@ -6148,8 +6148,12 @@ def reshape(x, shape, actual_shape=None, act=None, inplace=False, name=None):
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in shape
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(x, 'shape', shape)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(out, act)
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(x, None, 'shape', shape)
elif isinstance(shape, Variable):
shape.stop_gradient = True
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(x, shape)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(out, act)
x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64',
@ -10315,13 +10319,19 @@ def expand(x, expand_times, name=None):
# the shape of expanded_2 is [48, 56].
if in_dygraph_mode():
attrs = ()
expand_times_tensor = None
if isinstance(expand_times, (list, tuple)):
expand_times = [
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in expand_times
attrs += ('expand_times', expand_times)
elif isinstance(expand_times, Variable):
expand_times_tensor = expand_times
expand_times_tensor.stop_gradient = True
return core.ops.expand(x, 'expand_times', expand_times)
return core.ops.expand(x, expand_times_tensor, *attrs)
inputs = {"X": [x]}
attrs = {}
@ -10925,20 +10935,35 @@ def slice(input, axes, starts, ends):
# sliced_2 is input[0:3, 0:2, 2:4].
if in_dygraph_mode():
attrs = ()
starts_tensor = None
ends_tensor = None
infer_flags = list(1 for i in range(len(axes)))
if isinstance(starts, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(ends,
(list, tuple)):
if isinstance(starts, (list, tuple)):
starts = [
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in starts
attrs += ('starts', starts)
elif isinstance(starts, Variable):
starts_tensor = starts
starts.stop_gradient = True
infer_flags = list(-1 for i in range(len(axes)))
if isinstance(ends, (list, tuple)):
ends = [
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in ends
return core.ops.slice(input, 'axes', axes, 'starts', starts, 'ends',
ends, 'infer_flags', infer_flags)
attrs += ('ends', ends)
elif isinstance(ends, Variable):
ends_tensor = ends
ends_tensor.stop_gradient = True
infer_flags = list(-1 for i in range(len(axes)))
return core.ops.slice(input, starts_tensor, ends_tensor, 'axes', axes,
'infer_flags', infer_flags, *attrs)
if not isinstance(starts, (list, tuple, Variable)):
raise ValueError(