@ -2601,7 +2601,9 @@ def generate_proposal_labels(rpn_rois,
class_nums = None ,
use_random = True ,
is_cls_agnostic = False ,
is_cascade_rcnn = False ) :
is_cascade_rcnn = False ,
max_overlap = None ,
return_max_overlap = False ) :
* * Generate Proposal Labels of Faster - RCNN * *
@ -2638,25 +2640,29 @@ def generate_proposal_labels(rpn_rois,
use_random ( bool ) : Use random sampling to choose foreground and background boxes .
is_cls_agnostic ( bool ) : bbox regression use class agnostic simply which only represent fg and bg boxes .
is_cascade_rcnn ( bool ) : it will filter some bbox crossing the image ' s boundary when setting True.
max_overlap ( Variable ) : Maximum overlap between each proposal box and ground - truth .
return_max_overlap ( bool ) : Whether return the maximum overlap between each sampled RoI and ground - truth .
Returns :
tuple :
A tuple with format ` ` ( rois , labels_int32 , bbox_targets , bbox_inside_weights , bbox_outside_weights )` ` .
A tuple with format ` ` ( rois , labels_int32 , bbox_targets , bbox_inside_weights , bbox_outside_weights , max_overlap )` ` .
- * * rois * * : 2 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ batch_size_per_im * batch_size , 4 ] ` ` . The data type is the same as ` ` rpn_rois ` ` .
- * * labels_int32 * * : 2 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ batch_size_per_im * batch_size , 1 ] ` ` . The data type must be int32 .
- * * bbox_targets * * : 2 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ batch_size_per_im * batch_size , 4 * class_num ] ` ` . The regression targets of all RoIs . The data type is the same as ` ` rpn_rois ` ` .
- * * bbox_inside_weights * * : 2 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ batch_size_per_im * batch_size , 4 * class_num ] ` ` . The weights of foreground boxes ' regression loss. The data type is the same as ``rpn_rois``.
- * * bbox_outside_weights * * : 2 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ batch_size_per_im * batch_size , 4 * class_num ] ` ` . The weights of regression loss . The data type is the same as ` ` rpn_rois ` ` .
- * * max_overlap * * : 1 - D LoDTensor with shape ` ` [ P ] ` ` . P is the number of output ` ` rois ` ` . The maximum overlap between each sampled RoI and ground - truth .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
paddle . enable_static ( )
rpn_rois = fluid . data ( name = ' rpn_rois ' , shape = [ None , 4 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
gt_classes = fluid . data ( name = ' gt_classes ' , shape = [ None , 1 ] , dtype = ' floa t32' )
is_crowd = fluid . data ( name = ' is_crowd ' , shape = [ None , 1 ] , dtype = ' floa t32' )
gt_classes = fluid . data ( name = ' gt_classes ' , shape = [ None , 1 ] , dtype = ' in t32' )
is_crowd = fluid . data ( name = ' is_crowd ' , shape = [ None , 1 ] , dtype = ' in t32' )
gt_boxes = fluid . data ( name = ' gt_boxes ' , shape = [ None , 4 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
im_info = fluid . data ( name = ' im_info ' , shape = [ None , 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
rois , labels , bbox , inside_weights , outside_weights = fluid . layers . generate_proposal_labels (
@ -2673,6 +2679,8 @@ def generate_proposal_labels(rpn_rois,
' generate_proposal_labels ' )
check_variable_and_dtype ( is_crowd , ' is_crowd ' , [ ' int32 ' ] ,
' generate_proposal_labels ' )
if is_cascade_rcnn :
assert max_overlap is not None , " Input max_overlap of generate_proposal_labels should not be None if is_cascade_rcnn is True "
rois = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( dtype = rpn_rois . dtype )
labels_int32 = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference (
@ -2683,22 +2691,28 @@ def generate_proposal_labels(rpn_rois,
dtype = rpn_rois . dtype )
bbox_outside_weights = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference (
dtype = rpn_rois . dtype )
max_overlap_with_gt = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference (
dtype = rpn_rois . dtype )
inputs = {
' RpnRois ' : rpn_rois ,
' GtClasses ' : gt_classes ,
' IsCrowd ' : is_crowd ,
' GtBoxes ' : gt_boxes ,
' ImInfo ' : im_info ,
if max_overlap is not None :
inputs [ ' MaxOverlap ' ] = max_overlap
helper . append_op (
type = " generate_proposal_labels " ,
inputs = {
' RpnRois ' : rpn_rois ,
' GtClasses ' : gt_classes ,
' IsCrowd ' : is_crowd ,
' GtBoxes ' : gt_boxes ,
' ImInfo ' : im_info
} ,
inputs = inputs ,
outputs = {
' Rois ' : rois ,
' LabelsInt32 ' : labels_int32 ,
' BboxTargets ' : bbox_targets ,
' BboxInsideWeights ' : bbox_inside_weights ,
' BboxOutsideWeights ' : bbox_outside_weights
' BboxOutsideWeights ' : bbox_outside_weights ,
' MaxOverlapWithGT ' : max_overlap_with_gt
} ,
attrs = {
' batch_size_per_im ' : batch_size_per_im ,
@ -2718,7 +2732,10 @@ def generate_proposal_labels(rpn_rois,
bbox_targets . stop_gradient = True
bbox_inside_weights . stop_gradient = True
bbox_outside_weights . stop_gradient = True
max_overlap_with_gt . stop_gradient = True
if return_max_overlap :
return rois , labels_int32 , bbox_targets , bbox_inside_weights , bbox_outside_weights , max_overlap_with_gt
return rois , labels_int32 , bbox_targets , bbox_inside_weights , bbox_outside_weights