* test=develop
Fix the scatter op bug when use the add mode, and support the int64 data type of scatter_op Index(#18804).
* test=develop
* test=develop
Remove the fix bug of scatter_add, and just add the support of int64 in scatter_add
* test=develop
Add the test case for scatter op, the test case just for index int64
* test=develop
The scatter op has a calc bug when the indices has same index, the scatter op use overwrite mode to calculate the same index, fix this bug by using the accumulate mode to calculate the same index.At the same time, the gather op has the same bug when the op calc the grad. And we use the lib of open-blas and eigen to optimize the time cost in accumulate mode.
* test=develop
Fix some code format problem, and the same time add the test case in gather and scatter op
* "exported scatter to python"
* Revert ""exported scatter to python""
This reverts commit 38745a626c3f937bec836c92c98a76deadf0a03d.
* "polish scatter and export to python"