@ -64,66 +64,16 @@ void SetForwardDataTypeOfGradVar<VarBase>(const std::shared_ptr<VarBase>& var) {
static void ReplaceXPUKernelIfNotExists(
const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op,
framework::OpKernelType* expected_kernel_key) {
auto& all_op_kernels = op.AllOpKernels();
auto kernels_iter = all_op_kernels.find(op.Type());
kernels_iter, all_op_kernels.end(),
"There are no kernels which are registered in the %s operator.",
auto& kernels = kernels_iter->second;
auto kernel_iter = kernels.find(*expected_kernel_key);
if (kernel_iter == kernels.end() &&
is_xpu_place(expected_kernel_key->place_)) {
expected_kernel_key->place_ = platform::CPUPlace();
template <typename VarType>
framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelKey(
const NameVarMap<VarType>& ins, const NameVarMap<VarType>& outs,
const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op, const platform::Place& place,
const framework::AttributeMap& attrs) {
platform::DeviceContextPool& pool = platform::DeviceContextPool::Instance();
auto* dev_ctx = pool.Get(place);
framework::RuntimeContext ctx({}, {});
// MKLDNN variant of code reads attributes in some of GetKernelTypeForVar and
// GetKernelType functions, so we need to copy the attributes there.
// Const qualifier of Attrs had to be discarded to overwrite it.
if (FLAGS_use_mkldnn) {
auto& mutable_op_attrs = const_cast<framework::AttributeMap&>(op.Attrs());
mutable_op_attrs = attrs;
auto expected_kernel_key =
op, framework::Scope(), *dev_ctx, ctx, ins, outs, attrs));
ReplaceXPUKernelIfNotExists(op, &expected_kernel_key);
VLOG(3) << "expected_kernel_key:" << expected_kernel_key;
return expected_kernel_key;
template <typename VarType>
NameVarMap<VarType> PrepareData(
std::shared_ptr<NameVarMap<VarType>> PrepareData(
const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op, const NameVarMap<VarType>& ins,
const framework::OpKernelType& expected_kernel_key) {
NameVarMap<VarType> tmp_ins(ins);
for (auto& name_pair : tmp_ins) {
for (auto& var_base : name_pair.second) {
const auto* tensor = GetTensorFromVar(var_base->Var());
std::shared_ptr<NameVarMap<VarType>> tmp_ins_ptr = nullptr;
for (const auto& name_pair : ins) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < name_pair.second.size(); ++i) {
auto& var_base = name_pair.second[i];
const auto* tensor = GetTensorFromVar(var_base->Var());
if (tensor && tensor->IsInitialized()) {
auto kernel_type_for_var = op.GetKernelTypeForVar(
name_pair.first, *tensor, expected_kernel_key);
@ -133,17 +83,28 @@ NameVarMap<VarType> PrepareData(
VLOG(3) << "Transform Variable " << var_base->Name() << " from "
<< kernel_type_for_var << " to " << expected_kernel_key;
framework::Tensor out;
auto tmp_var = std::make_shared<VarType>(var_base->Name());
TransformData(expected_kernel_key, kernel_type_for_var, *tensor,
SetTensorToVariable(var_base->Var(), out, tmp_var->MutableVar());
var_base = tmp_var;
if (NeedTransformDataType(kernel_type_for_var, expected_kernel_key)) {
// To avoid NameVarMap copy construction overhead in general
// scenarios, if inplace transformed, return original input directly
if (tmp_ins_ptr == nullptr) {
tmp_ins_ptr = std::make_shared<NameVarMap<VarType>>(ins);
auto tmp_var = std::make_shared<VarType>(var_base->Name());
SetTensorToVariable(var_base->Var(), out, tmp_var->MutableVar());
(*tmp_ins_ptr)[name_pair.first][i] = tmp_var;
} else {
// if dtype is same, transform inplace will not change the original
// value, transform inplace to avoid multiple copy
SetTensorToVariable(var_base->Var(), out, var_base->MutableVar());
return tmp_ins;
return tmp_ins_ptr;
class PreparedOp {
@ -154,8 +115,17 @@ class PreparedOp {
const framework::OperatorWithKernel::OpKernelFunc& func,
platform::DeviceContext* dev_ctx);
static PreparedOp Prepare(const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op,
const framework::OpKernelType& expected_kernel_key);
static PreparedOp Prepare(const NameVarMap<VarBase>& ins,
const NameVarMap<VarBase>& outs,
const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op,
const platform::Place& place,
const framework::AttributeMap& attrs);
static PreparedOp Prepare(const NameVarMap<VariableWrapper>& ins,
const NameVarMap<VariableWrapper>& outs,
const framework::OperatorWithKernel& op,
const platform::Place& place,
const framework::AttributeMap& attrs);
void Run(const NameVarMap<VarBase>& in, const NameVarMap<VarBase>& out,
const framework::AttributeMap& attrs);
@ -164,6 +134,8 @@ class PreparedOp {
const NameVarMap<VariableWrapper>& outs,
const framework::AttributeMap& attrs);
const framework::OpKernelType& kernel_type() const { return kernel_type_; }
const framework::OperatorBase& op_;
const framework::RuntimeContext& ctx_;