@ -19,18 +19,22 @@ import unittest
import logging
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import ProgramTranslator
from paddle . fluid . dygraph import declarative
from paddle . fluid . dygraph . dygraph_to_static . convert_call_func import CONVERSION_OPTIONS
from test_program_translator import get_source_code
program_translator = ProgramTranslator ( )
SEED = 2020
np . random . seed ( SEED )
# Situation 1 : test recursive call
# Use a decorator to test exception
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def dyfunc_with_if ( x_v ) :
if fluid . layers . mean ( x_v ) . numpy ( ) [ 0 ] > 5 :
x_v = x_v - 1
@ -39,7 +43,7 @@ def dyfunc_with_if(x_v):
return x_v
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def nested_func ( x_v ) :
x_v = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( x_v )
@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ def nested_func(x_v):
return res
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def dyfunc_with_third_library_logging ( x_v ) :
logging . info ( ' test dyfunc_with_third_library_logging ' )
if fluid . layers . mean ( x_v ) . numpy ( ) [ 0 ] > 5 :
@ -106,14 +110,14 @@ class MyConvLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
bias_attr = fluid . ParamAttr (
initializer = fluid . initializer . Constant ( value = 0.5 ) ) )
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def forward ( self , inputs ) :
y = dyfunc_with_if ( inputs )
y = lambda_fun ( y )
y = self . dymethod ( y )
return y
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def dymethod ( self , x_v ) :
x_v = fluid . layers . assign ( x_v )
return x_v
@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ class MyLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
bias_attr = fluid . ParamAttr (
initializer = fluid . initializer . Constant ( value = 0.5 ) ) )
@ declarative
@ paddle.jit.to_static
def forward ( self , inputs ) :
h = self . conv ( inputs )
out = self . fc ( h )
@ -143,15 +147,15 @@ class MyLayer(fluid.dygraph.Layer):
class TestRecursiveCall2 ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . input = np . random . random ( ( 1 , 3 , 3 , 5 ) ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
self . Layer = MyLayer
self . place = fluid . CUDAPlace ( 0 ) if fluid . is_compiled_with_cuda (
) else fluid . CPUPlace ( )
self . set_func ( )
def set_func ( self ) :
self . dygraph_func = MyLayer ( )
def _run ( self ) :
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
self . dygraph_func = self . Layer ( )
fluid . default_startup_program . random_seed = SEED
fluid . default_main_program . random_seed = SEED
data = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( self . input )
res = self . dygraph_func ( data )
@ -175,14 +179,106 @@ class TestRecursiveCall2(unittest.TestCase):
class TestThirdPartyLibrary ( TestRecursiveCall2 ) :
def _run ( self ) :
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
self . dygraph_func = dyfunc_with_third_library_logging
fluid . default_startup_program . random_seed = SEED
fluid . default_main_program . random_seed = SEED
data = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( self . input )
res = self . dygraph_func ( data )
return res . numpy ( )
def set_func ( self ) :
self . dygraph_func = dyfunc_with_third_library_logging
# Situation 2 : test not_to_static
def func_sum ( x ) :
res = paddle . sum ( x )
return res
def func_not_to_static ( x ) :
res = func_sum ( x )
return res
def func_convert_then_not_to_static ( x ) :
y = func_not_to_static ( x )
return y
class TestClass ( paddle . nn . Layer ) :
def called_member ( self , x ) :
return paddle . sum ( x )
def forward ( self , x ) :
y = self . called_member ( x )
return y
class TestNotToConvert ( TestRecursiveCall2 ) :
def set_func ( self ) :
self . dygraph_func = func_not_to_static
def test_conversion_options ( self ) :
options = getattr ( self . dygraph_func , CONVERSION_OPTIONS , None )
self . assertIsNotNone ( options )
self . assertTrue ( options . not_convert )
class TestNotToConvert2 ( TestRecursiveCall2 ) :
def set_func ( self ) :
self . dygraph_func = func_convert_then_not_to_static
class TestNotToConvert3 ( TestRecursiveCall2 ) :
def set_func ( self ) :
self . dygraph_func = TestClass ( )
class TestDynamicToStaticCode ( unittest . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
self . set_func ( )
self . set_answer_func ( )
def set_func ( self ) :
self . func = func_not_to_static
def set_answer_func ( self ) :
class StaticCode ( ) :
def func_not_to_static ( x ) :
res = func_sum ( x )
return res
self . answer_func = StaticCode . func_not_to_static
def _get_answer_code ( self ) :
return get_source_code ( self . answer_func )
def _get_transformed_code ( self ) :
transformed_func = paddle . jit . dy2static . convert_call ( self . func )
return get_source_code ( transformed_func )
def test_code ( self ) :
transformed_code = self . _get_transformed_code ( )
answer_code = self . _get_answer_code ( )
self . assertEqual (
answer_code ,
transformed_code ,
msg = " \n transformed_code : \n {} \n answer_code : \n {} " . format (
transformed_code , answer_code ) )
class TestDynamicToStaticCode2 ( TestDynamicToStaticCode ) :
def set_func ( self ) :
self . func = func_convert_then_not_to_static
def set_answer_func ( self ) :
class StaticCode ( ) :
def func_convert_then_not_to_static ( x ) :
y = paddle . jit . dy2static . convert_call ( func_not_to_static ) ( x )
return y
self . answer_func = StaticCode . func_convert_then_not_to_static
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :