = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' , name = ' fc_b ' )
hidden_w = fluid . layers . matmul ( x = data , y = w )
hidden_b = fluid . layers . elementwise_add ( hidden_w , b )
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
exe . run ( startup_prog )
param_path = " ./my_paddle_model "
# The first usage: using `main_program` to specify variables
def name_has_fc ( var ) :
res = " fc " in var . name
return res
prog = fluid . default_main_program ( )
fluid . io . load_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = path , main_program = prog ,
fluid . io . save_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = param_path , main_program = main_prog ,
vars = None , predicate = name_has_fc )
fluid . io . load_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = pa ram_pa th, main_program = main_ prog,
vars = None , predicate = name_has_fc )
# All variables in `main_program` whose name includes "fc" will be loaded.
# And all the variables are supposed to have been saved in differnet files.
# The second usage: using `vars` to specify variables
var_list = [ var_a , var_b , var_c ]
path = " ./my_paddle_vars "
var_list = [ w , b ]
fluid . io . save_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = path , vars = var_list ,
filename = " vars_file " )
fluid . io . load_vars ( executor = exe , dirname = path , vars = var_list ,
filename = " vars_file " )
# var_a, var_b and var_c will be loaded. And they are supposed to haven
# been saved in the same file named 'var_file' in the path "./my_paddle_ model ".
# w and b will be loaded. And they are supposed to haven
# been saved in the same file named 'var_file' in the path "./my_paddle_ vars ".
load_dirname = os . path . normpath ( dirname )
if vars is None :
@ -1088,25 +1111,43 @@ def load_inference_model(dirname,
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
exe = fluid . Executor ( fluid . CPUPlace ( ) )
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
main_prog = fluid . Program ( )
startup_prog = fluid . Program ( )
with fluid . program_guard ( main_prog , startup_prog ) :
data = fluid . layers . data ( name = " img " , shape = [ 64 , 784 ] , append_batch_size = False )
w = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 784 , 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
b = fluid . layers . create_parameter ( shape = [ 200 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
hidden_w = fluid . layers . matmul ( x = data , y = w )
hidden_b = fluid . layers . elementwise_add ( hidden_w , b )
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
exe . run ( startup_prog )
path = " ./infer_model "
endpoints = [ " " , " " ]
[ inference_program , feed_target_names , fetch_targets ] =
fluid . io . save_inference_model ( dirname = path , feeded_var_names = [ ' img ' ] ,
target_vars = [ hidden_b ] , executor = exe , main_program = main_prog )
tensor_img = np . array ( np . random . random ( ( 1 , 64 , 784 ) ) , dtype = np . float32 )
[ inference_program , feed_target_names , fetch_targets ] = \
fluid . io . load_inference_model ( dirname = path , executor = exe )
results = exe . run ( inference_program ,
feed = { feed_target_names [ 0 ] : tensor_img } ,
fetch_list = fetch_targets )
# endpoints is your pserver endpoints list, the above is just an example
endpoints = [ " " , " " ]
# if we need lookup table, we will use:
fluid . io . load_inference_model ( dirname = path , executor = exe , pserver_endpoints = endpoints )
[ dist_inference_program , dist_feed_target_names , dist_fetch_targets ] = \
fluid . io . load_inference_model ( dirname = path ,
executor = exe ,
pserver_endpoints = endpoints )
# In this example, the inference program was saved in the
# "./infer_model/__model__" and parameters were saved in
# separate files in " " ./infer_model".
# separate files in " ./infer_model".
# After getting inference program, feed target names and
# fetch targets, we can use an Executor to run the inference
# program to get the inference result.
load_dirname = os . path . normpath ( dirname )
if not os . path . isdir ( load_dirname ) :