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// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/math/math_function.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/dynload/cublas.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/gpu_info.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace math {
template <typename T>
struct CUBlas;
template <>
struct CUBlas<float> {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void AXPY(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMV(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM_STRIDED_BATCH(ARGS... args) {
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
PADDLE_THROW("SgemmStridedBatched is not supported on cuda <= 7.5");
// NOTES: GEMM_EX can use Tensor Core to accelerate matrix multiply.
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM_EX(platform::CUDADeviceContext *dev_ctx,
cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m,
int n, int k, const float *alpha, const void *A,
cudaDataType_t Atype, int lda, const void *B,
cudaDataType_t Btype, int ldb, const float *beta, void *C,
cudaDataType_t Ctype, int ldc) {
// Because the gcc 4.8 doesn't expand template parameter pack that
// appears in a lambda-expression, I can not use template parameter pack
// here.
auto cublas_call = [&]() {
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
VLOG(5) << "use_tensor_op_math: "
<< (platform::TensorCoreAvailable() ? "True" : "False");
dev_ctx->cublas_handle(), transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, A, Atype,
lda, B, Btype, ldb, beta, C, Ctype, ldc));
PADDLE_THROW("cublasSgemmEx is supported on cuda >= 8.0");
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 9000
// NOTES: To use Tensor Core, we should change the cublas config,
// but the cublas may be hold by multi-thread.
dev_ctx->CublasCall(cublas_call, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH);
template <>
struct CUBlas<double> {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void AXPY(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMV(ARGS... args) {
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM_STRIDED_BATCH(ARGS... args) {
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
PADDLE_THROW("DgemmStridedBatched is not supported on cuda <= 7.5");
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM_EX(ARGS... args) {
PADDLE_THROW("Currently there are not cublasDgemmEx.");
template <>
struct CUBlas<platform::float16> {
using float16 = platform::float16;
static void GEMM(cublasHandle_t handle, cublasOperation_t transa,
cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k,
const float16 *alpha, const float16 *A, int lda,
const float16 *B, int ldb, const float16 *beta, float16 *C,
int ldc) {
platform::dynload::cublasHgemm(handle, transa, transb, m, n, k,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(alpha),
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(A), lda,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(B), ldb,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(beta),
reinterpret_cast<__half *>(C), ldc));
static void GEMM_STRIDED_BATCH(cublasHandle_t handle,
cublasOperation_t transa,
cublasOperation_t transb, int m, int n, int k,
const float16 *alpha, const float16 *A,
int lda, long long int strideA, // NOLINT
const float16 *B, // NOLINT
int ldb, long long int strideB, // NOLINT
const float16 *beta, float16 *C, int ldc,
long long int strideC, // NOLINT
int batchCount) {
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
handle, transa, transb, m, n, k,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(alpha),
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(A), lda, strideA,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(B), ldb, strideB,
reinterpret_cast<const __half *>(beta), reinterpret_cast<__half *>(C),
ldc, strideC, batchCount));
PADDLE_THROW("HgemmStridedBatched is not supported on cuda <= 7.5");
// NOTES: GEMM_EX can use Tensor Core to accelerate matrix multiply.
template <typename... ARGS>
static void GEMM_EX(platform::CUDADeviceContext *dev_ctx,
cublasOperation_t transa, cublasOperation_t transb, int m,
int n, int k, const void *alpha, const void *A,
cudaDataType_t Atype, int lda, const void *B,
cudaDataType_t Btype, int ldb, const void *beta, void *C,
cudaDataType_t Ctype, int ldc,
cudaDataType_t computeType) {
auto cublas_call = [&]() {
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
cublasGemmAlgo_t algo = CUBLAS_GEMM_DFALT;
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 9000
bool use_tensor_op_math = platform::TensorCoreAvailable();
if (use_tensor_op_math) {
VLOG(5) << "use_tensor_op_math: "
<< (use_tensor_op_math ? "True" : "False");
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 9000
dev_ctx->cublas_handle(), transa, transb, m, n, k, alpha, A, Atype,
lda, B, Btype, ldb, beta, C, Ctype, ldc, computeType, algo));
PADDLE_THROW("cublasGemmEx is supported on cuda >= 8.0");
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 9000
// NOTES: To use Tensor Core, we should change the cublas config,
// but the cublas may be hold by multi-thread.
dev_ctx->CublasCall(cublas_call, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH);
template <>
template <typename T>
void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::GEMM(CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transA,
int N, int K, T alpha, const T *A,
const T *B, T beta, T *C) const {
// Note that cublas follows fortran order, so the order is different from
// the cblas convention.
int lda = (transA == CblasNoTrans) ? K : M;
int ldb = (transB == CblasNoTrans) ? N : K;
cublasOperation_t cuTransA =
(transA == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
cublasOperation_t cuTransB =
(transB == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
if (FLAGS_enable_cublas_tensor_op_math && std::is_same<T, float>::value) {
auto &cuda_ctx = const_cast<platform::CUDADeviceContext &>(context_);
CUBlas<T>::GEMM_EX(&cuda_ctx, cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K, &alpha, B,
CUDA_R_32F, ldb, A, CUDA_R_32F, lda, &beta, C,
CUDA_R_32F, N);
} else {
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
CUBlas<T>::GEMM(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K,
&alpha, B, ldb, A, lda, &beta, C, N);
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
template <>
template <>
inline void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::GEMM(
CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transB, int M, int N, int K,
platform::float16 alpha, const platform::float16 *A,
const platform::float16 *B, platform::float16 beta,
platform::float16 *C) const {
// Note that cublas follows fortran order, so the order is different from
// the cblas convention.
int lda = (transA == CblasNoTrans) ? K : M;
int ldb = (transB == CblasNoTrans) ? N : K;
cublasOperation_t cuTransA =
(transA == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
cublasOperation_t cuTransB =
(transB == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
// TODO(kexinzhao): add processing code for compute capability < 53 case
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(context_.GetComputeCapability(), 53,
"cublas fp16 gemm requires GPU compute capability >= 53");
float h_alpha = static_cast<float>(alpha);
float h_beta = static_cast<float>(beta);
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
// cublasHgemm does true FP16 computation which is slow for non-Volta
// GPUs. So use cublasGemmEx instead which does pesudo FP16 computation:
// input/output in fp16, computation in fp32, which can also be accelerated
// using tensor cores in volta GPUs.
auto &cuda_ctx = const_cast<platform::CUDADeviceContext &>(context_);
&cuda_ctx, cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K, &h_alpha, B, CUDA_R_16F, ldb, A,
CUDA_R_16F, lda, &h_beta, C, CUDA_R_16F, N, CUDA_R_32F);
// CUDA 7.5 does not support cublasGemmEx, hence we fall back to use hgemm
CUBlas<platform::float16>::GEMM(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA,
N, M, K, &h_alpha, h_B, ldb, h_A, lda,
&h_beta, h_C, N);
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
template <>
template <typename T>
void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::GEMM(bool transA, bool transB, int M,
int N, int K, T alpha, const T *A,
int lda, const T *B, int ldb,
T beta, T *C, int ldc) const {
// Note that cublas follows fortran order, so the order is different from
// the cblas convention.
cublasOperation_t cuTransA = transA ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
cublasOperation_t cuTransB = transB ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
if (FLAGS_enable_cublas_tensor_op_math && std::is_same<T, float>::value) {
auto &cuda_ctx = const_cast<platform::CUDADeviceContext &>(context_);
CUBlas<T>::GEMM_EX(&cuda_ctx, cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K, &alpha, B,
CUDA_R_32F, ldb, A, CUDA_R_32F, lda, &beta, C,
CUDA_R_32F, ldc);
} else {
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
CUBlas<T>::GEMM(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K,
&alpha, B, ldb, A, lda, &beta, C, ldc);
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 8000
template <>
template <>
inline void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::GEMM(
bool transA, bool transB, int M, int N, int K, platform::float16 alpha,
const platform::float16 *A, int lda, const platform::float16 *B, int ldb,
platform::float16 beta, platform::float16 *C, int ldc) const {
// Note that cublas follows fortran order, so the order is different from
// the cblas convention.
cublasOperation_t cuTransA = transA ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
cublasOperation_t cuTransB = transB ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
CUBlas<platform::float16>::GEMM(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA,
N, M, K, &alpha, B, ldb, A, lda, &beta, C,
template <>
template <typename T>
void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::AXPY(int n, T alpha, const T *x,
T *y) const {
CUBlas<T>::AXPY(context_.cublas_handle(), n, &alpha, x, 1, y, 1);
template <>
template <typename T>
void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::GEMV(bool trans_a, int M, int N,
T alpha, const T *A, const T *B,
T beta, T *C) const {
cublasOperation_t cuTransA = !trans_a ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
CUBlas<T>::GEMV(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransA, N, M, &alpha, A, N, B, 1,
&beta, C, 1);
template <>
template <typename T>
void Blas<platform::CUDADeviceContext>::BatchedGEMM(
CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transA, CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transB, int M, int N, int K,
T alpha, const T *A, const T *B, T beta, T *C, int batchCount,
int64_t strideA, int64_t strideB) const {
// Note that cublas follows fortran order, so the order is different from
// the cblas convention.
int lda = (transA == CblasNoTrans) ? K : M;
int ldb = (transB == CblasNoTrans) ? N : K;
int ldc = N;
cublasOperation_t cuTransA =
(transA == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
cublasOperation_t cuTransB =
(transB == CblasNoTrans) ? CUBLAS_OP_N : CUBLAS_OP_T;
const int64_t strideC = M * N;
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 9010
if (FLAGS_enable_cublas_tensor_op_math && std::is_same<T, float>::value) {
auto cublas_call = [&]() {
cublasGemmAlgo_t algo = CUBLAS_GEMM_DFALT;
bool use_tensor_op_math = platform::TensorCoreAvailable();
if (use_tensor_op_math) {
VLOG(5) << "use_tensor_op_math: "
<< (use_tensor_op_math ? "True" : "False");
context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA, N, M, K, &alpha, B,
CUDA_R_32F, ldb, strideB, A, CUDA_R_32F, lda, strideA, &beta, C,
CUDA_R_32F, ldc, strideC, batchCount, CUDA_R_32F, algo));
auto &dev_ctx = const_cast<platform::CUDADeviceContext &>(context_);
dev_ctx.CublasCall(cublas_call, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH);
} else {
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 9010
CUBlas<T>::GEMM_STRIDED_BATCH(context_.cublas_handle(), cuTransB, cuTransA,
N, M, K, &alpha, B, ldb, strideB, A, lda,
strideA, &beta, C, ldc, strideC, batchCount);
#if CUDA_VERSION >= 9010
#endif // CUDA_VERSION >= 9010
} // namespace math
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle