@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ class ConvMKLDNNOpKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
bool fuse_eltwise = ctx.Attr<bool>("fuse_eltwise");
int groups = ctx.Attr<int>("groups");
// TODO: add support for dilation
// TODO(tpatejko): add support for dilation
dilations.size() == 2 && dilations[0] == 1 && dilations[1] == 1,
"dilation in convolution is not implemented yet");
@ -386,21 +386,24 @@ class ConvMKLDNNOpKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
auto user_weights_memory_p = handler.AcquireWeightsMemory(
user_weights_md, to_void_cast<T>(filter_data));
T* output_data = nullptr;
if (fuse_eltwise) {
auto residual_param = ctx.Input<Tensor>("ResidualData");
auto residual_param_data = residual_param->data<T>();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(residual_param_data != nullptr, "Provide data if you want MKLDNN conv+elementwise_add fusion");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output->dims(), residual_param->dims(), "Output and elementwise parameter need to have the same dimension sizes");
residual_param_data != nullptr,
"Provide data if you want MKLDNN conv+elementwise_add fusion");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(output->dims(), residual_param->dims(),
"Output and elementwise parameter need to have the "
"same dimension sizes");
output_data = output->mutable_data<T>(ctx.GetPlace());
} else {
output_data =
output->mutable_data<T>(ctx.GetPlace(), handler.GetDstMemorySize());
output->mutable_data<T>(ctx.GetPlace(), handler.GetDstMemorySize());
// create reorder primitive if the input format is not the preferred one