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#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/subgraph_splitter.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {
const char *SubGraphSplitter::kMarkerAttrName =
std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> SubGraphSplitter::operator()() {
return ExtractSubGraphs();
// Mark the output variables inside a subgraph with the func.
inline void MarkOutLinksInSubGraph(const Function *func) {
for (auto *var : func->outlinks) {
var->attr(SubGraphSplitter::kMarkerAttrName).Bool() = true;
void SubGraphSplitter::MarkNodesInsideSubGraph() {
for (auto &node : GraphTraits<DataFlowGraph>(*graph_).nodes()) {
if (node_inside_subgraph_teller_(&node)) {
node.attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool() = true;
if (node.type() == Node::Type::kFunction) {
// If a function is inside the sub-graph, mark all the output variables
// to be inside too, so that two marked functions will be inside a same
// sub-graph, lets take a example: A_function->var->B_function, if
// A_function is marked, var should also be marked, so that B_function
// will be in the same sub-graph with A_function if B_function is
// marked.
MarkOutLinksInSubGraph(static_cast<const Function *>(&node));
const char *kUnionFindParent = "_sub_graph_splitter_union_find_parent_";
// Use the Union Find(UF) algorithm to find fully connected sub-graphs, if node
// a's output is node b, that is a and b is in the same sub-graph. The UF
// algorithm will group them to the same cluster.
using node_map_t = std::unordered_map<int, Node *>;
// Find the ancestor id of a node.
int UnionFindGetAncestor(const node_map_t &node_map, size_t id) {
int tmp = id;
do {
tmp = node_map.at(tmp)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32();
} while (node_map.at(tmp)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() != tmp);
return tmp;
// Make this two node share the same ancestor.
// TODO(Superjom) bad performance, make a balanced tree latter.
void UnionFindCombine(const node_map_t &node_map, size_t a, size_t b) {
int a_ancestor = UnionFindGetAncestor(node_map, a);
int b_ancestor = UnionFindGetAncestor(node_map, b);
node_map.at(b_ancestor)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;
node_map.at(a)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;
node_map.at(b)->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = a_ancestor;
// This is a simple representation of a graph.
// The BriefNode hold the pointer of the Node.
// This is to avoid changing the original graph
// in the process of trt graph analysis.
struct BriefNode {
explicit BriefNode(Node *n) { node = n; }
Node *node;
std::vector<BriefNode *> inlinks;
std::vector<BriefNode *> outlinks;
// Union two adjacent BriefNode.
// Suppose we have two adjacent nodes src and dst.
// We will perform the following operations:
// 1. add all inputs(except src) of dst to src inlinks.
// 2. add all outputs of dst to src outlinks.
// 3. change all the dst's inputs and outputs
// corresponding inlinks and outlinks to src node.
// 4. delete all dst's inlinks and outlinks.
void UnionContractedNodes(const std::unordered_map<int, BriefNode *> &node_map,
int src_id, int dst_id) {
// merge the two adjacent nodes into one node.
BriefNode *src_node = node_map.at(src_id);
BriefNode *dst_node = node_map.at(dst_id);
std::unordered_set<BriefNode *> inputs(src_node->inlinks.begin(),
std::unordered_set<BriefNode *> outputs;
for (auto *n : src_node->outlinks) {
if (n != dst_node) outputs.insert(n);
// Add the inlinks and outlinks of dst node to src node.
std::vector<BriefNode *> dst_in_nodes = dst_node->inlinks;
for (BriefNode *node : dst_in_nodes) {
if (node != src_node) {
std::vector<BriefNode *> dst_out_nodes = dst_node->outlinks;
for (BriefNode *node : dst_out_nodes) {
// update the dst and src node's inlinks and outlinks.
#ifdef __clang__
src_node->inlinks = std::vector<BriefNode *>(inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
src_node->outlinks = std::vector<BriefNode *>(outputs.begin(), outputs.end());
src_node->inlinks =
std::move(std::vector<BriefNode *>(inputs.begin(), inputs.end()));
src_node->outlinks =
std::move(std::vector<BriefNode *>(outputs.begin(), outputs.end()));
auto inlink_or_outlink_cleaner = [&](std::vector<BriefNode *> &nodes) {
for (auto *&n : nodes) {
if (n == src_node || n == dst_node) {
n = src_node;
// Change all the dst inputs and outputs corresponding inlink and
// outlink to the src node.
for (auto *node : src_node->inlinks) {
for (auto *node : src_node->outlinks) {
// FlexibleDFS
// If reverse is true, do reverse dfs.
// If enter func is not nullptr, calls enter(node) before visiting any children
// of node.
// If leave func not nullptr, calls leave(node) after visiting all parents of
// node.
void FlexibleDFS(const std::vector<BriefNode *> &source, bool reverse,
const std::function<bool(const BriefNode *)> &enter,
const std::function<bool(const BriefNode *)> &leave) {
typedef struct {
const BriefNode *node;
bool leave;
} FNode;
std::vector<FNode> stack;
for (auto &node : source) {
stack.push_back(FNode{node, false});
std::unordered_set<const BriefNode *> visited;
while (!stack.empty()) {
auto fnode = stack.back();
if (fnode.leave) {
if (leave && !leave(fnode.node)) return;
if (visited.count(fnode.node)) continue;
if (enter && !enter(fnode.node)) return;
if (leave) stack.push_back(FNode{fnode.node, true});
const std::vector<BriefNode *> iter_nodes =
reverse == true ? fnode.node->inlinks : fnode.node->outlinks;
for (const BriefNode *node : iter_nodes) {
if (!visited.count(node)) {
stack.push_back(FNode{node, false});
std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> SubGraphSplitter::ExtractSubGraphs() {
// Run the Extract algorithm to find all subgraphs.
std::vector<Node *> marked_nodes;
// We use brief_node_map to represent the original graph in order to avoid
// changing the original graph.
std::unordered_map<int, BriefNode *> brief_node_map;
for (auto &node : GraphTraits<DataFlowGraph>(*graph_).nodes_in_TS()) {
brief_node_map[node.id()] = new BriefNode(&node);
if (node.attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool()) {
// extract sub-graphs in the marked node set, use Union Find algorithm.
node_map_t node_map; // id to ptr
for (auto *n : marked_nodes) {
// n's parent == n.id means it is the ancestor
n->attr(kUnionFindParent).Int32() = n->id();
node_map[n->id()] = n;
// create breif node map
for (auto &itr : brief_node_map) {
for (Node *node : itr.second->node->inlinks) {
for (Node *node : itr.second->node->outlinks) {
for (auto &itr : brief_node_map) {
BriefNode *brief_node = itr.second;
if (!brief_node->node->attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool()) {
VLOG(40) << brief_node->node->id() << " node not a trt candicate.";
// Our algorithm must guarantee that:
// 1. The graph is always directed acyclic graph(DAG).
// 2. If there is a path in the subgraph from X to Y (X and Y are both
// nodes in the subgraph), then all paths from X to Y are in the
// subgraph.
// In order to achieve the above guarantee.
// For adjacent nodes src -> dst.
// 1. Get all dst input nodes except src.
// 2. Reverse DFS from those input nodes
// 3. If there is a path from input nodes to src,
// then the src and dst nodes can not be fused into one node,
// otherwise it can be done.
while (true) {
std::unordered_set<BriefNode *> contract_nodes;
for (auto *out : brief_node->outlinks) {
// must be an trt candidate
if (!out->node->attr(kMarkerAttrName).Bool()) continue;
// get all dst input nodes except src.
std::vector<BriefNode *> source_nodes;
for (auto *n : out->inlinks) {
if (n != brief_node) {
// Reverse DFS from the source_nodes.
bool have_excess_path = false;
FlexibleDFS(source_nodes, true, nullptr,
[&have_excess_path, brief_node](const BriefNode *n) {
if (n == brief_node) {
have_excess_path = true;
return false;
return true;
if (have_excess_path) continue;
if (contract_nodes.empty()) break;
for (auto dst_node : contract_nodes) {
UnionFindCombine(node_map, brief_node->node->id(),
UnionContractedNodes(brief_node_map, brief_node->node->id(),
std::unordered_map<int /*ancestor*/, std::vector<Node *>> clusters;
for (auto *n : marked_nodes) {
if (n->type() == Node::Type::kFunction) {
std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> result;
std::for_each(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(),
[&](const decltype(clusters)::value_type &it) {
return result;
void SubGraphFuse::operator()() { ReplaceNodesWithSubGraphs(); }
void SubGraphFuse::ReplaceNodesWithSubGraphs() {
auto subgraphs = SubGraphSplitter(graph_, node_inside_subgraph_teller_)();
for (auto &subgraph : subgraphs) {
if (subgraph.size() <= argument_->Get<int>("minimum_subgraph_size"))
std::unordered_set<Node *> subgraph_uniq(subgraph.begin(), subgraph.end());
// replace this sub-graph with the first node. Two steps: 1. Create a Block
// Node that contains this subgraph 2. Mark the nodes inside the sub-graph
// as deleted. 3. Replace the deleted node with the new Block Node.
auto *block_node = static_cast<FunctionBlock *>(
auto io = ExtractInputAndOutputOfSubGraph(subgraph);
block_node->inlinks = std::move(io.first);
block_node->outlinks = std::move(io.second);
for (auto *node : subgraph) {
// TODO(Superjomn) need a unified mechanism to treat deleted node in each
// pass.
// Change all the sub-graph's inputs and outputs corresponding inlink and
// outlink to this sub-graph node.
auto inlink_or_outlink_cleaner = [&](std::vector<Node *> &nodes) {
for (auto *&n : nodes) {
if (subgraph_uniq.count(n)) {
n = block_node;
std::unordered_set<Node *> uniq(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
nodes.assign(uniq.begin(), uniq.end());
for (auto *i : block_node->inlinks) {
for (auto *&o : block_node->outlinks) {
} // namespace analysis
} // namespace inference
} // namespace paddle