@ -27,8 +27,81 @@ using paddle::platform::MKLDNNMemDesc;
using mkldnn : : memory ; // Note: paddle has also "memory" namespace
using mkldnn : : primitive ;
using mkldnn : : softmax_forward ;
using mkldnn : : softmax_backward ;
using mkldnn : : prop_kind ;
using mkldnn : : stream ;
using platform : : to_void_cast ;
class SoftmaxMKLDNNHandler : public platform : : MKLDNNHandler {
public :
SoftmaxMKLDNNHandler (
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > softmax_pd ,
const platform : : MKLDNNDeviceContext & dev_ctx , mkldnn : : engine engine ,
const std : : string & base_key )
: platform : : MKLDNNHandler ( dev_ctx , engine , base_key ) ,
softmax_pd_ ( softmax_pd ) { }
SoftmaxMKLDNNHandler (
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > softmax_pd ,
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_backward : : primitive_desc > softmax_bwd_pd ,
const platform : : MKLDNNDeviceContext & dev_ctx , mkldnn : : engine engine ,
const std : : string & base_key )
: platform : : MKLDNNHandler ( dev_ctx , engine , base_key ) ,
softmax_pd_ ( softmax_pd ) ,
softmax_bwd_pd_ ( softmax_bwd_pd ) {
// If we are in Grad operatgor then update a key with BWD suffix to
// distinguish from FWD memory primitives
key_ + = " -BWD " ;
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_forward > AcquireSoftmax (
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : memory > dst_memory_p ,
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : memory > src_memory_p ) {
/*Generate key*/
auto prim_key = key_ + " @softmax_p " ;
auto softmax_p = std : : static_pointer_cast < mkldnn : : softmax_forward > (
dev_ctx_ . GetBlob ( prim_key ) ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( ( softmax_p ! = nullptr ) | | ( is_reusing_ = = false ) ,
" Fail to find softmax primitive in device context " ) ;
if ( softmax_p = = nullptr ) {
softmax_p = std : : make_shared < mkldnn : : softmax_forward > (
* ( softmax_pd_ . get ( ) ) ,
* ( static_cast < mkldnn : : memory * > ( src_memory_p . get ( ) ) ) ,
* ( static_cast < mkldnn : : memory * > ( dst_memory_p . get ( ) ) ) ) ;
dev_ctx_ . SetBlob ( prim_key , softmax_p ) ;
} else {
is_reusing_ = true ;
return softmax_p ;
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_backward > AcquireSoftmaxBackward (
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : memory > dst_memory_p ,
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : memory > diff_dst_memory_p ,
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : memory > diff_src_memory_p ) {
auto prim_key = key_ + " @softmax_bwd_p " ;
auto softmax_bwd_p = std : : static_pointer_cast < mkldnn : : softmax_backward > (
dev_ctx_ . GetBlob ( prim_key ) ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( ( softmax_bwd_p ! = nullptr ) | | ( is_reusing_ = = false ) ,
" Fail to find softmax backward primitive in device context " ) ;
if ( softmax_bwd_p = = nullptr ) {
softmax_bwd_p = std : : make_shared < mkldnn : : softmax_backward > (
* softmax_bwd_pd_ , * ( dst_memory_p . get ( ) ) , * ( diff_dst_memory_p . get ( ) ) ,
* ( diff_src_memory_p . get ( ) ) ) ;
dev_ctx_ . SetBlob ( prim_key , softmax_bwd_p ) ;
} else {
is_reusing_ = true ;
return softmax_bwd_p ;
private :
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > softmax_pd_ ;
std : : shared_ptr < mkldnn : : softmax_backward : : primitive_desc > softmax_bwd_pd_ ;
} ;
template < typename T >
class SoftmaxMKLDNNKernel : public paddle : : framework : : OpKernel < T > {
@ -54,56 +127,27 @@ class SoftmaxMKLDNNKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
// Same memory descriptor to be used for input and output
memory : : dims softmax_tz = { src_tz [ 0 ] , src_tz [ 1 ] } ;
// Generate keys for storing/retriving primitives for this operator
// TODO(jczaja): Each MKLDNN operator may have diffrent hashing function
auto gethash = [ ] ( memory : : dims & operand_dims ) {
return std : : string ( std : : to_string ( operand_dims [ 0 ] ) + " - " +
std : : to_string ( operand_dims [ 1 ] ) ) ;
} ;
const std : : string key = gethash ( softmax_tz ) ;
const std : : string key_softmax_p = key + " @softmax_p " ;
const std : : string key_softmax_src_mem_p = key + " @softmax_src_mem_p " ;
const std : : string key_softmax_dst_mem_p = key + " @softmax_dst_mem_p " ;
std : : shared_ptr < void > softmax_p = dev_ctx . GetBlob ( key_softmax_p ) ;
if ( softmax_p = = nullptr ) {
// Currently only NC data format is supported
auto softmax_md =
MKLDNNMemDesc ( { softmax_tz } , memory : : f32 , memory : : format : : nc ) ;
// Normalization is made after innermost dimension eg. C out of NC
auto softmax_desc = softmax_forward : : desc ( prop_kind : : forward_scoring ,
softmax_md , 1 /*dim: C*/ ) ;
// create memory primitives
auto softmax_src_memory_p = std : : make_shared < memory > (
memory : : primitive_desc { softmax_md , mkldnn_engine } ,
static_cast < void * > ( const_cast < T * > ( input_data ) ) ) ;
dev_ctx . SetBlob ( key_softmax_src_mem_p , softmax_src_memory_p ) ;
auto softmax_dst_memory_p = std : : make_shared < memory > (
memory : : primitive_desc { softmax_md , mkldnn_engine } ,
static_cast < void * > ( output_data ) ) ;
dev_ctx . SetBlob ( key_softmax_dst_mem_p , softmax_dst_memory_p ) ;
auto softmax_forward_pd =
std : : make_shared < softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > ( softmax_desc ,
mkldnn_engine ) ;
softmax_p = std : : make_shared < softmax_forward > (
* ( softmax_forward_pd . get ( ) ) ,
* ( static_cast < memory * > ( softmax_src_memory_p . get ( ) ) ) ,
* ( static_cast < memory * > ( softmax_dst_memory_p . get ( ) ) ) ) ;
dev_ctx . SetBlob ( key_softmax_p , softmax_p ) ;
} else {
// Primitives already exist
auto src_memory_p = std : : static_pointer_cast < memory > (
dev_ctx . GetBlob ( key_softmax_src_mem_p ) ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( src_memory_p ! = nullptr ,
" Fail to find softmax src mem_p in device context " ) ;
auto dst_memory_p = std : : static_pointer_cast < memory > (
dev_ctx . GetBlob ( key_softmax_dst_mem_p ) ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( dst_memory_p ! = nullptr ,
" Fail to find softmax dst mem_p in device context " ) ;
src_memory_p - > set_data_handle (
reinterpret_cast < void * > ( const_cast < T * > ( input_data ) ) ) ;
dst_memory_p - > set_data_handle ( output_data ) ;
const std : : string key =
platform : : MKLDNNHandler : : GetHash ( softmax_tz , ctx . op ( ) . Output ( " Out " ) ) ;
const std : : string key_softmax_pd = key + " @softmax_pd " ;
// Currently only NC data format is supported
auto softmax_md = MKLDNNMemDesc (
{ softmax_tz } , platform : : MKLDNNGetDataType < T > ( ) , memory : : format : : nc ) ;
// Normalization is made after innermost dimension eg. C out of NC
auto softmax_desc = softmax_forward : : desc ( prop_kind : : forward_scoring ,
softmax_md , 1 /*dim: C*/ ) ;
auto softmax_pd = std : : make_shared < mkldnn : : softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > (
softmax_desc , mkldnn_engine ) ;
dev_ctx . SetBlob ( key_softmax_pd , softmax_pd ) ;
SoftmaxMKLDNNHandler handler ( softmax_pd , dev_ctx , mkldnn_engine , key ) ;
auto softmax_src_memory_p =
handler . AcquireSrcMemory ( softmax_md , to_void_cast < T > ( input_data ) ) ;
auto softmax_dst_memory_p =
handler . AcquireDstMemory ( softmax_md , to_void_cast < T > ( output_data ) ) ;
auto softmax_p =
handler . AcquireSoftmax ( softmax_dst_memory_p , softmax_src_memory_p ) ;
std : : vector < primitive > pipeline {
* ( static_cast < softmax_forward : : primitive * > ( softmax_p . get ( ) ) ) } ;
@ -120,6 +164,77 @@ class SoftmaxMKLDNNKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
} ;
template < typename T >
class SoftmaxMKLDNNGradKernel : public paddle : : framework : : OpKernel < T > {
public :
void Compute ( const paddle : : framework : : ExecutionContext & ctx ) const override {
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( paddle : : platform : : is_cpu_place ( ctx . GetPlace ( ) ) ,
" It must use CPUPlace. " ) ;
auto & dev_ctx = ctx . template device_context < MKLDNNDeviceContext > ( ) ;
auto mkldnn_engine = dev_ctx . GetEngine ( ) ;
const Tensor * output = ctx . Input < Tensor > ( " Out " ) ;
const T * dst_data = output - > data < T > ( ) ;
auto * dout = ctx . template Input < Tensor > ( framework : : GradVarName ( " Out " ) ) ;
const auto * diff_dst_ptr = dout - > template data < T > ( ) ;
auto * dx =
ctx . template Output < framework : : Tensor > ( framework : : GradVarName ( " X " ) ) ;
T * diff_src_ptr = dx - > template mutable_data < T > ( ctx . GetPlace ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < int > dst_tz = paddle : : framework : : vectorize2int ( output - > dims ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < int > src_tz ( dst_tz ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( output - > dims ( ) . size ( ) = = 2UL ,
" The input of softmax op must be a 2D matrix. " ) ;
// MKL-DNN does support softmax over selected axis. Having 2D Tensor,
// we will make normalization after final eg. axis: 1
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( ( ( src_tz [ 0 ] = = dst_tz [ 0 ] ) & & ( src_tz [ 1 ] = = dst_tz [ 1 ] ) ) ,
" Softmax input and output dimensions should match " ) ;
// Same memory descriptor to be used for input and output
memory : : dims softmax_tz = { src_tz [ 0 ] , src_tz [ 1 ] } ;
// Currently only supports NC data format
// retrieve eltwise primitive desc from device context
const std : : string key =
platform : : MKLDNNHandler : : GetHash ( softmax_tz , ctx . op ( ) . Input ( " Out " ) ) ;
const std : : string key_softmax_pd = key + " @softmax_pd " ;
auto softmax_pd =
std : : static_pointer_cast < mkldnn : : softmax_forward : : primitive_desc > (
dev_ctx . GetBlob ( key_softmax_pd ) ) ;
PADDLE_ENFORCE ( softmax_pd ! = nullptr ,
" Fail to find softmax_pd in device context " ) ;
// TODO(jczaja): Add layouts support when there is a need to do so
// Two dimensional softmax does support NC format
auto data_softmax_md = MKLDNNMemDesc (
{ softmax_tz } , platform : : MKLDNNGetDataType < T > ( ) , memory : : format : : nc ) ;
auto diff_softmax_md = MKLDNNMemDesc (
{ softmax_tz } , platform : : MKLDNNGetDataType < T > ( ) , memory : : format : : nc ) ;
// Normalization is made after innermost dimension eg. C out of NC
auto softmax_bwd_desc =
softmax_backward : : desc ( diff_softmax_md , data_softmax_md , 1 /* dim: C*/ ) ;
auto softmax_bwd_pd =
std : : make_shared < mkldnn : : softmax_backward : : primitive_desc > (
softmax_bwd_desc , mkldnn_engine , * softmax_pd ) ;
SoftmaxMKLDNNHandler handler ( softmax_pd , softmax_bwd_pd , dev_ctx ,
mkldnn_engine , key ) ;
auto dst_memory_p =
handler . AcquireDstMemory ( data_softmax_md , to_void_cast < T > ( dst_data ) ) ;
auto diff_dst_memory_p = handler . AcquireDiffDstMemory (
diff_softmax_md , to_void_cast < T > ( diff_dst_ptr ) ) ;
auto diff_src_memory_p = handler . AcquireDiffSrcMemory (
diff_softmax_md , to_void_cast < T > ( diff_src_ptr ) ) ;
// Get primitve from device context
auto softmax_bwd_p = handler . AcquireSoftmaxBackward (
dst_memory_p , diff_dst_memory_p , diff_src_memory_p ) ;
std : : vector < primitive > pipeline { * softmax_bwd_p } ;
stream ( stream : : kind : : eager ) . submit ( pipeline ) . wait ( ) ;
} ;
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
@ -127,3 +242,5 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OP_KERNEL ( softmax , MKLDNN , : : paddle : : platform : : CPUPlace ,
ops : : SoftmaxMKLDNNKernel < float > ) ;
REGISTER_OP_KERNEL ( softmax_grad , MKLDNN , : : paddle : : platform : : CPUPlace ,
ops : : SoftmaxMKLDNNGradKernel < float > ) ;