Merge branch 'develop' into build_ios

Liu Yiqun 8 years ago
commit d1f5f49826

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ IF(NOT ${CBLAS_FOUND})
CACHE FILEPATH "openblas library." FORCE)
@ -52,11 +53,14 @@ IF(NOT ${CBLAS_FOUND})
# use hardfp

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Design Doc: Functions, Operators, and Layers
In a DL system, we can compose one or more fine grained operators into a coarse grained one. For example, the FC layer can be composed of a multiplication operator and an add operator.
Historically, some fine grained operations are known as operators, and some coarse level ones are known as layers. But we need a well-defined separation.
In general, operators are those very fine grained operations, e.g., mul and add. In the implementation, we can write them as C++ functions:
template <typename T> T add(T x, T y) { return x + y; }
template <typename T> T mul(T x, T y) { return x * y; }
Then we can wrap them into operators which are C++ classes and can be created from Python bindings by name. A C macro can do this. For example, the following macro invocation
template <typename T> class mulOp : public OperatorBase {...};
REGISTER_OP(mulOp<float32>, "mul");
so that in Python we can create operator mul by:
X1 = Var()
X2 = Var()
Y = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input=[X1, X2], output=Y)
Also, at the same time, we can compose a coarse level C++ operator class by composing functions `mul` and `add`:
template <typename T>
class FCOp : public OperatorBase {
void Run(...) {
add(mul(Input<T>("X"), Input<T>("W")), Input<T>("b");
We need to support such composition in Python as well. To do so, we need a higher level Python wrapping of operator creation than `paddle.cpp.create_operator`. This higher level operator API should be compatible with the layer API.
Let's explain using an example. Suppose that we are going to compose the FC using mul and add in Python, we'd like to have Python functions `mul` and `add` defined in module `operator`:
def operator.mul(X1, X2):
O = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input={X1, Y1], output=O)
return O
def operator.add(X1, X2):
O = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("add", input={X1, X2], output=O)
return O
Above code snippets are automatically generated. Given them, users can define
def layer.fc(X):
W = Var()
b = Var()
return operator.add(operator.mul(X, W), b)
If we don't have `operator.mul` and `operator.add`, the definiton of `layer.fc` would be complicated:
def layer.fc(X):
W = Var()
b = Var()
O1 = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("mul", input=[X, W], output=O1)
O2 = Var()
paddle.cpp.create_operator("add", input=[O1, b], output=O2)
return O2
We'd like to have Python bindings to operators in package `paddle.operator`, and Python compositions of operators in package `paddle.layer`. So we have the following concepts in above illustrative example:
| C++ functions/functors | mul | add | | |
| C++ operator class | mulOp | addOp | FCOp | |
| Python binding | operator.mul | operator.add | operator.fc | |
| Python function | | | | layer.fc |
This is how we differentiate layer and operators in PaddlePaddle:
- those defined in C++ and have a lightweighted Python wrapper in module `operators` are operators; whereas
- those who don't have C++ implementations but a Python implementation that compose C++ operators are known as layers.

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
IfOp should have only one branch. An IfOp operator takes a `cond` variable whose value must be a vector of N boolean elements. Its return value has M (M<=N) instances, each corresponds to a true element in `cond`.
import paddle as pd
x = var()
y = var()
cond = var()
b = pd.create_ifop(inputs=[x], output_num=1)
with b.true_block():
x = b.inputs(0)
z = operator.add(x, y)
b.set_output(0, operator.softmax(z))
out = b(cond)
If we want the output still has N instances, we can use IfElseOp with a default value, whose minibatch size must be N:
import paddle as pd
x = var()
y = var()
cond = var()
default_value = var()
b = pd.create_ifelseop(inputs=[x], output_num=1)
with b.true_block():
x = b.inputs(0)
z = operator.add(x, y)
b.set_output(0, operator.softmax(z))
with b.false_block():
x = b.inputs(0)
z = layer.fc(x)
b.set_output(0, operator.softmax(z))
out = b(cond)
If only true_block is set in an IfElseOp, we can have a default value for false as:
import paddle as pd
x = var()
y = var()
cond = var()
default_value = var()
b = pd.create_ifelseop(inputs=[x], output_num=1, default_value)
with b.true_block():
x = b.inputs(0)
z = operator.add(x, y)
b.set_output(0, operator.softmax(z))
out = b(cond)
where default_value is a list of vars for `cond` == False.

@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ class MulKernel : public framework::OpKernel {
namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OP(mul, ops::MulOp, ops::MulOpMaker, mul_grad, ops::MulOpGrad);
REGISTER_OP(mul, ops::MulOp, ops::MulOpMaker, ops::MulOpGrad);
REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL(mul, ops::MulKernel<paddle::platform::CPUPlace, float>);
ops::MulGradKernel<paddle::platform::CPUPlace, float>);
- `REGISTER_OP` 注册`ops::MulOp`类,类型名为`mul`,该类的`ProtoMaker`为`ops::MulOpMaker`注册`ops::MulOpGrad`,类型名为`mul_grad`
- `REGISTER_OP` 注册`ops::MulOp`类,类型名为`mul`,该类的`ProtoMaker`为`ops::MulOpMaker`并且注册`ops::MulOpGrad`为其反向Op。
- `REGISTER_OP_CPU_KERNEL` :注册`ops::MulKernel`类,并特化模板参数为`paddle::platform::CPUPlace`和`float`类型,同理,注册`ops::MulKernel`类。

@ -173,6 +173,96 @@ extern void hl_avgpool_backward(const int frameCnt,
real* backGrad,
const int outStride);
extern void hl_maxpool3D_forward(const int frameCnt,
const real* inputData,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real* tgtData,
real* maxPoolIdxData,
const int tgtStride);
extern void hl_maxpool3D_backward(const int frameCnt,
const real* outGrad,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real scaleA,
real scaleB,
real* targetGrad,
real* maxPoolIdxData,
const int outStride);
extern void hl_avgpool3D_forward(const int frameCnt,
const real* inputData,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real* tgtData,
const int tgtStride);
extern void hl_avgpool3D_backward(const int frameCnt,
const real* outGrad,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
real scaleA,
real scaleB,
real* backGrad,
const int outStride);
* @brief Bilinear interpolation forward.
@ -275,4 +365,4 @@ extern void hl_maxout_backward(real* inGrad,
size_t featLen,
size_t groups);
#endif /* HL_CNN_H_ */
#endif // HL_CNN_H_

@ -224,4 +224,80 @@ extern void hl_matrix_collect_shared_bias(real* B_d,
extern void hl_matrix_rotate(
real* mat, real* matRot, int dimM, int dimN, bool clockWise);
* @brief Matrix vol2Col: Convert 3D volume into col matrix
* @param[in] matSrc input matrix.
* @param[in] channel channel of matSrc.
* @param[in] depth depth of matSrc.
* @param[in] height height of matSrc.
* @param[in] width width of matSrc.
* @param[in] filterD depth of filter.
* @param[in] filterH height of filter.
* @param[in] filterW width of filter.
* @param[in] strideD stride in the depth.
* @param[in] strideH stride in the height.
* @param[in] strideW stride in the width.
* @param[in] paddingD padding in the depth.
* @param[in] paddingH padding in the height.
* @param[in] paddingW padding in the width.
* @param[out] dataDst output matrix.
extern void hl_matrix_vol2Col(const real* dataSrc,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
real* dataDst);
* @brief Matrix col2Vol: Convert col matrix into 3D volume
* @param[out] matDst output matrix.
* @param[in] channel channel of matDst.
* @param[in] depth depth of matDst.
* @param[in] height height of matDst.
* @param[in] width width of matDst.
* @param[in] filterD depth of filter.
* @param[in] filterH height of filter.
* @param[in] filterW width of filter.
* @param[in] strideD stride in the depth.
* @param[in] strideH stride in the height.
* @param[in] strideW stride in the width.
* @param[in] paddingD padding in the depth.
* @param[in] paddingH padding in the height.
* @param[in] paddingW padding in the width.
* @param[in] matSrc input matrix.
* @param[in] beta input
* @param[in] alpha input
extern void hl_matrix_col2Vol(real* dataDst,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
const real* dataSrc,
real alpha,
real beta);
#endif /* HL_MATRIX_H_ */

@ -87,6 +87,96 @@ inline void hl_avgpool_backward(const int frameCnt,
real* backGrad,
const int outStride) {}
inline void hl_maxpool3D_forward(const int frameCnt,
const real* inputData,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real* tgtData,
real* maxPoolIdxData,
const int tgtStride) {}
inline void hl_maxpool3D_backward(const int frameCnt,
const real* outGrad,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real scaleA,
real scaleB,
real* targetGrad,
real* maxPoolIdxData,
const int outStride) {}
inline void hl_avgpool3D_forward(const int frameCnt,
const real* inputData,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real* tgtData,
const int tgtStride) {}
inline void hl_avgpool3D_backward(const int frameCnt,
const real* outGrad,
const int channels,
const int depth,
const int height,
const int width,
const int pooledD,
const int pooledH,
const int pooledW,
const int sizeZ,
const int sizeY,
const int sizeX,
const int strideD,
const int strideH,
const int strideW,
const int paddingD,
const int paddingH,
const int paddingW,
real scaleA,
real scaleB,
real* backGrad,
const int outStride) {}
inline void hl_bilinear_forward(const real* inData,
const size_t inImgH,
const size_t inImgW,

@ -99,4 +99,38 @@ inline void hl_matrix_collect_shared_bias(real* B_d,
inline void hl_matrix_rotate(
real* mat, real* matRot, int dimM, int dimN, bool clockWise) {}
inline void hl_matrix_vol2Col(const real* dataSrc,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
real* dataDst) {}
inline void hl_matrix_col2Vol(real* dataDst,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
const real* dataSrc,
real alpha,
real beta) {}
#endif // HL_MATRIX_STUB_H_

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -592,3 +592,204 @@ void hl_matrix_rotate(
mat, matRot, dimM, dimN, clockWise);
CHECK_SYNC("hl_matrix_rotate failed");
__global__ void keMatrixVol2Col(int num_kernels,
const real* dataSrc,
real* dataDst,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
int depth_col,
int height_col,
int width_col) {
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < num_kernels;
index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
int w_out = index % width_col;
int h_out = (index / width_col) % height_col;
int d_out = (index / width_col / height_col) % depth_col;
int channel_in = index / width_col / height_col / depth_col;
int channel_out = channel_in * filterD * filterH * filterW;
int w_in = w_out * strideW - paddingW;
int h_in = h_out * strideH - paddingH;
int d_in = d_out * strideD - paddingD;
dataDst +=
((channel_out * depth_col + d_out) * height_col + h_out) * width_col +
dataSrc += ((channel_in * depth + d_in) * height + h_in) * width + w_in;
for (int k = 0; k < filterD; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < filterH; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < filterW; ++j) {
int d = d_in + k;
int h = h_in + i;
int w = w_in + j;
*dataDst = (d >= 0 && d < depth && h >= 0 && h < height && w >= 0 &&
w < width)
? dataSrc[(k * height + i) * width + j]
: 0;
dataDst += depth_col * height_col * width_col;
void hl_matrix_vol2Col(const real* dataSrc,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
real* dataDst) {
int depth_col = (depth + 2 * paddingD - filterD) / strideD + 1;
int height_col = (height + 2 * paddingH - filterH) / strideH + 1;
int width_col = (width + 2 * paddingW - filterW) / strideW + 1;
int num_kernels = channels * depth_col * height_col * width_col;
const int threads = 512;
const int blocks = DIVUP(num_kernels, threads);
keMatrixVol2Col<<<blocks, threads, 0, STREAM_DEFAULT>>>(num_kernels,
CHECK_SYNC("hl_matrix_vol2Col failed");
__global__ void keMatrixCol2Vol(int num_kernels,
real* dataDst,
const real* dataSrc,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
int depth_col,
int height_col,
int width_col,
real alpha,
real beta) {
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < num_kernels;
index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
real srcVal = 0;
real dstVal = dataDst[index];
int w = index % width + paddingW;
int h = (index / width) % height + paddingH;
int d = (index / width / height) % depth + paddingD;
int c = index / width / height / depth;
// compute the start and end of the output
int w_col_start = (w < filterW) ? 0 : (w - filterW) / strideW + 1;
int w_col_end = min(w / strideW + 1, width_col);
int h_col_start = (h < filterH) ? 0 : (h - filterH) / strideH + 1;
int h_col_end = min(h / strideH + 1, height_col);
int d_col_start = (d < filterD) ? 0 : (d - filterD) / strideD + 1;
int d_col_end = min(d / strideD + 1, depth_col);
int offset = (c * filterD * filterW * filterH + d * filterW * filterH +
h * filterW + w) *
depth_col * height_col * width_col;
int coeff_d_col =
(1 - strideD * filterW * filterH * depth_col) * height_col * width_col;
int coeff_h_col =
(1 - strideH * filterW * depth_col * height_col) * width_col;
int coeff_w_col = (1 - strideW * depth_col * height_col * width_col);
for (int d_col = d_col_start; d_col < d_col_end; ++d_col) {
for (int h_col = h_col_start; h_col < h_col_end; ++h_col) {
for (int w_col = w_col_start; w_col < w_col_end; ++w_col) {
srcVal += dataSrc[offset + d_col * coeff_d_col + h_col * coeff_h_col +
w_col * coeff_w_col];
dataDst[index] = alpha * srcVal + beta * dstVal;
void hl_matrix_col2Vol(real* dataDst,
int channels,
int depth,
int height,
int width,
int filterD,
int filterH,
int filterW,
int strideD,
int strideH,
int strideW,
int paddingD,
int paddingH,
int paddingW,
const real* dataSrc,
real alpha,
real beta) {
int depth_col = (depth + 2 * paddingD - filterD) / strideD + 1;
int height_col = (height + 2 * paddingH - filterH) / strideH + 1;
int width_col = (width + 2 * paddingW - filterW) / strideW + 1;
int num_kernels = channels * depth * height * width;
const int threads = 512;
const int blocks = DIVUP(num_kernels, threads);
keMatrixCol2Vol<<<blocks, threads, 0, STREAM_DEFAULT>>>(num_kernels,
CHECK_SYNC("hl_matrix_col2Vol failed");

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ A backward network is built up with several backward operators. Backward operato
For example, we have got a `mul_op`, and we can register it's information and corresponding backward operator by the following macro:
REGISTER_OP(mul, MulOp, MulOpMaker, mul_grad, MulOpGrad);
REGISTER_OP(mul, MulOp, MulOpMaker, MulOpGrad);
`mul` is the operator's type. `MulOp` and `MulOpMaker` are the operator class and the operator maker class respectively.

@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ class FillZeroOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
FillZeroOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("x", "x");
AddOutput("out", "out");
AddInput("Src", "x");
AddOutput("Dst", "out");
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class AddOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
AddOpMaker(OpProto *proto, OpAttrChecker *op_checker)
: OpProtoAndCheckerMaker(proto, op_checker) {
AddInput("X", "x").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Y", "y");
AddOutput("Out", "out");
@ -148,16 +148,14 @@ class AddOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
namespace f = paddle::framework;
namespace ops = paddle::operators;
using EnforceNotMet = paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet;
REGISTER_OP(rowwise_add, f::NOP, f::RowWiseAddOpMaker, rowwise_add_grad,
REGISTER_OP(mul, f::NOP, f::MulOpMaker, mul_grad, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(sigmoid, f::NOP, f::SigmoidOpMaker, sigmoid_grad, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(rowwise_add, f::NOP, f::RowWiseAddOpMaker, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(mul, f::NOP, f::MulOpMaker, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(sigmoid, f::NOP, f::SigmoidOpMaker, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP_WITHOUT_GRADIENT(fill_zeros_like, f::NOP, f::FillZeroOpMaker);
REGISTER_OP(add, f::NOP, f::AddOpMaker, add_grad, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(add, f::NOP, f::AddOpMaker, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(many_output_op, f::NOP, f::ManyOutputOpMaker, many_output_op_grad,
REGISTER_OP(many_output_op, f::NOP, f::ManyOutputOpMaker, f::NOP);
TEST(Backward, simple_op_grad) {
auto fwd = f::OpRegistry::CreateOp(

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ TEST(GradOpBuilder, AddTwo) {
EXPECT_EQ(grad_add_op->Output(f::GradVarName("Y")), f::GradVarName("y"));
REGISTER_OP(mult_io, f::NOP, f::MutiInOutOpMaker, mult_io_grad, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(io_ignored, f::NOP, f::IOIgnoredOpMaker, io_ignored_grad, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(mult_io, f::NOP, f::MutiInOutOpMaker, f::NOP);
REGISTER_OP(io_ignored, f::NOP, f::IOIgnoredOpMaker, f::NOP);
TEST(GradOpBuilder, MutiInOut) {
std::shared_ptr<f::OperatorBase> test_op(f::OpRegistry::CreateOp(

@ -19,25 +19,24 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
LODTensor::LOD LODTensor::LOD::SliceLevels(size_t level_begin,
size_t level_end) const {
LOD SliceLevels(const LOD& in, size_t level_begin, size_t level_end) {
LOD new_lod;
new_lod.reserve(level_end - level_begin);
for (size_t i = level_begin; i < level_end; i++) {
return new_lod;
LODTensor::LOD LODTensor::LOD::SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
size_t elem_end) const {
LOD SliceInLevel(const LOD& in, size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
size_t elem_end) {
// slice the lod.
LOD new_lod;
new_lod.reserve(size() - level);
auto start = this->at(level)[elem_begin];
auto end = this->at(level)[elem_end];
new_lod.reserve(in.size() - level);
auto start =[elem_begin];
auto end =[elem_end];
for (auto it = this->begin() + level; it != this->end(); it++) {
for (auto it = in.begin() + level; it != in.end(); it++) {
auto it_begin = std::find(it->begin(), it->end(), start);
auto it_end = std::find(it_begin, it->end(), end);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(it_begin != it->end(), "error in parsing lod info");
@ -49,11 +48,11 @@ LODTensor::LOD LODTensor::LOD::SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
[start](int v) { return v - start; });
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(new_lod.back().front(), 0, "error in slice LOD");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(new_lod.size(), this->size());
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(new_lod.size(), in.size());
return new_lod;
bool operator==(const LODTensor::LOD& a, const LODTensor::LOD& b) {
bool operator==(const LOD& a, const LOD& b) {
if (a.size() != b.size()) {
return false;
@ -70,9 +69,27 @@ bool operator==(const LODTensor::LOD& a, const LODTensor::LOD& b) {
return true;
void LODTensor::SliceLevels(size_t level_begin, size_t level_end) {
auto new_lod = framework::SliceLevels(lod_, level_begin, level_end);
lod_ = new_lod;
void LODTensor::SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin, size_t elem_end) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(level < NumLevels(), "level [%d] out of range [%d]", level,
PADDLE_ENFORCE(elem_begin < NumElements(level),
"element begin [%d] out of range [%d]", elem_begin,
PADDLE_ENFORCE(elem_end < NumElements(level) + 1,
"element end [%d] out of range [%d]", elem_end,
auto new_lod = framework::SliceInLevel(lod_, level, elem_begin, elem_end);
lod_ = new_lod;
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#if !defined(PADDLE_ONLY_CPU)
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
@ -27,33 +27,39 @@
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>;
template <typename T>
using Vector = thrust::host_vector<T>;
using LOD = std::vector<Vector<size_t>>;
LOD SliceLevels(const LOD& in, size_t level_begin, size_t level_end);
LOD SliceInLevel(const LOD& in, size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
size_t elem_end);
bool operator==(const LOD& a, const LOD& b);
* LODTensor (Level of details Tensor)
* see for reference.
class LODTensor : public Tensor {
class LODTensor {
// Level save offsets of each unit.
template <typename T>
using Vector = std::vector<T>;
template <typename T>
using Vector = thrust::host_vector<T>;
// LoD stores offsets of each level of units, the largest units level first,
// then the smaller units level. Each Level stores the offsets of units in
// Tesor.
class LOD : public std::vector<Vector<size_t>> {
LOD SliceLevels(size_t level_begin, size_t level_end) const;
LOD SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin, size_t elem_end) const;
LODTensor() {}
explicit LODTensor(const LOD &lod) : lod_(lod) {}
LODTensor(const LOD& lod, Tensor* t) : lod_(lod), tensor_(t) {}
void set_lod(const LOD& lod) { lod_ = lod; }
virtual Tensor *Clone() const { return new LODTensor(lod_); }
void set_tensor(Tensor* tensor) { tensor_ = tensor; }
Tensor& tensor() { return *tensor_; }
LOD lod() { return lod_; }
* Get a element from LOD.
@ -79,71 +85,23 @@ class LODTensor : public Tensor {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(level < NumLevels(), "level [%d] out of range [%d]", level,
// the last offset is the end of last element
return lod_[level].size() - 1;
return (lod_)[level].size() - 1;
* Slice of levels[level_begin:level_end], with tensor shared.
* Slice of levels[level_begin:level_end]
template <typename T>
LODTensor SliceLevels(size_t level_begin, size_t level_end) const;
void SliceLevels(size_t level_begin, size_t level_end);
* Slice of elements of a level, [elem_begin: elem_end], with tensor shared.
* Slice of elements of a level, [elem_begin: elem_end]
* @note: low performance in slice lod_.
template <typename T>
LODTensor SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
size_t elem_end) const;
* Copy other's lod_'s content, free to mutate.
void CopyLOD(const LODTensor &other) { lod_ = other.lod_; }
* Determine whether LODTensor has a valid LOD info.
const LOD &lod() const { return lod_; }
LOD *mutable_lod() { return &lod_; }
virtual ~LODTensor() {}
void SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin, size_t elem_end);
LOD lod_;
Tensor* tensor_; // not owned
bool operator==(const LODTensor::LOD &a, const LODTensor::LOD &b);
template <typename T>
LODTensor LODTensor::SliceLevels(size_t level_begin, size_t level_end) const {
auto new_lod = lod_.SliceLevels(level_begin, level_end);
// slice levels just need to update LOD info, each level will contains the
// whole tensor_, so no need to modify tensor_.
LODTensor new_tensor(new_lod);
return new_tensor;
template <typename T>
LODTensor LODTensor::SliceInLevel(size_t level, size_t elem_begin,
size_t elem_end) const {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(level < NumLevels(), "level [%d] out of range [%d]", level,
PADDLE_ENFORCE(elem_begin < NumElements(level),
"element begin [%d] out of range [%d]", elem_begin,
PADDLE_ENFORCE(elem_end < NumElements(level) + 1,
"element end [%d] out of range [%d]", elem_end,
auto new_lod = lod_.SliceInLevel(level, elem_begin, elem_end);
// slice elements just need to update LOD info, because offsets are not
// changed, so the original tensor_ can be reused.
LODTensor new_tensor(new_lod);
return new_tensor;
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# Design Doc: LoD (Level-of-Detail) Tensor
PaddlePaddle's RNN doesn't require that all instances have the same length. To do so, we introduce an extension to Tensor, namely, LoD Tensor.
## Challenge of Variable-length Inputs
People usually represent a mini-batch by a Tensor. For example, a mini-batch of 32 images, each of size 32x32, is a 10x32x32 Tensor. So a transformation, T, of all images can be a matrix multiplication of the 32x32xO-dimensional tensor T and the 10x32x32 Tensor.
Another example is that each mini-batch contains 32 sentences, where each word is a D-dimensional one-hot vector. If all sentences have the same length L, we can represent this mini-batch by a 32xLxD tensor. However, in most cases, sentences have variable lengths, and we will need an index data structure to record these variable lengths.
## LoD as a Solution
### Mini-Batch of variable-length sentenses
Let's imagine a mini-batch of 3 variable lengths sentences, containing 3, 1, and 2 words respectively. We can represent it by a (3+1+2)xD tensor plus some index information:
3 1 2
||| | ||
Each `|` represents a D-dimensional word vectors. The number 3 on top indicate 3 sentences, and numbers 3, 1, and 2 on the second level represent the number of words in each sentence.
### Mini-Batch of variable-length videos
This approach generalizes to the case where elements are not words, but higher dimensional objects, like images. Suppose that a mini-batch contains videos of the same frame size 640x480. If a mini-batch contains 3 videos of 3, 1, and 2 frames respectively. The underlying tensor is of size (3+1+2)x640x480. The index information illustrates as:
3 1 2
口口口 口 口口
where each `口` represents an image.
### Mini-Batch of fixed-size images
Let's get back to a typical example, image classification, where each mini-batch has M fixed-sized images. The LoD Tensor representation is
1 1 1 1 1
口口口口 ... 口
The many 1's on the second level seem duplicated. For this particular case of 2 levels and the second level always have length 1, we can ignore the LoD index.
### Design and summarization
In summary, as long as that the essential elements (words or images) have the same size, we can represent mini-batches by a LoD Tensor:
- The underlying tensor has size LxD1xD2x..., where D1xD2... is the size of the essential elements, and
- the first dimension size L has an additon property -- a LoD index as a nested vector:
typedef std::vector<std::vector> > LoD;
- The LoD index can is not necessary when there are only two levels and all elements of the second level have length 1.
## Slicing of LoD Tensor
Consider that we have a network with three levels of RNN: the top level one handles articles, the second level one handles sentences, and the basic level one handles words. This network requires that mini-batches represented by 4 level LoD Tensor, for example,
3 1 2
3 2 4 1 2 3
||| || |||| | || |||
To allow each level of RNN to handle its input, we define **the slicing of a LoD Tensor is defined as getting the j-th sequence on level i, or the <i,j>-slice**
For example, the <2,1>-slice of above slice is
and the <1,2>-slice of above example is
2 3
|| |||
Let's go on slicing this slice. Its <1,1>-slice is
### The General Slicing Algorithm
The algorithm, with over-simplified data structure, is defined as
typedef vector<vector<int> > LoD;
struct LoDTensor {
LoD lod_;
float* tensor_;
LoDTensor Slice(const LoDTensor& lodt, int level, int sequence) {
### Slicing the Top Level
Please be aware that an RNN operator only slices the top level of a LoD Tensor to get the step inputs.
LoDTensor Slice(const LoDTensor& lodt, int sequence) {

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ namespace framework {
class LODTensorTester : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() override {
lod_tensor.reset(new LODTensor);
// tensor's batch_size: 30
// 3 levels
// 0 10 20
// 0 5 10 15 20
// 0 2 5 7 10 12 15 20
LODTensor::LOD lod;
LOD lod;
lod.push_back(std::vector<size_t>{0, 10, 20});
lod.push_back(std::vector<size_t>{0, 5, 10, 15, 20});
lod.push_back(std::vector<size_t>{0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20});
@ -41,75 +40,65 @@ class LODTensorTester : public ::testing::Test {
// malloc memory
lod_tensor.reset(new LODTensor(lod));
lod_tensor->Resize({20 /*batch size*/, 128 /*dim*/});
// lod_tensor->ShareDataWith<Tensor>(tensor);
std::unique_ptr<LODTensor> lod_tensor;
platform::CPUPlace place;
Tensor tensor;
LODTensor lod_tensor;
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, NumLevels) { ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor->NumLevels(), 3UL); }
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, NumLevels) { ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor.NumLevels(), 3UL); }
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, NumElements) {
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor->NumElements(0), 2UL);
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor->NumElements(1), 4UL);
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor->NumElements(2), 8UL);
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor.NumElements(0), 2UL);
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor.NumElements(1), 4UL);
ASSERT_EQ(lod_tensor.NumElements(2), 8UL);
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, SliceLevels) {
// slice 1 level
for (size_t level = 0; level < 3UL; ++level) {
auto new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor->SliceLevels<float>(level, level + 1);
LODTensor new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor;
new_lod_tensor.SliceLevels(level, level + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumLevels(), 1UL);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0UL), lod_tensor->NumElements(level));
// ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor, *lod_tensor);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0), lod_tensor.NumElements(level));
// slice 2 level
for (size_t level = 0; level < 2UL; ++level) {
auto new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor->SliceLevels<float>(level, level + 2);
LODTensor new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor;
new_lod_tensor.SliceLevels(level, level + 2);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumLevels(), 2UL);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0), lod_tensor->NumElements(level));
lod_tensor->NumElements(level + 1));
ASSERT_EQ(<float>(), lod_tensor->data<float>());
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0), lod_tensor.NumElements(level));
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(1), lod_tensor.NumElements(level + 1));
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, SliceInLevel) {
size_t level = 0;
auto new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor->SliceInLevel<float>(level, 0, 2);
LODTensor new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor;
new_lod_tensor.SliceInLevel(level, 0, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumLevels(), 3UL);
EXPECT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0), 2UL);
EXPECT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(1), 4UL);
EXPECT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(2), 8UL);
ASSERT_EQ(<float>(), lod_tensor->data<float>());
level = 1;
new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor->SliceInLevel<float>(level, 0, 2);
new_lod_tensor = lod_tensor;
new_lod_tensor.SliceInLevel(level, 0, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumLevels(), 2UL);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(0), 2UL);
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.NumElements(1), 4UL);
ASSERT_EQ(<float>(), lod_tensor->data<float>());
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, ShareLOD) {
LODTensor new_lod_tensor;
ASSERT_EQ(new_lod_tensor.lod(), lod_tensor->lod());
TEST_F(LODTensorTester, CopyLOD) {
LODTensor new_lod_tensor;
bool equals = std::equal(lod_tensor->lod().begin(), lod_tensor->lod().end(),
} // namespace framework

@ -80,9 +80,19 @@ class OpInfoMap {
const OpInfo& Get(const std::string& type) const {
auto op_info_ptr = GetNullable(type);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(op_info_ptr, "Operator %s has not been registered",
return *op_info_ptr;
const OpInfo* GetNullable(const std::string& type) const {
auto it = map_.find(type);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(it != map_.end(), "Operator %s are not found", type);
return it->second;
if (it == map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return &it->second;
template <typename Callback>

@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ namespace framework {
class OpRegistry {
template <typename OpType, typename ProtoMakerType, typename GradOpType>
static void RegisterOp(const std::string& op_type,
const std::string& grad_op_type) {
static void RegisterOp(const std::string& op_type) {
"'%s' is registered more than once.", op_type);
OpInfo op_info;
@ -43,9 +42,9 @@ class OpRegistry {
const VariableNameMap& outputs, const AttributeMap& attrs) {
return new OpType(type, inputs, outputs, attrs);
op_info.grad_op_type_ = grad_op_type;
if (std::type_index(typeid(ProtoMakerType)) !=
std::type_index(typeid(NOPMaker))) {
op_info.grad_op_type_ = op_type + "_grad";
op_info.proto_ = new OpProto;
op_info.checker_ = new OpAttrChecker;
auto maker = ProtoMakerType(op_info.proto_, op_info.checker_);
@ -55,15 +54,14 @@ class OpRegistry {
"Fail to initialize %s's OpProto, because %s is not initialized",
op_type, op_info.proto_->InitializationErrorString());
// register gradient op
RegisterOp<GradOpType, NOPMaker, NOP>(op_info.grad_op_type_);
} else {
op_info.grad_op_type_ = "";
op_info.proto_ = nullptr;
op_info.checker_ = nullptr;
OpInfoMap::Instance().Insert(op_type, op_info);
// register gradient op
if (!grad_op_type.empty()) {
RegisterOp<GradOpType, NOPMaker, NOP>(grad_op_type, "");
static std::unique_ptr<OperatorBase> CreateOp(const std::string& type,
@ -92,10 +90,8 @@ class Registrar {
template <typename OpType, typename ProtoMakerType, typename GradOpType>
class OpRegistrar : public Registrar {
explicit OpRegistrar(const char* op_type) { OpRegistrar(op_type, ""); }
OpRegistrar(const char* op_type, const char* grad_op_type) {
OpRegistry::RegisterOp<OpType, ProtoMakerType, GradOpType>(op_type,
explicit OpRegistrar(const char* op_type) {
OpRegistry::RegisterOp<OpType, ProtoMakerType, GradOpType>(op_type);
@ -121,8 +117,7 @@ class OpKernelRegistrar : public Registrar {
* Macro to register Operator.
#define REGISTER_OP(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class, grad_op_type, \
grad_op_class) \
#define REGISTER_OP(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class, grad_op_class) \
__reg_op__##op_type, "REGISTER_OP must be called in global namespace"); \
class _OpClass_##op_type##_ : public op_class { \
@ -137,14 +132,14 @@ class OpKernelRegistrar : public Registrar {
}; \
static ::paddle::framework::OpRegistrar< \
_OpClass_##op_type##_, op_maker_class, _OpGradClass_##op_type##_> \
__op_registrar_##op_type##__(#op_type, #grad_op_type); \
__op_registrar_##op_type##__(#op_type); \
int TouchOpRegistrar_##op_type() { \
__op_registrar_##op_type##__.Touch(); \
return 0; \
#define REGISTER_OP_WITHOUT_GRADIENT(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class) \
REGISTER_OP(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class, , ::paddle::framework::NOP)
REGISTER_OP(op_type, op_class, op_maker_class, ::paddle::framework::NOP)
* Macro to register OperatorKernel.

@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ ExecutionContext::GetEigenDevice<platform::GPUPlace, Eigen::GpuDevice>() const {
const std::string& OperatorBase::Input(const std::string& name) const {
std::string OperatorBase::Input(const std::string& name) const {
auto& ins = Inputs(name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(ins.size(), 1UL,
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(ins.size(), 1UL,
"Op %s input %s should contain only one variable", type_,
return ins[0];
return ins.empty() ? kEmptyVarName : ins[0];
const std::vector<std::string>& OperatorBase::Inputs(
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ const std::vector<std::string>& OperatorBase::Inputs(
return it->second;
const std::string& OperatorBase::Output(const std::string& name) const {
std::string OperatorBase::Output(const std::string& name) const {
auto& outs = Outputs(name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(outs.size(), 1UL,
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LE(outs.size(), 1UL,
"Op %s output %s should contain only one variable", type_,
return outs[0];
return outs.empty() ? kEmptyVarName : outs[0];
const std::vector<std::string>& OperatorBase::Outputs(
@ -119,16 +119,8 @@ OperatorBase::OperatorBase(const std::string& type,
const VariableNameMap& outputs,
const AttributeMap& attrs)
: type_(type), inputs_(inputs), outputs_(outputs), attrs_(attrs) {
static std::atomic<size_t> gUniqId(0UL);
for (auto& output : outputs_) {
for (auto& output_name : output.second) {
if (output_name == kTempVarName) {
output_name += type_;
output_name += "@";
output_name += std::to_string(gUniqId.fetch_add(1));
std::vector<std::string> OperatorBase::OutputVars(bool has_intermediate) const {
@ -156,6 +148,35 @@ std::vector<std::string> OperatorBase::OutputVars(bool has_intermediate) const {
return ret_val;
void OperatorBase::CheckAllInputOutputSet() const {
auto& info_map = OpInfoMap::Instance();
auto* op_info = info_map.GetNullable(Type());
if (op_info == nullptr || op_info->proto_ == nullptr) return;
for (auto& in : op_info->Proto().inputs()) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(inputs_.find( != inputs_.end(),
"Type %s's input %s is not set", Type(),;
for (auto& out : op_info->Proto().outputs()) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(outputs_.find( != outputs_.end(),
"Type %s's output %s is not set", Type(),;
void OperatorBase::GenerateTemporaryNames() {
static std::atomic<size_t> gUniqId(0UL);
for (auto& output : outputs_) {
for (auto& output_name : output.second) {
if (output_name == kTempVarName) {
output_name += type_;
output_name += "@";
output_name += std::to_string(gUniqId.fetch_add(1));
void OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::Validate() {
validated_ = true;

@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ class OperatorBase {
const VariableNameMap& Inputs() const { return inputs_; }
const VariableNameMap& Outputs() const { return outputs_; }
//! Get a input with argument's name described in `op_proto`
const std::string& Input(const std::string& name) const;
std::string Input(const std::string& name) const;
//! Get a input which has multiple variables.
const std::vector<std::string>& Inputs(const std::string& name) const;
//! Get a output with argument's name described in `op_proto`
const std::string& Output(const std::string& name) const;
std::string Output(const std::string& name) const;
//! Get an output which has multiple variables.
//! TODO add a vector_view to prevent memory copy.
const std::vector<std::string>& Outputs(const std::string& name) const;
@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ class OperatorBase {
// IG (Inputs Gradients)
VariableNameMap outputs_;
AttributeMap attrs_;
void GenerateTemporaryNames();
void CheckAllInputOutputSet() const;
// Macro for define a clone method.
@ -238,11 +242,13 @@ class InferShapeContext {
const Variable* InputVar(const std::string& name) const {
return scope_.FindVar(op_.Input(name));
auto ipt = op_.Input(name);
return ipt == kEmptyVarName ? nullptr : scope_.FindVar(ipt);
Variable* OutputVar(const std::string& name) const {
return scope_.FindVar(op_.Output(name));
auto opt = op_.Output(name);
return opt == kEmptyVarName ? nullptr : scope_.FindVar(opt);
const std::vector<const Variable*> MultiInputVar(
@ -250,9 +256,11 @@ class InferShapeContext {
auto names = op_.Inputs(name);
std::vector<const Variable*> res;
names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[this](const std::string& name) { return scope_.FindVar(name); });
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[this](const std::string& name) {
return name == kEmptyVarName ? nullptr
: scope_.FindVar(name);
return res;
@ -260,24 +268,24 @@ class InferShapeContext {
auto names = op_.Outputs(name);
std::vector<const Variable*> res;
names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[this](const std::string& name) { return scope_.FindVar(name); });
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[this](const std::string& name) {
return name == kEmptyVarName ? nullptr
: scope_.FindVar(name);
return res;
template <typename T>
const T* Input(const std::string& name) const {
auto* var = InputVar(name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(var, "Input(%s) should not be nullptr", name);
return &var->Get<T>();
return var == nullptr ? nullptr : &var->Get<T>();
template <typename T>
T* Output(const std::string& name) const {
auto var = OutputVar(name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(var, "Output(%s) should not be nullptr", name);
return var->GetMutable<T>();
return var == nullptr ? nullptr : var->GetMutable<T>();
template <typename T>
@ -288,10 +296,7 @@ class InferShapeContext {
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[&](const std::string& sub_name) {
auto var = scope_.FindVar(sub_name);
var, "MultiInput(%s:%s) should not be nullptr", name,
return &var->Get<T>();
return var == nullptr ? nullptr : &var->Get<T>();
return res;
@ -304,10 +309,7 @@ class InferShapeContext {
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(res),
[&](const std::string& sub_name) {
auto var = scope_.FindVar(sub_name);
var, "MultiOutput(%s:%s) should not be nullptr.", name,
return var->GetMutable<T>();
return var == nullptr ? nullptr : var->GetMutable<T>();
return res;

@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ inline void Tensor::CopyFrom(const Tensor& src,
memory::Copy(boost::get<platform::GPUPlace>(dst_place), dst_ptr,
boost::get<platform::GPUPlace>(src_place), src_ptr, size, 0);
"cudaStreamSynchronize failed in Tensor CopyFrom");

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "Conv3DLayer.h"
#include "paddle/utils/Logging.h"
#include "paddle/utils/Stat.h"
namespace paddle {
REGISTER_LAYER(conv3d, Conv3DLayer);
bool Conv3DLayer::init(const LayerMap &layerMap,
const ParameterMap &parameterMap) {
if (!ConvBaseLayer::init(layerMap, parameterMap)) return false;
int index = 0;
for (auto &inputConfig : config_.inputs()) {
const ConvConfig &conf = inputConfig.conv_conf();
M_.push_back(numFilters_ / conf.groups());
K_.push_back(filterPixels_[index] * filterChannels_[index]);
// create a new weight
size_t height, width;
width = filterPixels_[index] * filterChannels_[index];
height = numFilters_;
CHECK_EQ(parameters_[index]->getSize(), width * height);
Weight *w = new Weight(height, width, parameters_[index]);
if (biasParameter_.get()) {
if (sharedBiases_) {
CHECK_EQ((size_t)numFilters_, biasParameter_->getSize());
biases_ =
std::unique_ptr<Weight>(new Weight(1, numFilters_, biasParameter_));
} else {
biases_ =
std::unique_ptr<Weight>(new Weight(1, getSize(), biasParameter_));
return true;
size_t Conv3DLayer::getSize() {
CHECK_NE(inputLayers_.size(), 0UL);
size_t layerSize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputLayers_.size(); ++i) {
imgSizeW_[i], filterSize_[i], padding_[i], stride_[i], true));
imgSizeH_[i], filterSizeY_[i], paddingY_[i], strideY_[i], true));
imgSizeD_[i], filterSizeZ_[i], paddingZ_[i], strideZ_[i], true));
N_.push_back(outputD_[i] * outputH_[i] * outputW_[i]);
CHECK(layerSize == 0 || N_[i] * size_t(numFilters_) == layerSize);
layerSize += N_[i] * numFilters_;
return layerSize;
void Conv3DLayer::forward(PassType passType) {
int batchSize = inputLayers_[0]->getOutputValue()->getHeight();
int outWidth = getSize();
resetOutput(batchSize, outWidth);
for (size_t i = 0; i != inputLayers_.size(); ++i) {
REGISTER_TIMER_INFO("FwdConv3D", getName().c_str());
const MatrixPtr &inMat = getInputValue(i);
const MatrixPtr &outMat = getOutputValue();
int M = M_[i];
int N = N_[i];
int K = K_[i];
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(colBuf_, K * groups_[i], N, false, useGpu_);
MatrixPtr wMat = weights_[i]->getW();
for (int n = 0; n < batchSize; ++n) {
colBuf_->vol2Col(inMat->getData() + n * inMat->getStride(),
real *outData = outMat->getData() + n * outMat->getStride();
MatrixPtr outMatSub =
Matrix::create(outData, groups_[i] * M, N, false, useGpu_);
for (int g = 0; g < groups_[i]; g++) {
MatrixPtr wMatSub = wMat->subMatrix(g * M, M);
MatrixPtr in = colBuf_->subMatrix(g * K, K);
MatrixPtr out = outMatSub->subMatrix(g * M, M);
out->mul(*wMatSub, *in, 1.0, 1.0);
if (nullptr != this->biasParameter_) {
REGISTER_TIMER_INFO("FwBiasTimer", getName().c_str());
void Conv3DLayer::backward(const UpdateCallback &callback) {
if (biases_ && biases_->getWGrad()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != inputLayers_.size(); ++i) {
REGISTER_TIMER_INFO("BwdConv3D", getName().c_str());
if (weights_[i]->getWGrad()) {
if (getInputGrad(i)) {
REGISTER_TIMER_INFO("WeightUpdate", getName().c_str());
void Conv3DLayer::bpropWeights(int i) {
int M = M_[i];
int N = N_[i];
int K = K_[i];
const MatrixPtr &inMat = getInputValue(i);
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(colBuf_, K * groups_[i], N, false, useGpu_);
MatrixPtr wGradMat = weights_[i]->getWGrad();
int batchSize = inputLayers_[0]->getOutputValue()->getHeight();
for (int n = 0; n < batchSize; ++n) {
colBuf_->vol2Col(inMat->getData() + n * inMat->getStride(),
real *outGradData =
getOutputGrad()->getData() + n * getOutputGrad()->getStride();
MatrixPtr outGradSub =
Matrix::create(outGradData, groups_[i] * M, N, false, useGpu_);
for (int g = 0; g < groups_[i]; ++g) {
MatrixPtr inMatSub = colBuf_->subMatrix(g * K, K);
MatrixPtr outG = outGradSub->subMatrix(g * M, M);
MatrixPtr wGradSub = wGradMat->subMatrix(g * M, M);
wGradSub->mul(*outG, *(inMatSub->getTranspose()), 1.0, 1.0);
void Conv3DLayer::bpropData(int i) {
int M = M_[i];
int N = N_[i];
int K = K_[i];
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(colBuf_, K * groups_[i], N, false, useGpu_);
MatrixPtr wMat = weights_[i]->getW();
int batchSize = inputLayers_[0]->getOutputValue()->getHeight();
for (int n = 0; n < batchSize; ++n) {
real *outGradData =
getOutputGrad()->getData() + n * getOutputGrad()->getStride();
real *preGradData =
getInputGrad(i)->getData() + n * getInputGrad(i)->getStride();
MatrixPtr outGradSub =
Matrix::create(outGradData, M * groups_[i], N, false, useGpu_);
for (int g = 0; g < groups_[i]; ++g) {
MatrixPtr wMatSub = wMat->subMatrix(g * M, M);
MatrixPtr outG = outGradSub->subMatrix(g * M, M);
MatrixPtr inGradMatSub = colBuf_->subMatrix(g * K, K);
inGradMatSub->mul(*(wMatSub->getTranspose()), *outG, 1.0, 0.0);
void Conv3DLayer::bpropBiases() {
MatrixPtr outGradMat = getOutputGrad();
if (this->sharedBiases_) {
biases_->getWGrad()->collectSharedBias(*outGradMat, 1.0f);
} else {
biases_->getWGrad()->collectBias(*outGradMat, 1.0f);
void Conv3DLayer::addBias() {
MatrixPtr outMat = getOutputValue();
if (this->sharedBiases_) {
outMat->addSharedBias(*(biases_->getW()), 1.0f);
} else {
outMat->addBias(*(biases_->getW()), 1.0f);
} // namespace paddle

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserve.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "ConvBaseLayer.h"
#include "paddle/math/MathUtils.h"
#include "paddle/math/Matrix.h"
namespace paddle {
* @brief A subclass of convolution layer.
* This layer expands input and use matrix multiplication to
* calculate convolution operation.
class Conv3DLayer : public ConvBaseLayer {
explicit Conv3DLayer(const LayerConfig& config) : ConvBaseLayer(config) {}
~Conv3DLayer() {}
bool init(const LayerMap& layerMap, const ParameterMap& parameterMap);
void forward(PassType passType);
void addBias();
void backward(const UpdateCallback& callback);
void bpropBiases();
void bpropData(int i);
void bpropWeights(int i);
size_t getSize();
// Figure out the dimensions for individual gemms.
IntV M_; /// numFilters_ / filter_group_;
IntV N_; /// channels_ * filterSizeZ_ * filterSize_ * filterSizeY_
IntV K_; /// outputD_ * outputH_ * outputW_
MatrixPtr colBuf_;
} // namespace paddle

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ bool ConvBaseLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap,
filterPixels_.push_back(filterSize_.back() * filterSizeY_.back());
imgSizeH_.push_back(conf.has_img_size_y() ? conf.img_size_y()
: conf.img_size());
@ -47,31 +46,20 @@ bool ConvBaseLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap,
outputH_.push_back(conf.has_output_y() ? conf.output_y() : conf.output_x());
filterPixels_.push_back(filterSize_.back() * filterSizeY_.back() *
CHECK(inputLayers_.size() == parameters_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputLayers_.size(); i++) {
size_t height, width;
height = filterPixels_[i] * filterChannels_[i];
width = (!isDeconv_) ? numFilters_ : channels_[i];
// create a new weight
CHECK_EQ(parameters_[i]->getSize(), width * height);
Weight* w = new Weight(height, width, parameters_[i]);
/* initialize the biases_ */
if (biasParameter_.get()) {
if (sharedBiases_) {
CHECK_EQ((size_t)numFilters_, biasParameter_->getSize());
biases_ =
std::unique_ptr<Weight>(new Weight(numFilters_, 1, biasParameter_));
} else {
biases_ =
std::unique_ptr<Weight>(new Weight(getSize(), 1, biasParameter_));
// create new weights_ in derived class
// create new biases_ in derived class
// default caffe model
caffeMode_ = true;

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