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42 lines
771 B

digraph G{
subgraph cluster_timestep0 {
label="recurrent timestep i-1"
node [style=filled,color=white]
fc0_0 [label="fc 0"]
fc0_1 [label="fc 1"]
fc0_2 [label="fc 2"]
fc0_0 -> fc0_1
fc0_1 -> fc0_2
subgraph cluster_timestep1 {
label="recurrent timestep i"
node [style=filled];
fc1_0 [label="fc 0"]
fc1_1 [label="fc 1"]
fc1_2 [label="fc 2"]
fc1_0 -> fc1_1
fc1_1 -> fc1_2
subgraph cluster_timestep2 {
label="recurrent timestep i+1"
node [style=filled,color=white]
fc2_0 [label="fc 0"]
fc2_1 [label="fc 1"]
fc2_2 [label="fc 2"]
fc2_0 -> fc2_1
fc2_1 -> fc2_2
fc0_1 -> fc1_1 [style="dotted" constraint=false]
fc1_1 -> fc2_1 [style="dotted" constraint=false]