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# copyright (c) 2018 paddlepaddle authors. all rights reserved.
# licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
# you may obtain a copy of the license at
# unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
# without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
# see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the license.
import unittest
import sys
from test_calibration_resnet50 import TestCalibration
class TestCalibrationForMobilenetv1(TestCalibration):
def download_model(self):
# mobilenetv1 fp32 data
data_urls = [
data_md5s = ['13892b0716d26443a8cdea15b3c6438b']
self.model_cache_folder = self.download_data(data_urls, data_md5s,
self.model = "MobileNet-V1"
self.algo = "KL"
def test_calibration(self):
print("Start FP32 inference for {0} on {1} images ...").format(
self.model, self.infer_iterations * self.batch_size)
(fp32_throughput, fp32_latency,
fp32_acc1) = self.run_program(self.model_cache_folder + "/model")
print("Start INT8 calibration for {0} on {1} images ...").format(
self.model, self.sample_iterations * self.batch_size)
self.model_cache_folder + "/model", True, algo=self.algo)
print("Start INT8 inference for {0} on {1} images ...").format(
self.model, self.infer_iterations * self.batch_size)
(int8_throughput, int8_latency,
int8_acc1) = self.run_program(self.int8_model)
delta_value = fp32_acc1 - int8_acc1
self.assertLess(delta_value, 0.01)
"FP32 {0}: batch_size {1}, throughput {2} images/second, latency {3} second, accuracy {4}".
format(self.model, self.batch_size, fp32_throughput, fp32_latency,
"INT8 {0}: batch_size {1}, throughput {2} images/second, latency {3} second, accuracy {4}".
format(self.model, self.batch_size, int8_throughput, int8_latency,
if __name__ == '__main__':