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from __future__ import print_function
# import all class inside framework into fluid module
import framework
from framework import *
# import all class inside executor into fluid module
import executor
from executor import *
import io
import evaluator
import initializer
import layers
import nets
import optimizer
import backward
import regularizer
from param_attr import ParamAttr
from data_feeder import DataFeeder
from core import LoDTensor, CPUPlace, CUDAPlace
from distribute_transpiler import DistributeTranspiler
import clip
from memory_optimization_transpiler import memory_optimize
Tensor = LoDTensor
__all__ = framework.__all__ + executor.__all__ + [
'io', 'initializer', 'layers', 'nets', 'optimizer', 'backward',
'regularizer', 'LoDTensor', 'CPUPlace', 'CUDAPlace', 'Tensor', 'ParamAttr'
'DataFeeder', 'clip', 'DistributeTranspiler', 'memory_optimize'
def __bootstrap__():
Enable reading gflags from environment variables.
import sys
import core
import os
num_threads = int(os.getenv('OMP_NUM_THREADS', '1'))
except ValueError:
num_threads = 1
if num_threads > 1:
'WARNING: OMP_NUM_THREADS set to {0}, not 1. The computation '
'speed will not be optimized if you use data parallel. It will '
'fail if this PaddlePaddle binary is compiled with OpenBlas since'
' OpenBlas does not support multi-threads.'.format(num_threads),
print('PLEASE USE OMP_NUM_THREADS WISELY.', file=sys.stderr)
os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(num_threads)
read_env_flags = ['use_pinned_memory', 'check_nan_inf']
if core.is_compile_gpu():
read_env_flags += ['fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use', 'op_sync']
core.init_gflags([sys.argv[0]] +
["--tryfromenv=" + ",".join(read_env_flags)])