1257 lines
40 KiB
1257 lines
40 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/gserver/evaluators/Evaluator.h"
#include "paddle/utils/Stat.h"
#include "paddle/gserver/gradientmachines/NeuralNetwork.h"
namespace paddle {
void Evaluator::eval(const NeuralNetwork& nn) {
std::vector<Argument> arguments;
for (const std::string& name : config_.input_layers()) {
SetDevice device(arguments[0].deviceId);
real score = evalImp(arguments);
totalScore_ += score;
* @brief classification error Evaluator
* The config file api is classification_error_evaluator.
class ClassificationErrorEvaluator : public Evaluator {
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
if (3 == arguments.size()) {
numSamples_ += arguments[2].value->getSum();
} else {
numSamples_ += arguments[0].getBatchSize();
MatrixPtr calcError(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), (size_t)2);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), (size_t)3);
MatrixPtr& output = arguments[0].value;
IVectorPtr& label = arguments[1].ids;
MatrixPtr& multiBinaryLabel = arguments[1].value; // For multi binary label
bool supportWeight = (3 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
MatrixPtr weight = supportWeight ? arguments[2].value : nullptr;
if (nullptr == output ||
(nullptr == label && nullptr == multiBinaryLabel) ||
(supportWeight && nullptr == weight)) {
return 0;
if (label != nullptr) {
CHECK_EQ(label->getSize(), output->getHeight());
} else {
CHECK_EQ(multiBinaryLabel->getHeight(), output->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ(multiBinaryLabel->getWidth(), output->getWidth());
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(output->getHeight(), weight->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ((size_t)1, weight->getWidth());
const MatrixPtr errorMat = Matrix::create(output->getHeight(),
/* trans= */ false,
if (label != nullptr) {
errorMat->classificationError(output, label);
} else if (dynamic_cast<CpuSparseMatrix*>(multiBinaryLabel.get()) ||
dynamic_cast<GpuSparseMatrix*>(multiBinaryLabel.get())) {
*output, *multiBinaryLabel, config_.classification_threshold());
} else {
0, *output, *multiBinaryLabel, config_.classification_threshold());
if (supportWeight) {
errorMat->dotMul(*errorMat, *weight);
return errorMat;
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
MatrixPtr errorMat = calcError(arguments);
return errorMat->getSum();
virtual void distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
* @brief sequence classification error Evaluator
* @note sequence level classification error stats,
* if any frame in one sequence has error, the sequence is error
class SequenceClassificationErrorEvaluator
: public ClassificationErrorEvaluator {
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
numSamples_ += arguments[0].getNumSequences();
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
auto sequenceStartPositions =
CHECK(sequenceStartPositions != nullptr);
const int* starts = sequenceStartPositions->getData();
MatrixPtr errorMat = calcError(arguments);
int errCounter = 0;
CpuVector errorVec(0, nullptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < sequenceStartPositions->getSize() - 1; ++i) {
errorMat->getData(), starts[i], starts[i + 1] - starts[i]);
if (errorVec.getSum() > 0) {
errCounter += 1;
return static_cast<real>(errCounter);
virtual void distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
* @brief sum Evaluator
* Calculate the sum of output or label
* The config file api is sum_evaluator.
class SumEvaluator : public Evaluator {
SumEvaluator() : cpuLabel_(nullptr), cpuWeight_(nullptr) {}
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
if (2 == arguments.size()) {
numSamples_ += arguments[1].value->getSum();
} else {
numSamples_ += arguments[0].getBatchSize();
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), (size_t)1);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), (size_t)2);
bool supportWeight = (2 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
if (supportWeight) {
if (nullptr == arguments[1].value) {
return 0;
CHECK_EQ(arguments[1].value->getWidth(), (size_t)1);
// The sum of output
if (arguments[0].value) {
if (supportWeight) {
MatrixPtr tmpMat = Matrix::create(arguments[0].value->getHeight(),
/* trans= */ false,
tmpMat->rowScale(0, *tmpMat, *arguments[1].value);
return tmpMat->getSum();
} else {
return arguments[0].value->getSum();
// The sum of label
} else if (arguments[0].ids) {
size_t insNum = arguments[0].ids->getSize();
IVectorPtr label = arguments[0].ids;
MatrixPtr weight = supportWeight ? arguments[1].value : nullptr;
if (dynamic_cast<GpuIVector*>(label.get())) {
IVector::resizeOrCreate(cpuLabel_, insNum, false);
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, arguments[1].value->getHeight());
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuWeight_, insNum, (size_t)1, false, false);
label = cpuLabel_;
weight = cpuWeight_;
if (supportWeight) {
real score = 0.0;
int* labelD = label->getData();
real* weightD = weight->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < insNum; ++i) {
score += (labelD[i] * weightD[i]);
return score;
} else {
return label->getSum();
} else {
return 0;
virtual void distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
IVectorPtr cpuLabel_;
MatrixPtr cpuWeight_;
* @brief column sum Evaluator
* @note column sum for the colIdx-th column *
* - colIdx = 0: the 0-th column.
* - colIdx > 0: the colIdx-th column.
* - colIdx < 0: the last colIdx-th column.
* The config file api is column_sum_evaluator.
class ColumnSumEvaluator : public Evaluator {
explicit ColumnSumEvaluator(int32_t colIdx)
: colIdx_(colIdx), colNum_(0), sum_(nullptr) {}
virtual void start() {
if (nullptr != sum_) {
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
if (2 == arguments.size()) {
numSamples_ += arguments[1].value->getSum();
} else {
numSamples_ += arguments[0].getBatchSize();
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), (size_t)1);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), (size_t)2);
bool supportWeight = (2 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
if (nullptr == arguments[0].value ||
(supportWeight && nullptr == arguments[1].value)) {
return 0;
size_t insNum = arguments[0].value->getHeight();
size_t colNum = arguments[0].value->getWidth();
if (nullptr == sum_) {
sum_ = Matrix::create((size_t)1, colNum, false, /* useGpu */ false);
colNum_ = colNum;
} else {
CHECK_EQ(colNum, sum_->getWidth());
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, arguments[1].value->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ((size_t)1, arguments[1].value->getWidth());
MatrixPtr tmpMat = Matrix::create(insNum, colNum);
if (arguments[0].value->useGpu()) {
if (!arguments[1].value->useGpu()) {
if (!arguments[0].value->useGpu()) {
tmpMat->rowScale(0, *arguments[0].value, *arguments[1].value);
} else {
tmpMat->rowScale(0, *tmpMat, *arguments[1].value);
} else {
MatrixPtr tmp2 = Matrix::create(insNum, 1);
if (!arguments[0].value->useGpu()) {
tmpMat->rowScale(0, *arguments[0].value, *tmp2);
} else {
tmpMat->rowScale(0, *tmpMat, *tmp2);
} else {
if (!arguments[0].value->useGpu()) {
} else {
MatrixPtr tmpMat = Matrix::create(insNum, colNum);
return 0;
virtual void printStats(std::ostream& os) const {
CHECK(colIdx_ + (int32_t)colNum_ >= 0 && colIdx_ - (int32_t)colNum_ < 0)
<< "column index [" << colIdx_ << "] out of range [-" << colNum_ << ", "
<< colNum_ << ")";
size_t colIdx = 0;
if (colIdx_ >= 0) {
colIdx = colIdx_;
} else {
colIdx = colNum_ + colIdx_;
os << config_.name() << "="
<< (numSamples_ ? sum_->getElement(0, colIdx) / numSamples_ : 0);
void distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
sum_->getData(), sum_->getData(), colNum_, FLAGS_trainer_id, 0);
client->reduce(&numSamples_, &numSamples_, 1, FLAGS_trainer_id, 0);
ColumnSumEvaluator() {}
int32_t colIdx_;
size_t colNum_;
MatrixPtr sum_; /* cpu matrix */
void AucEvaluator::start() {
memset(statPos_, 0, sizeof(statPos_));
memset(statNeg_, 0, sizeof(statNeg_));
real AucEvaluator::evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), (size_t)2);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), (size_t)3);
MatrixPtr output = arguments[0].value;
IVectorPtr label = arguments[1].ids;
bool supportWeight = (3 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
MatrixPtr weight = supportWeight ? arguments[2].value : nullptr;
if (nullptr == output || nullptr == label ||
(supportWeight && nullptr == weight)) {
return 0;
size_t insNum = output->getHeight();
size_t outputDim = output->getWidth();
CHECK_EQ(insNum, label->getSize());
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, weight->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ((size_t)1, weight->getWidth());
CHECK(colIdx_ + (int32_t)outputDim >= 0 && colIdx_ - (int32_t)outputDim < 0)
<< "column index [" << colIdx_ << "] out of range [-" << outputDim << ", "
<< outputDim << ")";
realColumnIdx_ = 0;
if (colIdx_ >= 0) {
realColumnIdx_ = colIdx_;
} else {
realColumnIdx_ = outputDim + colIdx_;
if (dynamic_cast<GpuMatrix*>(output.get())) {
/* trans=*/false,
/* useGpu=*/false);
IVector::resizeOrCreate(cpuLabel_, insNum, false);
if (supportWeight) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuWeight_, insNum, (size_t)1, false, false);
output = cpuOutput_;
label = cpuLabel_;
weight = cpuWeight_;
real* outputD = output->getData();
int* labelD = label->getData();
real* weightD = supportWeight ? weight->getData() : nullptr;
size_t pos = realColumnIdx_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < insNum; ++i) {
real value = outputD[pos];
uint32_t binIdx = static_cast<uint32_t>(value * kBinNum_);
CHECK(binIdx <= kBinNum_) << "bin index [" << binIdx
<< "] out of range, predict value[" << value
<< "]";
real w = supportWeight ? weightD[i] : 1.0;
if (labelD[i] == kNegativeLabel_) {
statNeg_[binIdx] += w;
} else {
statPos_[binIdx] += w;
pos += outputDim;
return 0;
void AucEvaluator::distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
client->reduce(statPos_, statPos_, kBinNum_ + 1, FLAGS_trainer_id, 0);
client->reduce(statNeg_, statNeg_, kBinNum_ + 1, FLAGS_trainer_id, 0);
double AucEvaluator::calcAuc() const {
double totPos = 0.0;
double totNeg = 0.0;
double totPosPrev = 0.0;
double totNegPrev = 0.0;
double auc = 0.0;
int64_t idx = kBinNum_;
while (idx >= 0) {
totPosPrev = totPos;
totNegPrev = totNeg;
totPos += statPos_[idx];
totNeg += statNeg_[idx];
auc += trapezoidArea(totNeg, totNegPrev, totPos, totPosPrev);
if (totPos > 0.0 && totNeg > 0.0) {
return auc / totPos / totNeg;
} else {
return 0.0;
// class RankAucEvaluator
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(rankauc, RankAucEvaluator);
void RankAucEvaluator::start() { Evaluator::start(); }
void RankAucEvaluator::updateSamplesNum(
const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
numSamples_ += arguments[0].getNumSequences();
real RankAucEvaluator::evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), 2U);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), 3U);
double batchAuc = 0.0;
output_ = arguments[0].value;
click_ = arguments[1].value;
size_t batchSize = output_->getHeight();
CHECK(!output_->useGpu()) << "RankAUC evaluator does not support GPU!";
if (arguments.size() == 3U) {
pv_ = arguments[2].value;
} else {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(pv_, batchSize, 1, false, false);
std::fill(pv_->getData(), pv_->getData() + batchSize, 1.0);
real* outputData = output_->getData();
real* clickData = click_->getData();
real* pvData = pv_->getData();
auto startPos = arguments[0].sequenceStartPositions->getVector(false);
const int* startPosData = startPos->getData();
size_t batchNum = startPos->getSize() - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < batchNum; ++i) {
int beginPos = startPosData[i];
int endPos = startPosData[i + 1];
batchAuc += calcRankAuc(outputData + beginPos,
clickData + beginPos,
pvData + beginPos,
endPos - beginPos);
return batchAuc;
double RankAucEvaluator::calcRankAuc(real* outputData,
real* clickData,
real* pvData,
size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
outputPair_.push_back(std::make_pair(outputData[i], i));
[](const std::pair<real, int>& a, const std::pair<real, int>& b) {
return a.first > b.first;
double aucTmp = 0.0;
double clickSum = 0.0;
double oldClickSum = 0.0;
double noClick = 0.0;
double noClickSum = 0.0;
double lastScore = outputPair_[0].first + 1.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
if (lastScore != outputPair_[i].first) {
aucTmp += (clickSum + oldClickSum) * noClick / 2.0;
oldClickSum = clickSum;
noClick = 0.0;
lastScore = outputPair_[i].first;
size_t id = outputPair_[i].second;
noClick += pvData[id] - clickData[id];
noClickSum += noClick;
clickSum += clickData[id];
aucTmp += (clickSum + oldClickSum) * noClick / 2.0;
return (clickSum * noClickSum) == 0.0 ? 0.0
: aucTmp / (clickSum * noClickSum);
// class PrecisionRecallEvaluator
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(precision_recall, PrecisionRecallEvaluator);
void PrecisionRecallEvaluator::start() {
real PrecisionRecallEvaluator::evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), (size_t)2);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), (size_t)3);
MatrixPtr output = arguments[0].value;
IVectorPtr label = arguments[1].ids;
MatrixPtr multiBinaryLabel = arguments[1].value;
bool supportWeight = (3 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
MatrixPtr weight = supportWeight ? arguments[2].value : nullptr;
if (nullptr == output || (nullptr == label && nullptr == multiBinaryLabel) ||
(supportWeight && nullptr == weight)) {
return 0;
size_t insNum = output->getHeight();
size_t outputDim = output->getWidth();
if (label != nullptr) {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, label->getSize());
} else {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, multiBinaryLabel->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ(outputDim, multiBinaryLabel->getWidth());
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(insNum, weight->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ((size_t)1, weight->getWidth());
if (statsInfo_.size() != outputDim) {
isMultiBinaryLabel_ = (nullptr == label) ? true : false;
if (label != nullptr) {
if (dynamic_cast<GpuMatrix*>(output.get())) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuOutput_, insNum, outputDim, false, false);
IVector::resizeOrCreate(cpuLabel_, insNum, false);
if (supportWeight) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuWeight_, insNum, (size_t)1, false, false);
output = cpuOutput_;
label = cpuLabel_;
weight = cpuWeight_;
calcStatsInfo(output, label, weight);
} else {
// Not support GPU for multi binary labels
calcStatsInfoMulti(output, multiBinaryLabel, weight);
return 0;
void PrecisionRecallEvaluator::printStats(std::ostream& os) const {
int label = config_.positive_label();
if (label != -1) {
CHECK(label >= 0 && label < (int)statsInfo_.size())
<< "positive_label [" << label << "] should be in range [0, "
<< statsInfo_.size() << ")";
double precision =
calcPrecision(statsInfo_[label].TP, statsInfo_[label].FP);
double recall = calcRecall(statsInfo_[label].TP, statsInfo_[label].FN);
os << "positive_label=" << label << " precision=" << precision
<< " recall=" << recall
<< " F1-score=" << calcF1Score(precision, recall);
// micro average method: precision = (TP1+TP2)/(TP1+FP1+TP2+FP2)
// macro average method: precision = (precision1+precision2)/2
double microTotalTP = 0;
double microTotalFP = 0;
double microTotalFN = 0;
double macroAvgPrecision = 0;
double macroAvgRecall = 0;
size_t numLabels = statsInfo_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numLabels; ++i) {
microTotalTP += statsInfo_[i].TP;
microTotalFP += statsInfo_[i].FP;
microTotalFN += statsInfo_[i].FN;
macroAvgPrecision += calcPrecision(statsInfo_[i].TP, statsInfo_[i].FP);
macroAvgRecall += calcRecall(statsInfo_[i].TP, statsInfo_[i].FN);
macroAvgPrecision /= numLabels;
macroAvgRecall /= numLabels;
double macroAvgF1Score = calcF1Score(macroAvgPrecision, macroAvgRecall);
os << "macro-average-precision=" << macroAvgPrecision
<< " macro-average-recall=" << macroAvgRecall
<< " macro-average-F1-score=" << macroAvgF1Score;
double microAvgPrecision = calcPrecision(microTotalTP, microTotalFP);
double microAvgRecall = calcPrecision(microTotalTP, microTotalFN);
double microAvgF1Score = calcF1Score(microAvgPrecision, microAvgRecall);
if (!isMultiBinaryLabel_) {
// precision and recall are equal in this case
os << " micro-average-precision=" << microAvgPrecision;
} else {
os << " micro-average-precision=" << microAvgPrecision
<< " micro-average-recall=" << microAvgRecall
<< " micro-average-F1-score=" << microAvgF1Score;
void PrecisionRecallEvaluator::calcStatsInfo(const MatrixPtr& output,
const IVectorPtr& label,
const MatrixPtr& weight) {
size_t insNum = output->getHeight();
size_t dim = output->getWidth();
real* outputD = output->getData();
int* labelD = label->getData();
real* weightD = (weight != nullptr) ? weight->getData() : nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < insNum; ++i) {
CHECK_GE(labelD[i], 0);
CHECK_LT((size_t)labelD[i], dim);
size_t maxIdx = 0;
real maxValue = outputD[i * dim];
for (size_t j = 1; j < dim; ++j) {
size_t idx = i * dim + j;
if (maxValue < outputD[idx]) {
maxIdx = j;
maxValue = outputD[idx];
real w = (weightD != nullptr) ? weightD[i] : 1.0;
if (maxIdx == (size_t)labelD[i]) {
statsInfo_[maxIdx].TP += w; // true positive for labelD[i]
// true negative for all labels except for labelD[i]
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
statsInfo_[j].TN += w;
statsInfo_[maxIdx].TN -= w;
} else {
statsInfo_[labelD[i]].FN += w; // false negative for labelD[i]
statsInfo_[maxIdx].FP += w; // false positive for maxIdx
// true negatives for all labels except for maxIdx and labelD[i]
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
statsInfo_[j].TN += w;
statsInfo_[maxIdx].TN -= w;
statsInfo_[labelD[i]].TN -= w;
void PrecisionRecallEvaluator::calcStatsInfoMulti(const MatrixPtr& output,
const MatrixPtr& label,
const MatrixPtr& weight) {
size_t insNum = output->getHeight();
size_t dim = output->getWidth();
real* outputD = output->getData();
auto labelD = dynamic_cast<CpuSparseMatrix*>(label.get());
real* weightD = (weight != nullptr) ? weight->getData() : nullptr;
real threshold = config_.classification_threshold();
for (size_t i = 0; i < insNum; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
real w = (weightD != nullptr) ? weightD[i] : 1.0;
size_t idx = i * dim + j;
if (outputD[idx] < threshold) {
statsInfo_[j].TN += w; // true negative
} else {
statsInfo_[j].FP += w; // false positive
const int* cols = labelD->getRowCols(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < labelD->getColNum(i); ++j) {
CHECK_LT(size_t(cols[j]), dim);
real w = (weightD != nullptr) ? weightD[i] : 1.0;
size_t idx = i * dim + cols[j];
if (outputD[idx] < threshold) {
statsInfo_[cols[j]].FN += w; // false negative
statsInfo_[cols[j]].TN -= w; // true negative
} else {
statsInfo_[cols[j]].TP += w; // true positive
statsInfo_[cols[j]].FP -= w; // false positive
void PrecisionRecallEvaluator::distributeEval(ParameterClient2* client) {
size_t size = 4 * statsInfo_.size();
double* buf = new double[size];
for (size_t i = 0; i < statsInfo_.size(); ++i) {
buf[4 * i + 0] = statsInfo_[i].TP;
buf[4 * i + 1] = statsInfo_[i].TN;
buf[4 * i + 2] = statsInfo_[i].FP;
buf[4 * i + 3] = statsInfo_[i].FN;
client->reduce(buf, buf, size, FLAGS_trainer_id, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < statsInfo_.size(); ++i) {
statsInfo_[i].TP = buf[4 * i + 0];
statsInfo_[i].TN = buf[4 * i + 1];
statsInfo_[i].FP = buf[4 * i + 2];
statsInfo_[i].FN = buf[4 * i + 3];
delete[] buf;
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(pnpair, PnpairEvaluator);
void PnpairEvaluator::start() {
memset(pairArray_, 0, sizeof(pairArray_));
real PnpairEvaluator::evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), 3UL);
CHECK_LE(arguments.size(), 4UL);
MatrixPtr output = arguments[0].value;
IVectorPtr label = arguments[1].ids;
IVectorPtr info = arguments[2].ids;
bool supportWeight = (4 == arguments.size()) ? true : false;
MatrixPtr weight = supportWeight ? arguments[3].value : nullptr;
if (nullptr == output || nullptr == label ||
(supportWeight && nullptr == weight)) {
return 0;
size_t height = output->getHeight();
size_t width = output->getWidth();
CHECK_EQ(height, label->getSize());
CHECK_EQ(height, info->getSize());
if (supportWeight) {
CHECK_EQ(height, weight->getHeight());
CHECK_EQ((size_t)1, weight->getWidth());
if (dynamic_cast<GpuMatrix*>(output.get())) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuOutput_, height, width, false, false);
IVector::resizeOrCreate(cpuLabel_, height, false);
IVector::resizeOrCreate(cpuInfo_, height, false);
output = cpuOutput_;
label = cpuLabel_;
info = cpuInfo_;
if (supportWeight) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(cpuWeight_, height, (size_t)1, false, false);
weight = cpuWeight_;
real* outputs = output->getData();
int* labels = label->getData();
int* infos = info->getData();
real* weights = supportWeight ? weight->getData() : nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output->getHeight(); i++) {
real y1 = outputs[i * width + (width - 1)];
real w = supportWeight ? weights[i] : 1.0;
predictArray_.push_back(PredictionResult(y1, labels[i], infos[i], w));
return 0;
void PnpairEvaluator::stat(size_t start,
size_t end,
PredictionResult* answers,
double& pos,
double& neg,
double& spe) {
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < end; j++) {
CHECK_EQ(answers[i].queryid, answers[j].queryid);
// The pair weight is the mean of the two samples' weight
double weight = (answers[i].weight + answers[j].weight) / 2.0;
if (answers[i].label != answers[j].label) {
if ((answers[i].out > answers[j].out &&
answers[i].label > answers[j].label) ||
(answers[i].out < answers[j].out &&
answers[i].label < answers[j].label)) {
pos += weight;
} else if ((answers[i].out > answers[j].out &&
answers[i].label < answers[j].label) ||
(answers[i].out < answers[j].out &&
answers[i].label > answers[j].label)) {
neg += weight;
} else {
spe += weight;
void PnpairEvaluator::calc(std::vector<PredictionResult>& predictArray) {
[](const PredictionResult& x, const PredictionResult& y) {
return x.queryid < y.queryid;
double pos = 0;
double neg = 0;
double special = 0;
auto start = predictArray.begin();
while (start != predictArray.end()) {
auto end = std::find_if(
start + 1, predictArray.end(), [=](const PredictionResult& x) {
return x.queryid != start->queryid;
CHECK(end != start);
stat(start - predictArray.begin(),
end - predictArray.begin(),
start = end;
pairArray_[0] += pos;
pairArray_[1] += neg;
LOG(INFO) << " calc total pos pair: " << pos
<< " calc total neg pair: " << neg
<< " calc total special pair: " << special;
ClassRegistrar<Evaluator> Evaluator::registrar_;
Evaluator* Evaluator::create(const EvaluatorConfig& config) {
Evaluator* evaluator = nullptr;
if (config.type() == "classification_error") {
evaluator = new ClassificationErrorEvaluator();
} else if (config.type() == "sum") {
evaluator = new SumEvaluator();
} else if (config.type() == "last-column-sum") {
evaluator = new ColumnSumEvaluator(-1);
} else if (config.type() == "last-column-auc") {
evaluator = new AucEvaluator(-1);
} else {
evaluator = registrar_.createByType(config.type());
return evaluator;
* @brief print value of each layer.
* The config file api is value_printer_evaluator.
class ValuePrinter : public Evaluator {
ValuePrinter() {}
virtual void eval(const NeuralNetwork& nn) {
for (const std::string& name : config_.input_layers()) {
const Argument& argu = nn.getLayer(name)->getOutput();
if (argu.value) {
std::ostringstream os;
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " value matrix:\n" << os.str();
if (argu.ids) {
std::ostringstream os;
argu.ids->print(os, argu.ids->getSize());
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " ids vector:\n" << os.str();
if (auto startPos = argu.sequenceStartPositions) {
std::ostringstream os;
startPos->getVector(false)->print(os, startPos->getSize());
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " sequence pos vector:\n" << os.str();
if (auto subStartPos = argu.subSequenceStartPositions) {
std::ostringstream os;
subStartPos->getVector(false)->print(os, subStartPos->getSize());
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " sub-sequence pos vector:\n"
<< os.str();
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) { return 0; }
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(value_printer, ValuePrinter);
* @brief print gradient of each layer.
* The config file api is gradient_printer_evaluator.
class GradientPrinter : public Evaluator {
GradientPrinter() {}
virtual void eval(const NeuralNetwork& nn) {
for (const std::string& name : config_.input_layers()) {
const Argument& argu = nn.getLayer(name)->getOutput();
if (argu.grad) {
std::ostringstream os;
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " grad matrix:\n" << os.str();
if (auto startPos = argu.sequenceStartPositions) {
std::ostringstream os;
startPos->getVector(false)->print(os, startPos->getSize());
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " sequence pos vector:\n" << os.str();
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) { return 0; }
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(gradient_printer, GradientPrinter);
* @brief print row max id vctor of each layer
* The config file api is maxid_printer_evaluator.
class MaxIdPrinter : public Evaluator {
IVectorPtr maxIds_;
MatrixPtr maxValues_;
MaxIdPrinter() {}
virtual void eval(const NeuralNetwork& nn) {
for (const std::string& name : config_.input_layers()) {
const Argument& argu = nn.getLayer(name)->getOutput();
if (argu.value) {
size_t height = argu.value->getHeight();
size_t width = config_.num_results();
IVector::resizeOrCreate(maxIds_, height * width, false);
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(maxValues_, height, width, false);
argu.value->rowMax(*maxIds_, *maxValues_);
std::ostringstream os;
int* ids = maxIds_->getData();
real* values = maxValues_->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
size_t pos = i * width + j;
os << ids[pos] << " : " << values[pos] << ", ";
os << std::endl;
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " row max id vector:\n" << os.str();
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) { return 0; }
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(max_id_printer, MaxIdPrinter);
* @brief print sequence max frames of each layer
* The config file api is maxframe_printer_evaluator.
class MaxFramePrinter : public Evaluator {
IVectorPtr maxIds_;
MatrixPtr maxValues_;
MatrixPtr value_;
MaxFramePrinter() {
value_ =
Matrix::create(nullptr, /* height= */ 1, 1, /* trans= */ false, false);
virtual void eval(const NeuralNetwork& nn) {
for (const std::string& name : config_.input_layers()) {
const Argument& argu = nn.getLayer(name)->getOutput();
CHECK_EQ(argu.value->getWidth(), 1LU);
size_t numSequences = argu.getNumSequences();
const int* starts = argu.sequenceStartPositions->getData(false);
std::ostringstream os;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; ++i) {
size_t offset = starts[i];
size_t size = starts[i + 1] - starts[i];
value_->setData(argu.value->getData() + offset, 1LU, size);
size_t height = 1LU;
size_t width = std::min((size_t)config_.num_results(), size);
IVector::resizeOrCreate(maxIds_, height * width, false);
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(maxValues_, height, width, false);
value_->rowMax(*maxIds_, *maxValues_);
int* ids = maxIds_->getData();
real* values = maxValues_->getData();
for (size_t j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
os << ids[j] << " : " << values[j] << ", ";
os << "total " << size << " frames" << std::endl;
LOG(INFO) << "layer=" << name << " sequence max frames:\n" << os.str();
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) { return 0; }
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(max_frame_printer, MaxFramePrinter);
* @brief print text according to index matrix and a dictionary.
* There can be multiple input to this layer:
* - If there is only one input, the input must be a matrix containing
* the sequence of indices;
* - If there are more than one input, the first input should be ids,
* and are interpreted as sample ids.
* The output format will be:
* - sequence without sub-sequence, and there is probability.
* @code
* id \t prob space_seperated_tokens_from_dictionary_according_to_seq
* @endcode
* - sequence without sub-sequence, and there is not probability.
* @code
* id \t space_seperated_tokens_from_dictionary_according_to_seq
* @endcode
* - sequence with sub-sequence, and there is not probability.
* @code
* id \t space_seperated_tokens_from_dictionary_according_to_sub_seq
* \t \t space_seperated_tokens_from_dictionary_according_to_sub_seq
* ...
* @endcode
* Typically SequenceTextPrinter layer takes output of maxid or RecurrentGroup
* with maxid (when generating) as an input.
* The config file api is seqtext_printer_evaluator.
class SequenceTextPrinter : public Evaluator {
/// dict_file, which contains a list of tokens
std::vector<std::string> dict_;
/// result_file, which is the output file
std::ofstream os_;
/// True/False, to indicate whether to use space to separate output tokens.
/// Default is True. No space is added if set to False.
bool delimited_;
/// store the cpu version of argument.ids
std::vector<IVectorPtr> cpuIds_;
/// store the probability associated with each sequence
std::vector<MatrixPtr> cpuIn_;
SequenceTextPrinter() {}
virtual void init(const EvaluatorConfig& config) {
if (!config.dict_file().empty()) {
loadFileList(config.dict_file(), dict_);
os_.open(config.result_file(), std::ofstream::trunc);
CHECK(os_.is_open()) << "Failed to open file " << config.result_file();
delimited_ = config.delimited();
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
CHECK_GE(arguments.size(), 1LU);
bool hasId = arguments.size() > 1;
size_t numSequences = arguments[0].getNumSequences();
if (hasId) {
CHECK_EQ(arguments[0].ids->getSize(), numSequences)
<< "first input must be sample id.";
for (size_t i = hasId ? 1 : 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
CHECK_EQ((size_t)arguments[i].getNumSequences(), numSequences);
auto resizeVector = [](IVectorPtr& dest, const IVectorPtr& src) {
if (src && src->useGpu()) {
IVector::resizeOrCreate(dest, src->getSize(), false);
} else {
dest = src;
auto resizeMatrix = [](MatrixPtr& dest, const MatrixPtr& src) {
if (src && src->useGpu()) {
dest, src->getHeight(), src->getWidth(), false, false);
} else {
dest = src;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
resizeVector(cpuIds_[i], arguments[i].ids);
resizeMatrix(cpuIn_[i], arguments[i].in);
int* sampleIds = nullptr;
if (hasId) {
sampleIds = cpuIds_[0]->getData();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numSequences; ++i) {
os_ << (hasId ? sampleIds[i] : i);
for (size_t j = hasId ? 1 : 0; j < arguments.size(); ++j) {
int* output = cpuIds_[j]->getData();
const int* starts = arguments[j].sequenceStartPositions->getData(false);
auto seqPrint = [&](int start, int end) {
os_ << "\t";
for (int k = start; k < end; k++) {
int id = output[k];
os_ << (delimited_ ? " " : "");
if (!dict_.empty()) {
CHECK_LT((size_t)id, dict_.size());
os_ << dict_[id];
} else {
os_ << id;
if (arguments[j].hasSubseq()) {
// print sequence with sub-sequence
const int* subStarts =
int subSeqId_start = 0;
int subSeqId_end = 0;
for (size_t k = 0; k < (size_t)arguments[j].getNumSubSequences() + 1;
++k) {
if (starts[i] == subStarts[k]) subSeqId_start = k;
if (starts[i + 1] == subStarts[k]) subSeqId_end = k;
for (int k = subSeqId_start; k < subSeqId_end; k++) {
seqPrint(subStarts[k], subStarts[k + 1]);
os_ << std::endl;
} else {
// print sequence without sub-sequence
if (arguments[j].in) { // beam print
real* probs = cpuIn_[j]->rowBuf(i);
os_ << std::endl;
int start = starts[i];
int seqEnd = starts[i + 1];
for (size_t k = 0; k < arguments[j].in->getWidth(); ++k) {
if (start == seqEnd) {
int end = start + output[start] + 2;
CHECK_LE(end, seqEnd);
CHECK_EQ(output[end - 1], -1);
os_ << k << "\t" << probs[k];
seqPrint(start + 1, end - 1);
os_ << std::endl;
start = end;
} else {
seqPrint(starts[i], starts[i + 1]);
os_ << std::endl;
return 0;
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(seq_text_printer, SequenceTextPrinter);
* @brief print classification error.
* The config file api is classification_error_printer_evaluator.
class ClassificationErrorPrinter : public ClassificationErrorEvaluator {
virtual void updateSamplesNum(const std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {}
virtual real evalImp(std::vector<Argument>& arguments) {
MatrixPtr errorMat = calcError(arguments);
std::ostringstream os;
LOG(INFO) << "Printer=" << config_.name() << " Classification Error:\n"
<< os.str();
if (auto startPos = arguments[0].sequenceStartPositions) {
std::ostringstream os;
startPos->getVector(false)->print(os, startPos->getSize());
LOG(INFO) << "Printer=" << config_.name() << " sequence pos vector:\n"
<< os.str();
return 0;
REGISTER_EVALUATOR(classification_error_printer, ClassificationErrorPrinter);
} // namespace paddle