1. Non utf-8 characters within comments of OPs may lead to protobuf fail to parse_from_string
2. comment out some ops which not supported on windows
3. cuda libs may not be correctly linked to target on windows
In this way we can build and test using WITH_FLUID_ONLY flag being set
to ON.
- move paddle.v2.dataset,reader to paddle.dataset,reader
- remove unused code (which depends on v2) in paddle.dataset,reader
* Expose paddle.framework by pybind11
* Export paddle.framework.{Scope, Variable} to paddle.v2.framework.core.
* See python/paddle/v2/framework/tests/test_scope.py for Python usage
* See paddle/pybind/pybind.cc for C++ bind code.
* add copyright
Python should be able to manipulate Protobuf message because:
1. Python's `create_op_creation_methods` take the `OpProto` array to
generate all `op_creation_methods` in RunTime.
2. All `op_creation_methods` will create an `OpDesc` and pass it to
Paddle C++ method `CreateOp` and return the Op handle.
Here is the list of what is added in this commit:
* Add `protobuf_generate_python` if it is not defined.
* Before cmake 3.4, `protobuf_generate_python` is not defined. Just
copy the implementation of that function in `protobuf.cmake`
* Add `py_proto_compile` function in `cmake/generic.cmake`.
* It follows bazel's API interface.
* https://github.com/pubref/rules_protobuf#rules
* Add an empty package named `paddle.v2.framework`, all python code of
`paddle::framework` will be in that package.
* Generate protobuf's python module `__init__.py` by `touch` while
* Change setup.py.in, make `paddle.v2.framework.proto` uses the
generated protobuf pythons.