* add recordio support
* disable the openblas multi-thread on windows since no support
adjust the python script
* code style
* code style
* add create_recordio_file_reader back
* fix code style
* fix the gtest.cmake on windows
* fix cc_test on windows
* fix the win build
* remove fused compile support on windows
* add the jit support
* add the jit support, test=develop
* add the jit support, test=develop
* add the jit back
fix compile error on windows
* rollback test=develop
* test case fix
* disable DSO by default on windows
* exclude warpctc_op on windows
* exclude the dynload_warpctc out on windows
* fix the scripts error
* disable avx on windows by default
* re-organize the cmake file
* disable mkl on windows by default
* add warp_ctc back
* fix the dependency
* fix the dependency
* fix the build issue on windows
* remove unsupported flag on windows
* code style
* code style
* fix issue
* add profiler, parallel_executor back
* clean up the pre-definitions on windows
* fix build issue
* test=develop
1. Non utf-8 characters within comments of OPs may lead to protobuf fail to parse_from_string
2. comment out some ops which not supported on windows
3. cuda libs may not be correctly linked to target on windows