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#include <majel/place.h>
namespace majel {
namespace detail {
class PlacePrinter : public boost::static_visitor<> {
std::ostream& os_;
PlacePrinter(std::ostream& os) : os_(os) {}
void operator()(const CpuPlace&) { os_ << "CpuPlace"; }
void operator()(const GpuPlace& p) { os_ << "GpuPlace(" << p.device << ")"; }
} // namespace majel
static Place the_default_place;
void set_place(const Place& place) { the_default_place = place; }
const Place& get_place() { return the_default_place; }
const GpuPlace default_gpu() { return GpuPlace(0); }
const CpuPlace default_cpu() { return CpuPlace(); }
bool is_gpu_place(const Place& p) {
return boost::apply_visitor(IsGpuPlace(), p);
bool is_cpu_place(const Place& p) {
return !boost::apply_visitor(IsGpuPlace(), p);
bool places_are_same_class(const Place& p1, const Place& p2) {
return is_gpu_place(p1) == is_gpu_place(p2);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const majel::Place& p) {
majel::detail::PlacePrinter printer(os);
boost::apply_visitor(printer, p);
return os;
} // namespace majel