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# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import numpy as np
from .op_test import OpTest
from paddle.fluid import core
from paddle.fluid.op import Operator
class TestAdamOp1(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
'''Test Adam Op with supplied attributes
self.op_type = "adam"
param = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
grad = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
moment1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
# The second moment is positive
moment2 = np.random.random((102, 105)).astype("float32")
learning_rate = 0.004
beta1 = 0.78
beta2 = 0.836
epsilon = 1e-4
beta1_pow = beta1**10
beta2_pow = beta2**10
self.inputs = {
'Param': param,
'Grad': grad,
'Moment1': moment1,
'Moment2': moment2,
'LearningRate': np.array([learning_rate]).astype("float32"),
'Beta1Pow': np.array([beta1_pow]).astype("float32"),
'Beta2Pow': np.array([beta2_pow]).astype("float32")
self.attrs = {'epsilon': epsilon, 'beta1': beta1, 'beta2': beta2}
param_out, moment1_out, \
moment2_out = adam_step(self.inputs, self.attrs)
self.outputs = {
'Moment1Out': moment1_out,
'Moment2Out': moment2_out,
'ParamOut': param_out
def test_check_output(self):
class TestAdamOp2(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
'''Test Adam Op with supplied attributes
self.op_type = "adam"
param = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
grad = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
moment1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
# The second moment is positive
moment2 = np.random.random((102, 105)).astype("float32")
learning_rate = 0.001
beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.999
epsilon = 1e-8
beta1_pow = beta1**10
beta2_pow = beta2**10
self.inputs = {
'Param': param,
'Grad': grad,
'Moment1': moment1,
'Moment2': moment2,
'LearningRate': np.array([learning_rate]).astype("float32"),
'Beta1Pow': np.array([beta1_pow]).astype("float32"),
'Beta2Pow': np.array([beta2_pow]).astype("float32")
attributes = {'epsilon': epsilon, 'beta1': beta1, 'beta2': beta2}
param_out, moment1_out, \
moment2_out = adam_step(self.inputs, attributes)
self.outputs = {
'Moment1Out': moment1_out,
'Moment2Out': moment2_out,
'ParamOut': param_out
def test_check_output(self):
class TestAdamOpMultipleSteps(OpTest):
def setUp(self):
'''Test Adam Operator with supplied attributes
self.op_type = "adam"
self.num_steps = 10
param = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
grad = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
moment1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
# The second moment is positive
moment2 = np.random.random((102, 105)).astype("float32")
learning_rate = 0.001
beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.999
epsilon = 1e-8
beta1_pow = beta1**10
beta2_pow = beta2**10
self.inputs = {
'Param': param,
'Grad': grad,
'Moment1': moment1,
'Moment2': moment2,
'LearningRate': np.array([learning_rate]).astype("float32"),
'Beta1Pow': np.array([beta1_pow]).astype("float32"),
'Beta2Pow': np.array([beta2_pow]).astype("float32")
self.attrs = {'epsilon': epsilon, 'beta1': beta1, 'beta2': beta2}
def test_check_output(self):
for _ in range(self.num_steps):
param_out, moment1_out, \
moment2_out = adam_step(self.inputs, self.attrs)
self.outputs = {
'Moment1Out': moment1_out,
'Moment2Out': moment2_out,
'ParamOut': param_out
# Verify output for this step
# Output of this step becomes input for next step
self.inputs['Param'] = param_out
self.inputs['Moment1'] = moment1_out
self.inputs['Moment2'] = moment2_out
# Update powers of Beta1 and Beta2 for next time step
self.inputs['Beta1Pow'] *= self.attrs['beta1']
self.inputs['Beta2Pow'] *= self.attrs['beta1']
# Randomize gradient for next step
self.inputs['Grad'] = np.random.uniform(
-1, 1, (102, 105)).astype("float32")
def adam_step(inputs, attributes):
Simulate one step of the adam optimizer
:param inputs: dict of inputs
:param attributes: dict of attributes
:return tuple: tuple of output param, moment1, moment2,
beta1 power accumulator and beta2 power accumulator
param = inputs['Param']
grad = inputs['Grad']
moment1 = inputs['Moment1']
moment2 = inputs['Moment2']
lr = inputs['LearningRate']
beta1_pow = inputs['Beta1Pow']
beta2_pow = inputs['Beta2Pow']
beta1 = attributes['beta1']
beta2 = attributes['beta2']
epsilon = attributes['epsilon']
moment1_out = beta1 * moment1 + (1 - beta1) * grad
moment2_out = beta2 * moment2 + (1 - beta2) * np.square(grad)
lr_t = lr * np.sqrt(1 - beta2_pow) / (1 - beta1_pow)
param_out = param - lr_t * (moment1_out / (np.sqrt(moment2_out) + epsilon))
return param_out, moment1_out, moment2_out
def adam_step_sparse(inputs, attributes, height, rows, row_numel, np_grad):
Simulate one step of the adam optimizer
:param inputs: dict of inputs
:param attributes: dict of attributes
:return tuple: tuple of output param, moment1, moment2,
beta1 power accumulator and beta2 power accumulator
param = inputs['Param']
# grad = inputs['Grad']
moment1 = inputs['Moment1']
moment2 = inputs['Moment2']
lr = inputs['LearningRate']
beta1_pow = inputs['Beta1Pow']
beta2_pow = inputs['Beta2Pow']
beta1 = attributes['beta1']
beta2 = attributes['beta2']
epsilon = attributes['epsilon']
moment1_out = np.zeros(shape=[height, row_numel])
moment2_out = np.zeros(shape=[height, row_numel])
param_out = np.zeros(shape=[height, row_numel])
for idx, row_id in enumerate(rows):
moment1_out[row_id] = beta1 * moment1[row_id] + (1 - beta1
) * np_grad[idx]
moment2_out[row_id] = beta2 * moment2[row_id] + (
1 - beta2) * np.square(np_grad[idx])
lr_t = lr * np.sqrt(1 - beta2_pow) / (1 - beta1_pow)
param_out[row_id] = param[row_id] - lr_t * (moment1_out[row_id] / (
np.sqrt(moment2_out[row_id]) + epsilon))
return param_out, moment1_out, moment2_out
class TestSparseAdamOp(unittest.TestCase):
def setup(self, scope, place):
beta1 = 0.78
beta2 = 0.836
epsilon = 1e-4
height = 10
rows = [0, 4, 7]
self.rows = rows
row_numel = 12
self.row_numel = row_numel
self.dense_inputs = {
"Param": np.full((height, row_numel), 5.0).astype("float32"),
"Moment1": np.full((height, row_numel), 5.0).astype("float32"),
"Moment2": np.full((height, row_numel), 5.0).astype("float32"),
'Beta1Pow': np.array([beta1**10]).astype("float32"),
'Beta2Pow': np.array([beta2**10]).astype("float32"),
"LearningRate": np.full((1), 2.0).astype("float32")
self.attrs = {'epsilon': epsilon, 'beta1': beta1, 'beta2': beta2}
grad_selected_rows = scope.var('Grad').get_selected_rows()
np_array = np.ones((len(rows), row_numel)).astype("float32")
np_array[0, 0] = 2.0
np_array[2, 8] = 4.0
grad_tensor = grad_selected_rows.get_tensor()
grad_tensor.set(np_array, place)
self.sparse_inputs = ["Grad"]
param_out, mom1, mom2 = adam_step_sparse(
self.dense_inputs, self.attrs, height, rows, row_numel, np_array)
self.outputs = {
"ParamOut": param_out,
"Moment1Out": mom1,
"Moment2Out": mom2
def check_with_place(self, place):
scope = core.Scope()
self.setup(scope, place)
op_args = dict()
for key, np_array in self.dense_inputs.items():
var = scope.var(key).get_tensor()
var.set(np_array, place)
op_args[key] = key
for s in self.sparse_inputs:
op_args[s] = s
for s in self.outputs:
var = scope.var(s).get_tensor()
var.set(self.outputs[s], place)
op_args[s] = s
for k in self.attrs:
op_args[k] = self.attrs[k]
# create and run sgd operator
adam_op = Operator("adam", **op_args)
|, place)
for key, np_array in self.outputs.items():
out_var = scope.var(key).get_tensor()
actual = np.array(out_var)
actual = actual.reshape([actual.size])
np_array = np_array.reshape([np_array.size])
for idx, row_id in enumerate(self.rows):
j = 0
while j < self.row_numel:
pos = row_id * self.row_numel + j
self.assertLess((actual[pos] - np_array[pos]) / actual[pos],
j += 1
def test_sparse_sgd(self):
places = [core.CPUPlace()]
if core.is_compiled_with_cuda():
for place in places:
if __name__ == "__main__":