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264 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
__all__ = [
"TanhActivation", "SigmoidActivation", "SoftmaxActivation",
"IdentityActivation", "LinearActivation", 'SequenceSoftmaxActivation',
'ExpActivation', "ReluActivation", "BReluActivation", "SoftReluActivation",
"STanhActivation", "AbsActivation", "SquareActivation", "BaseActivation",
"LogActivation", "SqrtActivation", "ReciprocalActivation",
class BaseActivation(object):
A mark for activation class.
Each activation inherit BaseActivation, which has two parameters.
:param name: activation name in paddle config.
:type name: basestring
:param support_hppl: True if supported by hppl. HPPL is a library used by paddle
internally. Currently, lstm layer can only use activations
supported by hppl.
:type support_hppl: bool
def __init__(self, name, support_hppl):
self.name = name
self.support_hppl = support_hppl
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
class TanhActivation(BaseActivation):
Tanh activation.
.. math::
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'tanh', True)
class SigmoidActivation(BaseActivation):
Sigmoid activation.
.. math::
f(z) = \\frac{1}{1+exp(-z)}
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'sigmoid', True)
class SoftmaxActivation(BaseActivation):
Softmax activation for simple input
.. math::
P(y=j|x) = \\frac{e^{x_j}} {\\sum^K_{k=1} e^{x_k} }
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'softmax', False)
class SequenceSoftmaxActivation(BaseActivation):
Softmax activation for one sequence. The dimension of input feature must be
1 and a sequence.
.. code:: python
result = softmax(for each_feature_vector[0] in input_feature)
for i, each_time_step_output in enumerate(output):
each_time_step_output = result[i]
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'sequence_softmax', False)
class IdentityActivation(BaseActivation):
Identity Activation.
Just do nothing for output both forward/backward.
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, '', False)
LinearActivation = IdentityActivation
class ReluActivation(BaseActivation):
Relu activation.
forward. :math:`y = max(0, z)`
.. math::
1 &\\quad if z > 0 \\\\
0 &\\quad\\mathrm{otherwize}
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'relu', True)
class BReluActivation(BaseActivation):
BRelu Activation.
forward. :math:`y = min(24, max(0, z))`
.. math::
1 &\\quad if 0 < z < 24 \\\\
0 &\\quad \\mathrm{otherwise}
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'brelu', False)
class SoftReluActivation(BaseActivation):
SoftRelu Activation.
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'softrelu', False)
class STanhActivation(BaseActivation):
Scaled Tanh Activation.
.. math::
f(z) = 1.7159 * tanh(2/3*z)
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'stanh', False)
class AbsActivation(BaseActivation):
Abs Activation.
Forward: :math:`f(z) = abs(z)`
.. math::
1 &\\quad if \\quad z > 0 \\\\
-1 &\\quad if \\quad z < 0 \\\\
0 &\\quad if \\quad z = 0
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'abs', False)
class SquareActivation(BaseActivation):
Square Activation.
.. math::
f(z) = z^2.
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'square', False)
class ExpActivation(BaseActivation):
Exponential Activation.
.. math::
f(z) = e^z.
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'exponential', False)
class LogActivation(BaseActivation):
Logarithm Activation.
.. math::
f(z) = log(z)
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'log', False)
class SqrtActivation(BaseActivation):
Square Root Activation.
.. math::
f(z) = sqrt(z)
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'sqrt', False)
class ReciprocalActivation(BaseActivation):
Reciprocal Activation.
.. math::
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'reciprocal', False)
class SoftSignActivation(BaseActivation):
SoftSign Activation.
.. math::
f(z)=\\frac{z}{1 + |z|}
def __init__(self):
BaseActivation.__init__(self, 'softsign', False)