Fix doc for transpose, conv3d and batch_norm. (#18035)

* update some op doc, test=develop
lvmengsi 6 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 944c3165ec
commit d658f1133b
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.square_error_cost (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'label'], varargs=
paddle.fluid.layers.chunk_eval (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'label', 'chunk_scheme', 'num_chunk_types', 'excluded_chunk_types'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '5aa25d023acea1fb49a0de56be86990b'))
paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_conv (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'num_filters', 'filter_size', 'filter_stride', 'padding', 'bias_attr', 'param_attr', 'act', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(3, 1, None, None, None, None, None)), ('document', '3d8e8f3e0e1cf520156be37605e83ccd'))
paddle.fluid.layers.conv2d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'num_filters', 'filter_size', 'stride', 'padding', 'dilation', 'groups', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'use_cudnn', 'act', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, 0, 1, None, None, None, True, None, None)), ('document', '8ca6121acd6d23cd8806a93f493c2e17'))
paddle.fluid.layers.conv3d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'num_filters', 'filter_size', 'stride', 'padding', 'dilation', 'groups', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'use_cudnn', 'act', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, 0, 1, None, None, None, True, None, None)), ('document', '37042620f9bd3a2da6e5d3138b2f724b'))
paddle.fluid.layers.conv3d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'num_filters', 'filter_size', 'stride', 'padding', 'dilation', 'groups', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'use_cudnn', 'act', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, 0, 1, None, None, None, True, None, None)), ('document', 'd2990494eaf531fb584321b7edfb5104'))
paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_pool (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'pool_type', 'is_test', 'pad_value'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, 0.0)), ('document', 'e90a93251c52dc4e6fb34fb3991b3f82'))
paddle.fluid.layers.sequence_softmax (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'use_cudnn', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, None)), ('document', '19ef6f9cdd27feac8a1ae060f19c10b4'))
paddle.fluid.layers.softmax (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'use_cudnn', 'name', 'axis'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, None, -1)), ('document', 'cee673c79e3ff4582656a24e04f841e5'))
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.pool2d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'pool_size', 'pool_type', 'po
paddle.fluid.layers.pool3d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'pool_size', 'pool_type', 'pool_stride', 'pool_padding', 'global_pooling', 'use_cudnn', 'ceil_mode', 'name', 'exclusive'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(-1, 'max', 1, 0, False, True, False, None, True)), ('document', '043de7333b79ee0ac55053c14ed81625'))
paddle.fluid.layers.adaptive_pool2d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'pool_size', 'pool_type', 'require_index', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('max', False, None)), ('document', '859b887174d06f361658f69cb7c06d95'))
paddle.fluid.layers.adaptive_pool3d (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'pool_size', 'pool_type', 'require_index', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('max', False, None)), ('document', '55db6ae7275fb9678a6814aebab81a9c'))
paddle.fluid.layers.batch_norm (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'act', 'is_test', 'momentum', 'epsilon', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'data_layout', 'in_place', 'name', 'moving_mean_name', 'moving_variance_name', 'do_model_average_for_mean_and_var', 'fuse_with_relu', 'use_global_stats'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, False, 0.9, 1e-05, None, None, 'NCHW', False, None, None, None, False, False, False)), ('document', '581f9f99cd7f4b0cab9e0aad5fa0ea24'))
paddle.fluid.layers.batch_norm (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'act', 'is_test', 'momentum', 'epsilon', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'data_layout', 'in_place', 'name', 'moving_mean_name', 'moving_variance_name', 'do_model_average_for_mean_and_var', 'fuse_with_relu', 'use_global_stats'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, False, 0.9, 1e-05, None, None, 'NCHW', False, None, None, None, False, False, False)), ('document', '9cf79315d3423dddba0404e8f85a89b8'))
paddle.fluid.layers.data_norm (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'act', 'epsilon', 'param_attr', 'data_layout', 'in_place', 'name', 'moving_mean_name', 'moving_variance_name', 'do_model_average_for_mean_and_var'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, 1e-05, None, 'NCHW', False, None, None, None, False)), ('document', '2460b30fb87037555208fa8ac6fc1787'))
paddle.fluid.layers.beam_search_decode (ArgSpec(args=['ids', 'scores', 'beam_size', 'end_id', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)), ('document', '83e08f21af41ac8bac37aeab1f86fdd0'))
paddle.fluid.layers.conv2d_transpose (ArgSpec(args=['input', 'num_filters', 'output_size', 'filter_size', 'padding', 'stride', 'dilation', 'groups', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'use_cudnn', 'act', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, 0, 1, 1, None, None, None, True, None, None)), ('document', '03993955ab1e6d3044c44e6f17fc85e9'))

@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@ def conv3d(input,
input (Variable): The input image with [N, C, D, H, W] format.
num_filters(int): The number of filter. It is as same as the output
num_filters(int): The number of filter. It is as same as the output
image channel.
filter_size (int|tuple|None): The filter size. If filter_size is a tuple,
it must contain three integers, (filter_size_D, filter_size_H, filter_size_W).
@ -3098,18 +3098,24 @@ def batch_norm(input,
numerical stability. Default is 1e-5.
param_attr(ParamAttr|None): The parameter attribute for Parameter `scale`
of batch_norm. If it is set to None or one attribute of ParamAttr, batch_norm
will create ParamAttr as param_attr. If the Initializer of the param_attr
is not set, the parameter is initialized with Xavier. Default: None.
will create ParamAttr as param_attr, the name of scale can be set in ParamAttr.
If the Initializer of the param_attr is not set, the parameter is initialized
with Xavier. Default: None.
bias_attr(ParamAttr|None): The parameter attribute for the bias of batch_norm.
If it is set to None or one attribute of ParamAttr, batch_norm
will create ParamAttr as bias_attr. If the Initializer of the bias_attr
is not set, the bias is initialized zero. Default: None.
will create ParamAttr as bias_attr, the name of bias can be set in ParamAttr.
If the Initializer of the bias_attr is not set, the bias is initialized zero.
Default: None.
data_layout(string, default NCHW): NCHW|NHWC
in_place(bool, Default False): Make the input and output of batch norm reuse memory.
name(string, Default None): A name for this layer(optional). If set None, the layer
will be named automatically.
moving_mean_name(string, Default None): The name of moving_mean which store the global Mean.
moving_mean_name(string, Default None): The name of moving_mean which store the global Mean. If it
is set to None, batch_norm will save global mean with a random name, otherwise, batch_norm
will save global mean with the string.
moving_variance_name(string, Default None): The name of the moving_variance which store the global Variance.
If it is set to None, batch_norm will save global variance with a random name, otherwise, batch_norm
will save global variance with the string.
do_model_average_for_mean_and_var(bool, Default False): Do model average for mean and variance or not.
fuse_with_relu (bool): if True, this OP performs relu after batch norm.
use_global_stats(bool, Default False): Whether to use global mean and
@ -5998,7 +6004,7 @@ def transpose(x, perm, name=None):
if len(perm) != len(x.shape):
raise ValueError(
"Input(perm) is the permutation of dimensions of Input(input). "
"It's length shoud be equal to Input(input)'s rank.")
"Its length should be equal to Input(input)'s rank.")
for idx, dim in enumerate(perm):
if dim >= len(x.shape):
raise ValueError(
