@ -255,6 +255,113 @@ void BoxWrapper::PushSparseGrad(const paddle::platform::Place& place,
<< " s";
VLOG(3) << "End PushSparseGrad";
void BoxWrapper::GetRandomReplace(const std::vector<Record>& pass_data) {
VLOG(0) << "Begin GetRandomReplace";
size_t ins_num = pass_data.size();
for (auto& cand_list : random_ins_pool_list) {
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int tid = 0; tid < auc_runner_thread_num_; ++tid) {
threads.push_back(std::thread([this, &pass_data, tid, ins_num]() {
int start = tid * ins_num / auc_runner_thread_num_;
int end = (tid + 1) * ins_num / auc_runner_thread_num_;
VLOG(3) << "GetRandomReplace begin for thread[" << tid
<< "], and process [" << start << ", " << end
<< "), total ins: " << ins_num;
auto& random_pool = random_ins_pool_list[tid];
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
const auto& ins = pass_data[i];
random_pool.AddAndGet(ins, replace_idx_[i]);
for (int tid = 0; tid < auc_runner_thread_num_; ++tid) {
VLOG(0) << "End GetRandomReplace";
void BoxWrapper::GetRandomData(
const std::vector<Record>& pass_data,
const std::unordered_set<uint16_t>& slots_to_replace,
std::vector<Record>* result) {
VLOG(0) << "Begin GetRandomData";
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int tid = 0; tid < auc_runner_thread_num_; ++tid) {
threads.push_back(std::thread([this, &pass_data, tid, &slots_to_replace,
result]() {
int debug_erase_cnt = 0;
int debug_push_cnt = 0;
size_t ins_num = pass_data.size();
int start = tid * ins_num / auc_runner_thread_num_;
int end = (tid + 1) * ins_num / auc_runner_thread_num_;
VLOG(3) << "GetRandomData begin for thread[" << tid << "], and process ["
<< start << ", " << end << "), total ins: " << ins_num;
const auto& random_pool = random_ins_pool_list[tid];
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
const auto& ins = pass_data[i];
const RecordCandidate& rand_rec = random_pool.Get(replace_idx_[i]);
Record new_rec = ins;
for (auto it = new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.begin();
it != new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.end();) {
if (slots_to_replace.find(it->slot()) != slots_to_replace.end()) {
it = new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.erase(it);
debug_erase_cnt += 1;
} else {
for (auto slot : slots_to_replace) {
auto range = rand_rec.feas_.equal_range(slot);
for (auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
new_rec.uint64_feasigns_.push_back({it->second, it->first});
debug_push_cnt += 1;
(*result)[i] = std::move(new_rec);
VLOG(3) << "thread[" << tid << "]: erase feasign num: " << debug_erase_cnt
<< " repush feasign num: " << debug_push_cnt;
for (int tid = 0; tid < auc_runner_thread_num_; ++tid) {
VLOG(0) << "End GetRandomData";
void BoxWrapper::AddReplaceFeasign(boxps::PSAgentBase* p_agent,
int feed_pass_thread_num) {
VLOG(0) << "Enter AddReplaceFeasign Function";
int semi;
VLOG(0) << "Last Pass had updated random pool done. Begin AddReplaceFeasign";
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int tid = 0; tid < feed_pass_thread_num; ++tid) {
threads.push_back(std::thread([this, tid, p_agent, feed_pass_thread_num]() {
VLOG(3) << "AddReplaceFeasign begin for thread[" << tid << "]";
for (size_t pool_id = tid; pool_id < random_ins_pool_list.size();
pool_id += feed_pass_thread_num) {
auto& random_pool = random_ins_pool_list[pool_id];
for (size_t i = 0; i < random_pool.Size(); ++i) {
auto& ins_candidate = random_pool.Get(i);
for (const auto& pair : ins_candidate.feas_) {
p_agent->AddKey(pair.second.uint64_feasign_, tid);
for (int tid = 0; tid < feed_pass_thread_num; ++tid) {
VLOG(0) << "End AddReplaceFeasign";
} // end namespace framework
} // end namespace paddle